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Spence Watson

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Everything posted by Spence Watson

  1. Sorry for the delay. Just returned home from the West Coast Rev Clinic where internet access on my laptop was quite limited. I checked through the site in IE9 and found no issues. I checked any urls that were in your last post, and had no issues, with the exception to the .js file, which wouldn't be used as a web page anway. I also tested signing in, and had no issue with 404 errors. If you are using an old version of IE, I wouldnt be surprised if there were some issues. IE is bad enough when using an updated version. If this is the case, I would strongly recommend upgrading to Internet Explorer 9, or switching to another browser like FireFox or Chrome. Can you post a specific link to where you are finding these issues and/or the process that you undertook for these issues to occur? All feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks
  2. You should still be able to login to your Kitemail account through this link: http://readmail.kitemail.com. As far as adding a link to Kitelife, I'll look into it and keep you posted.
  3. Not sure what you are referring to... If you're looking for e-mail article submissions, you can always use the contatct page, or e-mail to staff[at]kitelife[dot]com If you are referring to KiteMail, I think that was discontinued some time ago
  4. The new Kitelife site is live! There are a few issues to be sorted out, but overall, it seems to be working the way it should. Gotta love it when that happens!


  5. The new Kitelife.com is now live. There are some issues, and we are aware of them. Bare with us as we get everything sorted. Feel free to post your thoughts, criticisms, or problems. Some issues may take a bit to resolve, but we are striving to get the site up to 100%. We also have archived a few years worth of old issues, and will be in the process of archiving the remaining issues for the next few months. In addition to the archived content, we have a fair amount of new articles posted as well, so please, enjoy the site If you are logged into the forum, you should be automatically logged into the new site. Users have the ability to comment and rate articles, so please feel free to do so. Thanks, Watty
  6. Here's some mylar shown on Kitebuilder.com: http://www.kitebuilder.com/catalog/index.php/cPath/24_174 Not sure what to do for coloring it.... The first idea that comes to mind would be to use a sharpie or some other colored perminant marker.
  7. Hi Jim! Welcome to the forum As Jeepster already mentioned, 300# is extremely heavy for a rev. 150# is more the standard as a heavy line (used for high wind or stacks) and 90# is the standard for flying normally. Remember that there are four lines, so if the kite is pulling 1200 lbs (300x4) then you have many other problems other than line strength. That said, I imagine you could fly a rev with 300# line in five mph if you practice enough. Ideally, I think you would want around 7-10 considering the line weight. I'm not much of a stacking guy, but Jeepster sounds like he's got this about right. With this line set, you could fly without any wind if you practice enough. The kite could easily be flown in 3-6 mph. Bare in mind my numbers are from the stand point of flying a single rev. There shouldn't be much of a difference when going to a stack, but like I said, I'm not much of a stacking guy.
  8. This might be because of transperency? Jpg doesnt support images with transparency, and will apply a solid background. For a finished logo, we would certainly want a .png with transparency. Works much better for the new site, which doesn't have a solid white background. If you have an on black version though, you'll want that black background for display on the forum. Perhaps something you already knew, but worth pointing out for its own sake.
  9. Yes, there's a pretty significant difference between the two. The wala is built with a curved spine, and a tight sail. The Skate is build with a streight spine and looser sail. You will alos notice that there is a significant difference in the shape of the sale. In flight, I found the Wala to be a bit more agile, but didn't have quite as nice of a glide as the skate.
  10. Awesome submissions so far! Keep it coming!
  11. I'll get the ball rolling and put in a few submissions. I have 3 designs with on-white and on-black versions of each. Because of my position within KiteLife, I will withdraw myself from the competition to provide a more fair and balanced contest for the rest.
  12. Looking forward to it! This will mark one year since I moved to Vancouver
  13. Aye, Chrome all the way. Provides a decent amount of add-ons and can be customized to my liking, it is sleek, compact, simple, and fast. Definitely the fastest web browser out there, and that's the kicker for me. And it's nice not to deal with excessive tool bars like in IE or Firefox. I wanna see the web page, not five different web search tool bars. My only complaint, is that it is not the most stable of browsers. Chrome itself doesn't crash too much, but the flash plugin seems to be having issues lately.
  14. Had an awesome day street kiting with John Barresi and Eli Russell.

  15. 120' lines are not mandatory but will definitely help your learning curve. Honestly, we're gonna fly with and near you if you think you are ready for it or not. It's not as big of a deal as you might think, and we will break you in quick. The learning curve increases dramatically when flying with others, so to make the most out of the clinic, I would certainly recommend it.
  16. Name: WSIKF 2011 - Spencer Watson Demo Category: Quad Line - Individual Date Added: 02 November 2011 - 09:27 AM Submitter: Watty Short Description: Spencer "Watty" Watson's demo at WSIKF 2011 View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  17. Name: WSIKF 2011 Indoor - Spence Watson - Don't Stop Me Now Category: Indoor - Individual Date Added: 02 November 2011 - 09:29 AM Submitter: Watty Short Description: Spencer Watson flying a demo at the Washington State International Kite Festival to the song "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  18. Name: WSIKF 2011 Indoor - Spencer Watson - Sleep Walking Category: Indoor - Individual Date Added: 02 November 2011 - 09:30 AM Submitter: Watty Short Description: Spencer Watson flying a demo at the Washington State International Kite Festival View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  19. Name: Spencer Watson - HDB Hub Singapore - Under Pressure Category: Indoor - Individual Date Added: 02 November 2011 - 09:30 AM Submitter: Watty Short Description: Spencer "Watty" Watson flies at HDB Hub in Singapore to "Under Pressure" by Queen. View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  20. Name: Spencer Watson - HDB Hub Singapore - Paint it Black Category: Indoor - Individual Date Added: 02 November 2011 - 09:33 AM Submitter: Watty Short Description: Spencer "Watty" Watson flies at HDB Hub in Singapore to "Paint it Black" by Apocalyptica. View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  21. Name: Portland Streets 2 Category: Quad Line Date Added: 02 November 2011 - 09:34 AM Submitter: Watty Short Description: Flying in downtown Portland with John Barresi in the Ira Keller fountain. Music is "Can't Stop" by Maroon 5. View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  22. Name: Portland Streets Category: Quad Line Date Added: 02 November 2011 - 09:35 AM Submitter: Watty Short Description: Spencer Watson and John Barresi go street kiting in Portland, OR View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  23. Name: Windy With Watty - Toss and Catch Category: Quad Line Date Added: 02 November 2011 - 09:36 AM Submitter: Watty Short Description: Watty is here to teach you how to do a toss and catch on a Revolution kite. For more information on Revolution kites, visit http://www.revkites.com http://wattyrev.com If you have any questions PM me! View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  24. Name: Windy With Watty - Falling Leaf Category: Quad Line Date Added: 02 November 2011 - 09:38 AM Submitter: Watty Short Description: Watty is here to teach you the Falling Leaf on a Revolution kite. For more information on Revolution kites, visit http://www.revkites.com This video is available for download to Kitelife subscriber at http://www.kitelife.com Questions? PM ME! View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
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