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Everything posted by JoneZ

  1. mmhmm. Twig n Berries, minus the Berries... 0.o I can see the end result though. Make sure you post the final product m8, they will look awesome Im sure.
  2. That 61/49 is one beautiful Kite Kent. Might have to make it a point to pick one of those up in the spring.
  3. BOOM! Thats Gold, Jerry,, GOLD!!! Perfect reading size. !! Thanks!
  4. Gotta say,,, this Professional skin is growing on me Jb . I'm having a tad bit of trouble reading the posts. Might be something to get use to, as I know how crazy formatting templates can get when you increase font sizes -- starts lookin a little blocky/bubbly.
  5. LoL. total spam post, but John. lol... I Love your new avatar. hehe As for indoor kites? Never flew one. Would my Cherry Bomb count? lol In all seriousness, I've been thinking about reframing my Cherry Bomb for indoor. I was tweaking the bridle (had it all messed up from years ago when I attempted [in my n00bness] to rebridle the damn thing), when I decided to shorten the upper spreader by 1/2" (the upper LE looked a bit bowed). I went out to fly her, and it was like a new kite. Very precise. I even pulled off a clean jacobs ladder rung, which I am still struggling with on my Widow. lol Winds were 2-5Mph tops, and I was using 50# 80ft lines with absolutely no trouble at all -- thats what got me thinkin of re-framing for indoor. ~Jb
  6. Yeah, I like ths Pro board as well. Although I've grown fondly attached to the the IP Board standard (the one you've had loaded for a couple months now) -- mainly the main menu and user menu systems I really like on the standard version. On the Pro version, there are some fragmented image buttons for me. The "reply icon" "multiquote", etc... -- basically all the buttons on that row have a vertical break in the button image (the silver bubble encasing the text). Is that just my side, or are others seeing what I am? btw.. looked at ur wedding pics m8 Great stuff!!!! I love the incorporation of kites. Wish I could have incorporated kites at my wedding, but there was zero wind that day in Cannon Beach. o.0
  7. <bow> Thankyou thankyou </bow>
  8. LoL. Yes, what a change indeed. If we're sticking with this forum template, maybe modify the template to use a table, instead of the "float" property? That way you can utilize the entirety of the screen (for us with 1280x1024 screen res or higher) with the "width=100%" property in the table. I had to modify my own site to reflect that as well -- seems most php templates conform to the float parameter, instead of using a table to set up the page template. Font's a bit small as well Im finding. 1024x768 is so 1998.... hehe j/k Other than that, I think this template is super slick lookin'!!!!
  9. Went out and flew my new nose yesterday, and she flies great! No nose snags at all. The winds were about 10-15Mph, and I actually used my lightweight bridle (80#) with my 150# 125ft lines and she soared great!! John: I PM'd you a link with a how-to on nose replacement. I've also got it up on my site as well if theres any problems downloading.
  10. Good call m8. Im one to talk right? lol With my frankenstein version of a Widow. lol But in all seriousness, yeah, I'd say fly it stock as well. Experiment with different weights on different areas of the spine (tail, center T, nose). If you're looking for more wrap up tricks, then a little weight on the tail should do ya. Think about when you snap the nose forward, in preparation for a yoyo -- that next tug to start the rotation should be accompanied by a swift jaunt forward. With the centre of gravity changed from mid-kite, to below the centre T, the kite should wrap up great, as long as theres constantly enough slack on the lines for the kite to rotate freely. Even the slightest bit of tension will slow or nerf your rotation. I ALWAYS make the mistake of not running forward enough to get a full wrap, let alone a multi-wrap. Im getting better though,, as I've shifted my thinking to this: Whatever distance I think I should run forward to compensate for the wrap, I double the distance, and double the speed that I dash forward. It seems to work well for me. I found that a little weight on the nose is great for flic-flacs in mid-to-high wind ranges. I've also heard the same for wingtip weight for flic flacs, although I've never tried it.
  11. Yeah man,, no problem! Gimme the week to work on it. Goin out with my Wife in about 15 mins to test it out. I'll let ya know how it does.
  12. Yessir. If you are a subscriber, you're automatically entered into each months drawings.
  13. lol yeah, took me long enough huh? lol How you diggin' this cold? Perfect flying weather I say. I barely sweat when I fly. lol Gonna be gettin out there today. As for the Rev? Maybe if Im a good Husband I"ll get one for x-mas or my 30th birthday (on the 27th). o.0
  14. LoL. Nah, nothin like that. Just repeatative wear. I think what happened, was that the spar broke through the end cap causing the spar to fracture, over time cutting a whole through the nose =\ . All fixed up now, and waitin to test it out tomorrow. cheers bro.
  15. So I just got done repairing my nose. Instead of mylar and Kevlar I used thick nylon and Kevlar. Heres a couple pics. I'll be writing another tutorial on how to do it. She looks great!! 1st pic is of my destroyed nose, all unstitched. 2nd is the new cutout of my nose parts. 3rd is the patch to put on my sail (from the pics in the previous post) 4th is the new nose pinned. 5th is it stitched 6th is the end result (minus firing the edges to make nose-to-sail transition smooth.).
  16. So I just took the nose off, and wow. What a mess on the inside...... First pic is what I found. second pic is after I burnt off all the fraying. Im thinking that Im going to cut out a new pc. of nylon to patch the frayed part of the sail, then make the nose. Any suggestions would be great at this point. hehe
  17. So today is the day... I'm going to remove the old nose off my Widow, and make a new one. Im not going to use Kevlar -- Im going to use mylar, and a thicker canvas material. It's not going to be as "crash resistant" as Kevlar, but I don't really need that kind of re-enforcement anymore. Wish me Luck!!
  18. Im talking about lengthening your bridle lines by an inch or so. You could also lengthen your leading edge spars so they make closer contact with eachother at the nose of your kite. That should stop the problem ur talking about. Also, maybe sew on a nice thick piece of Kevlar onto the nose -- making it more rigid, thus less likely to slip around on ya.
  19. I've never had really good luck with tail weights. The widow is 'suppose' to be amazing at wrap ups with a 15g tail weight on her. I just find that shes terribly uncontrollable with that weight on. lol I have no problem wrapping her up into a yoyo,, it's just a little harder in heavier winds, but,, who would want to yoyo in a heavy wind anyhow? Great way to slice ur leading edge, I say. I actually sliced right through one of my yoyo stoppers doing just that. I was thoroughly amazed, but it was sliced clean through!! -cheers
  20. Wow man. Looks like a really unique kite there. Could you describe in more detail the 'uneven' airflow of this kites sail? I would say that rebridling it would be an option. Making each haul line longer by an inch or so. It won't turn as sharp (I think,, not too sure as I've never seen that bridle config before, so Im doing off dual line experience), but might be a little more controllable? Is the sail excessively loose by nature?
  21. Long story short, I need a new nose on my Widow. Yeah,,, I could sew it up with line, and make it look all frankenstein 'esq, but I'd rather just give a shot making a new low-pro nose. This will involve some stitch pulling and removal,, as well as re-application technique. I was wondering if there are any unforeseen issues that I may run into while doing this? Im most concerned about the leading edge -- having removed the stitching, there are going to be some stitch holes there -- and the impact of restitching a new nose onto it... Any help would be great ~Cheers ~Jon
  22. I spliced my 75# lineset Duane. Worked like a charm. I had a 40 foot 75# quad line set, so I just spliced the 4 lines into 2, and boom! There ya go, 75feet of 75#. You should watch out on the higher poundage though. I read somewhere that the integrity of a spectra line is reduced 25% or more when you knot it (via a splice). I would only do it to lighter weight lines. I spliced a 150# set once for my quantum. I wanted another set of 125footers so my Wife and I could stand next to eachother while I teach her to fly. I went out and tested them thoroughly, and on about the 3rd run (in winds 15-25Mph) I snapped one like a twig. -- I've never seen a kite break away like that before, but it wasn't pretty. snapped 2 of my standoffs, and my center T. lol Im in agreement with the above. All or nothin. Make shorter lines out of the shredded line, or just keep it with ya -- you never know when that stuff will come in handy. Hell,, I've sewn up a hole in the nose of my cherry bomb with 150# line on the field.
  23. I even love shredding through my nose (finally), because its a project for me to fix. For some reason, Premier didn't put end caps on the upper leading edge spars? Now I need to hunt for an extra spar, cuz, well, I found out (through that tear in my nose) my spar is fractured on the right upper LE.
  24. I love my Kite(s). My Widow in particular. I love being in control of the wind. I love visualizing the wind interacting with my sail. I love the way it crackles when I snap stall. I love the fact that my Widow needs to "warm up" for 15 minutes or so, then brought down and re-fitted, while my Quantum will only fly well for 15 minutes or so. I love releasing the tension in my arms and let my kite tug me for a while. I really love sitting down and flying to some music. I however, don't like the fact that the wind is now blowing outside, and Im on the computer! ...that is all..
  25. Umm...Guys.... Can I get some alone time with this rev? <takes rev into back closet> hehe but seriously,,, YES!!!! I want this one!! Time to dig out that old rabbits foot of mine. heheh
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