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Everything posted by JoneZ

  1. JoneZ

    My Endevours

  2. JoneZ


    From the album: My Endevours

    So badass, even the Seagulls are frightened by the darkness!
  3. JoneZ


    From the album: My Endevours

    My Wife and I at our Cabin on my Birthday Cannon Beach OR
  4. JoneZ


    From the album: My Endevours

    omgwtfgotarev Now.. How do I fly this thing? lol
  5. JoneZ


    From the album: My Endevours

    4 feet 4 lines 1 rev 1 love
  6. I plan on testing that theory. lol And now that I got my 1.5 I'll definitely take ya up on a few short lessons. See ya there! oh! Got a start time in mind?
  7. Made my own top and bottom leaders (there were only 1 knot on the std ones.). Wish me Luck!!!
  8. lol Thanks man. Hey!! Looks like we have almost the same sail pattern!!! lol Looksies!
  9. JoneZ


    From the album: My Endevours

    Happy Birthday to Me!!!!!
  10. As a self proclaimed master of Tetris myself, I must say, that I WANT THAT REV!!!! lol It'd be like combining 2 of my greatest hobbies together!! Great job on the sail design m8. Lovin that one.
  11. Damn son!! Lookin good with that rainbow Rev. Congrats on that one!!!
  12. Wait a minute...... Am I just incredibly lazy? lol
  13. I know you can subscribe to individual topics,, but it'd be nice to subscribe to the forum as a whole, and be notified of any new topic or post that is started anywhere on the forums. Is that possible Jb?
  14. Unfortunately not. Will have to hold out until my birthday. If nothing then, I'll be contacting the mafia to see how much kidney's go for these days. lol
  15. <whisper>psst... Its Mary Beth. I wont tell her you called her Beth. Don't want to envoke a Lou Ferrigno moment. lol j/k</whisper>
  16. Most definitely sped the forums up m8. Its almost like the whole site caches before dumping into the browser. I like it. thanks for the gallery module!! I love being able to see newly uploaded images from people without having to search for it. Very convenient indeed. ~Cheers and Merry Christmas to you and Takako John
  17. The new gallery photo's at the top of the page (when I was using the old skin). Any way to integrate that module into this new template?
  18. Will do. That is, when the gods bless me with a Rev. If not, I'll just rig a quad line bridle on my widow. lol
  19. Hi Jon, That makes you the same age as Choccy...she truns 30 (I think) on the first! (Glad Tom & Howard are here...they make me seem like a youngster) As for becoming an inventor...no way! I was taught not to waist my time "reinventing the wheel"...almost everything is already out there just being used for something else...I'm an improvisor! Keep It Up! Duane Somehow I knew that Choccy was a Capricorn. For some reason or another, I can tell just by looking at someone whether they are a Cap. or not. The wheel use to be square til someone re-invented it. Also, weren't they going to close the patent office in the 1920's, because they "thought" that everything had been invented? Now look where we are! Computers, dragon skin bullet-proof vests, sliced breads?!!?! Hardly a waste of time no? You got some insane ingenuity man -- think you'd make a good inventor.
  20. This sounds like a blast. I'll be there (if Im not too hung over. lol) with all my kites blazin'! The holiday season is so busy for me,, I've got christmas, then my birthday, then boxing day (CDN holiday), then new years. A nice relaxing fly day would be a great unwinder (no pun intended) for all the craziness of my holiday. Maybe I could even convince my Wife to come.
  21. lol ingenius with those stakes. Ever think of becoming an inventor? don't shake that box too hard, you don't want to break (or rip?) whatever's inside!!! lol I was such a present shaker as a kid, and I still am, but my Wife isn't.. Im still gonna shake some presents this year -- I got a free ticket, it being my 30th birthday and all. hehe Cheers m8!!
  22. In My Humble Opinion. You need to get across the Appalachians and come to the northwest first my friend!! You're retired now,, that road trip would keep ya busy for a few months!!
  23. There are just so many angles to this kite, the only accurate rep. would be a 3d view pic. I get the jist of the beauty of this kite from the pics. Would be a dream to fly Im sure.
  24. Right on m8. Those look great!!! Now whats needed is a tonne more pics up on your profile for us to view. Maybe some of the 'black rainbow' on the field perhaps?
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