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Everything posted by sirrom

  1. I have one and do use it to satisfy my thoughts.
  2. I would have to give a shout out to T from the Kite Shoppe. She is a huge supporter of kite flyers, always there on the phone and or on the beach. Another shout out to Midwest Kites with Lyn & Rich. They were very helpful when all my kites were stolen. Just look at their home page. That's me and my custom full vent on the beach in Lincoln City, Oregon. My other supplier is Lam Hoac. But I guess he really isn't a shop, but a one man show. Thanks to all these people
  3. Welcome back john. We all care about you and being sick on the road is triple tough. Maybe you can relax in LC, ya right See you there
  4. Thanks T, I'll see you there. Mike, I'll bring the Alpha+ Will someone please bring some SUN
  5. We arrive Thursday afternoon. I'll be next to the D River and the Sea Gypsy. See you all there
  6. This is my take on this. You are seeing the same thing on all your different computers ( by the way just how many computers do you have and WHY so many??) because you are logged in under the same (web settings) user name. Therefore all computers will show the same results.
  7. Aactualy I mispelled a fwe woids alos, and as oyu can sae, it is nob catrhimg amy of thm "MIS-SPELLED" words ? And I likewise, have Word. I've never had anything underlined in the forum. There used to be a spell checker here, and it's still over on the Rev forum, when you reply to a topic. It is the icon, in the top right corner - an "abc", over a check-mark ? This is really strange............. This is making my head hurt !! Now let's don't let that happen. Maybe you could date or marry a school teacher I did
  8. Nick Actually I don't see an "ABC" anywhere! I don't see an "ABC" over in the REV Forum either. I misspelled the word "actually" with one L and it was underlined in red. I think Pete may be correct it could come from "Word" in my system, not sure.
  9. This is looking great to me so far Avatar looks OK except for Vertical the black lines. My spell check works also I like this update better than the previous Good job JOHN
  10. see you all there I haven't flown in over a month So will be there Thursday to get warmed up Do I smell a team Mega fly???????????????
  11. This will be a great addition and gift on a some what dreary tax day
  12. IMHO Length of your line set does not matter when flying alone. Where it comes into play is only flying with someone or Team flying. I really do not think a few inches makes very much difference. Some people fly like Bazzer with their hands very close to their body and then take JB who moves his arms and legs all over with the music. Therefore the distance to the kite will vary even with those variables. And then look at the leader knots for brake adjustment.. The list goes on with other variables. I sleeve & loop one end then measure out 120' then add 18' to each end for the final loop and knots, then stretch the lines after the first half of the sleeves are done, then finish the sleeves and stretch again. I think the main objective is to make sure your top lines are even and bottom lines are even. In the times I have flown with I-Quad or Island Quad the length of the lines has never been a problem. I know some people have been off as much as 2 or three feet and we did just fine. I would bet that I-Quad they are within inches but they worry more about the top lines being equal and bottom lines being equal.
  13. Happy Birthday Winds to you. You may want to wish for better weather
  14. I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year I Wish everyone good winds for the new year and hope to see many of you on a beach soon.
  15. Happy Thanksgiving to you guys and gals also. We are here in Portland with the grand kids. We had a great day just playing around. Today we are going swimming and maybe a little shopping then leaving tomorrow to go back to Southern Oregon. Hope to see you soon
  16. This is great John. It's a dual line I could set up, put on auto pilot and do all sorts of tricks. I have been trying to do this on Lam's kites but it never works
  17. For me it was as though I was there,except for the wind on the back of my neck and the sand between the toes I know you have a lot on your plate and this was just one more thing to do. Thanks to you both for the day by day updates all last week and all that you both do for kiting in general
  18. Hi Juan, Measure the length of the rods and then compare to your other Rev 1.5 Rods. I am wondering if you received a set of ZEN Race rods and not Rev 1.5 race rods
  19. Congrats Terry You are going to LOVE that Mid-Vent
  20. JB, Just don't get a PUI while in Bogota or you may be grounded for WSIKF See you soon Somewhere Have fun Guys
  21. Those are great Thanks JB for sharing Are there any dual line teams in the US? I know there is a big draw to the Quad teams but why do you think there is not as much interest in the dual line teams I would love to be involved in a dual line team. Andrew and I have tried a little as a dual line team at the fun fly in CC Was a blast
  22. I guess this is the silver lining to the lost REV Instead of being lost and forgotten, it will bring joy and hopefully more fliers to the sport we love :) You did a great job Nick. I think the outcome, even though it is not what we all wanted is a positive after all. Well Done
  23. We were 20' apart and didn't know it I must have walked up to see JB, Amy and others several times and passed you, Go figure This is a link to the REV Forum and the thread on Brookings http://www.revkites.com/forum/topic/4219-brookings-where/page
  24. I was there only Saturday but they were using Race Rods. As far as I could tell everyone on a Rev was on Race Rods. I didn't see you there but then again I don't think I have actually met you yet. I was on the fliers side sitting next to the announcer's platform . It was a great day for all who were there
  25. How many BUMPS do we get before we CRASH
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