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Everything posted by mensct

  1. we'll have fun without them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I just whack them off with a hacksaw....works fine.
  3. i NEED that caterpillar!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. very cool
  5. I saw him in the parking lot of the hotel a couple of hours ago. I think he went to bed. He's really tired....tomorrow will be ok!!!!! Melanie NOT in Tennessee
  6. YOU are the SWEETEST bear EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. The Bear must be right!! (left????) I was once right handed. Now, I'm left handed......long story. The short version is that I was paralyzed and my right was affected more than my left. My life is MUCH BETTER and HAPPIER now!!! That must be why!!!! Thanks for explaining it, Mr Bear. Melanie in Tennessee
  8. John, Jinx has a greatidea but she really means for you to bring it to me. The 15th is only 2 days after my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!! Melanie in Tennessee
  9. la la la la <chime> ding ding my favorite is my black rainbow RevSUL Tennessee, of course
  10. email sent My daughter would just go CRAZY over that witch!!!!!
  11. and I can't even spell present either
  12. Thanks, John. A Birthday ptrsent for ME!!!! I can't wait for you to pick my number!!!! Melanie in Tennessee
  13. Yeah, but I NEED it!!!!! I've gotta lotta laundry that needs puttin up in the sky!!!! Melanie in Tennessee
  14. OK, ya'll, We've been planning this awesome event down at Nags Head NC for Thanksgiving weekend. (AKA sanctioned) There will be roped-off fields on the dunes on Thursday thru Saturday. Kitty Hawk Kites is providing FREE lodging for a limited # of flyers and Thanksgiving dinner too. (aren't they so sweet?) HQ and Chris Shultz are providing a party at a local bar. (SHOTCARZ!!!) Prism, Jackites and Premier are sending GOOD STUFF for us to give away!! Every flyer will get a prize!!! On Friday evening there will be an indoor fly at the Nags Head Family YMCA and we will participate in the annual Kites With Lights on Saturday night!!! Sound like fun?? Well, yeah!!!!! Who wants to come??????? Email my husband, Scott, at melnsct (at) aol (dot) com to reserve your space in the FREE lodging!!!! I can't wait to fly with you!!!!!!!!!!!! Melanie in Tennessee
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