Well I'm a bit late on this one also, but first of all, I'm just amazed that a topic can jump from April 2007 - directly to May 2012, and take right off again (well almost). Heck, I wasn't even flying Revs in 2007, but since SP LV pulled this one out of the archives, and JB actually responded, I think it's a really great topic, as I really enjoy flying, and I love music of all kinds...........
I've thoroughly enjoyed browsing through all of the many suggestions, which resulted from John's plea for help, back in 2007, and likewise, reading the reasons for and against, those many suggestions, as they pertained to a particular piece of music. I've never really thought much about choosing a piece of music, to go with a particular flight routine, since I don't compete, or have any routines of my own, but I now realize, that a lot of thought must go into this task. Many mornings, during my daily walks (iPod on head), the thought has crossed my mind, that "Hey, this would be a really great song, for John Barresi to use in one of his kite videos (ballet, I think is the correct term), but I never actually thought about making any suggestions. Again, I never realized that it could be such a big deal......obviously I was wrong !
So John, coming from a complete novice, at "putting music to flight", or should I say, "putting flight to music", I'll have to say that now-a-days, my iPod is loaded and thumping, with many of the old Pink Floyd greats. I hadn't listened to this music in years, but upon discovering that all 14, of Pink Floyd's original studio albums, had recently (2011) been digitally re-mastered, I must say that I am finding this music, to be simply amazing, and quite enjoyable, all over again. I haven't read of anyone suggesting PF's music, even back in the '07 posts, and I really do wonder why. Surely, there has got to be something in their repertoire, that will fit anyone's routine. My favorite albums, from the PF collection, would have to be, number one, "Dark Side of the Moon" (of course), followed closely by "Wish You Were Here", "Animals", and the not to be overlooked, "The Wall". They are all great stuff, oldies, but definitely goodies....... Just my $.02 worth