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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. But I'm beginning to think, that all this "bantering", is just NOT working ???? (and my Emoticons aren't working ?)
  2. Well, I can fly "one" line kites, too..............I'm game. So, it's back to bantering.................... # 5 - 9 - 0 YES !!
  3. Congratulations Nathaniel .......... Looks like you won, fair & square ! Enjoy !
  4. 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0
  5. Hey John, that just gives us one more day to banter ! 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0
  6. 5 - 9 - 0
  7. Hey Baloo, Get back in the cave, and get back to sleep. All that sugar is just going to keep you awake, and make you fat !!!
  8. Ahh Pete....................cheers !
  9. OR ...........................................5 - 9 - 0 !
  10. Shhhhhhhhhhh!.................................................5-9-0 !!
  11. Hey SS, I think he's in there, plotting against the [ B-E-A-R ] hunters ! Shhhhhhhhhhhhh!
  12. Hey Pete, I can't even remember the first browser I used. It was probably something, and I didn't even know that it was a browser.........but as I mentioned earlier in this post (I think), I've been using Internet Explorer & FireFox lately. Don't really like Chrome, or Fire Fox, for that matter. I suppose I'm just hooked into IE, for now. I know, I know, Microsoft, Gates, etc, but, it is, what it is (just whatever you get use to). I guess you've really got the right idea. Just keep switching around............... Oh, and Happy New Year !!
  13. Aye, Aye ! I'm for that..................
  14. Congrats Baloo..........................1000 posts !!!! That's a lot of wind (I mean chat)...................just kidding! Sorry about the no kites for Christmas, but rifle scopes ain't bad...............Bear Hunting ?
  15. Hey Baloo, Let me help you out.................Happy New Year, right back to you ! So now for #1000, tell us how many kites you got for Christmas ?
  16. A very Happy New Year's wish, to all ! May 2012 be kind, to each and everyone of us !
  17. A Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year, to everyone !
  18. Merry Christmas RNG 5 - 9 - 0
  19. By gosh WP, you're right !.............. Merry Christmas to all, and a big HO HO HO !!! ps..........Oh, and even though PM doesn't want a Rev for Chistmas, I still hope she gets one.............. Now back to the banter...............................5-9-0
  20. Eh? Shouldn't that be "milk & cookies" ?
  21. Yeah, and somebody might mistake him for Rudolph ! Goodness, and then he might get shot - Yikes ! Hey Baloo.............stay in the cave............
  22. Negative......................I don't think that the RNG caters to beggers ! Sorry PM, but that just won't work............. ps............Merry Christmas !
  23. What goes here ? Begging is NOT allowed !
  24. 5 - 9 -0 5 - 9 - 0 5 - 9 - 0 5 - 9 - 0 5 - 9 - 0 Oh yes, I'm still here !!!! 5 - 9 - 0 that's the number !
  25. 5 - 9 -0 5 - 9 - 0 5 - 9 - 0 5 - 9 - 0 5 - 9 - 0 yes !!!!
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