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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. Yes; and so is the post before it. Well obviously, we are going to need a hint ! Oh, I almost forgot..........5-9-0
  2. Nice avatar, there SS, and nice try, but that won't help......................5-9-0..............is the ticket for this one !! :)
  3. Obviously, "instructions aren't included"...........I'm lost ? Is this a riddle ?
  4. BTW Pete, have you been hanging out in the wine cellar again ? Oh, and while I'm here.......................5-9-0
  5. I think you got it Pete! I believe that Photomom is just trying to throw off the RNG! What a sneaky ploy ! She really wants a Rev, you know she does !!! Right ?
  6. W H A T DID YOU SAY ?? I'm sure that was a typo, a brain lapse, or something............!
  7. Hey, looking good there SS, with the new avatar, etc..............but forget about it............... 5 - 9 - 0 is the number ! Opps! I mean ................. 590 ! Shhhhhhhhhh !
  8. Oh John, you said that about "Lucky 590" too, but N O T !!
  9. Hey Pete, I'm really proud of you. I can't believe you resisted that one ! And BTW, where the heck have you been ? Have you been hanging out on another forum ?
  10. Well, do they sell Revs ? (hint, hint)
  11. YEP ! DO NOT mess with Pete, when it comes to numbers. OK Pete -- unleash !
  12. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! Looking much better there, "SS"...........
  13. Ok, so now it's "SS", instead of "SV". I like that, but you lost your avatar again......??.......
  14. Nice move SV, but there are limits to what I'll do, even for a Rev. I kinda like PM's suggestion, though. Maybe you should just change your number, except try # 590, instead ! I don't think the RNG, would pick 461, anyway
  15. 5-9-0 5-9-0 5-9-0 Oh well !
  16. More, really "Good Stuff"....................
  17. Definately..............."Good Stuff"..................one of the first "KITE" videos, I ever watched.......... Does anyone know how Ray is doing ?..................
  18. Oh yeah, I forgot.............time for banter ! New tactic................................1-2-5...........................................5-9-0
  19. We're behaving, mostly. I don't know about Baloo, though !
  20. I'm with you, SV...............I'd be outta here !
  21. Very Cool..................kinda wet landing, but still very cool. I always wanted to try that, from a boat
  22. New week, new plan ................................... 125 !
  23. Very Nice...........
  24. Hey PM, If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.............GO GET A Rev !!!
  25. OK John, That's no fair ! My fonts won't stretch that far....................EITHER way ! You must have some real pull, with the "W E B M A S T E R"
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