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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Congrats, Nathaniel!! Guarantee you'll have tons of fun with it!! Enjoy!!
  2. Looks like one more chance to get my "2 cents" worth in:: Come on baby!!!
  3. Nah, still confusing!!! Straight and to the point!!
  4. Tom? You trying to confuse that old RNG? I'm getting dizzy just looking at that post! Now this is clear and to the point!!
  5. PM - you still begging?
  6. Well only since you're willing to share, will I give you any chance of winning!! Still think your way is a bit confusing for the old RNG!! I prefer to be more direct - See, there's an example!!
  7. Tom - too slow for the RNG to see or hear!! Maybe the cause of all the mix-up!! Really, it should be my number called!! See, no mixed signals!!!
  8. Baloo - it will be a sleepless winter for you!! Too much shouting and you know you aren't going to win!! Put on some earmuffs!!! Making some more racket!!!
  9. Nick - until you can prove that you're using a winning technique, I'll keep being loud!! Like the kite!!! You won't sneak up on anyone when you're flying that one!!!
  10. Ok, Baloo's been so - so, PM is begging, RR is whispering, --Pete is natural, and I still haven't figured out a winning formula!!! Only thing left is to keep yelling!! At least it makes me feel better!!
  11. Whew!! Good to hear they weren't after you!! Thought you might be in your cave licking some wounds!! No Kites for Xmas??!! You been bad or something???
  12. I'm sure some of our English friends will invite you to fly with them!! The stand offs should be bent, they act like shock absorbing agents to hold the sail in shape! Should feel tight and snug!! If they're the stock ones that came with the kite, they were specifically designed to work with that sail's shape!! Beginner, eh!!! 1.- Relax, first piece of advise!! Breathe!!! It's not rocket science!! 2.- Check your lines and make them equal in length!! If you don't, the kite will want to steer itself and you'll have trouble controlling it!! 3.- If you're gonna crash despite everything you try, GIVE TO THE KITE!!!!! Let it, but step forward to the kite! This will lessen the chance of doing damage!! You pull and you'll accelerate the kite going into the ground! No fun finding out you've broken that new toy, much easier to go out and straighten out a whole. one piece kite!! 4.- If you don't have one, get a stake for holding your lines! Makes setup, crash fixing, and breakdown, all a lot easier! They usually have a holster to put on your belt while not in use!! Also nice to just stake out your kite while you're taking a break!! 5.- As you learn, try to keep your hands at waist level!! Think of it as home position, make a correction, then return to home!! Don't worry, when you start, everyone ends up in the "crucifix" position, arms way out, over your head!! Part of the learning!! But stay with it and soon enough you'll get those hands in place, learn control, start to breathe!! 3 stages of kite flying - 1. The kite flies you! 2. You fly the kite! 3. You and the kite fly together!! Once you get past stage 1, you'll see!! Enjoy and good flying!!!
  13. Let's hope the weatherman is right for a change!!
  14. Holidays got you down?? Feeling a bit lost? No witty banter? I'll yell for you!!! Feels so good!!!
  15. More important - no rain!!!
  16. PM : "I did not get a Rev for Christmas. Whew!" WHAT??? You know you can't resist the power of the "Dark Side"!!! Not forever!!
  17. Is Xmas over yet? Time to rattle the RNG's cage!!! Time to listen up, RNG!!
  18. Thanks John!!! See you New Years Day!!!
  19. PM - Still begging?? RNG ain't listening!!! Might be the last I get to post before Xmas, so here goes: Gotta get my Xmas wish in early!!!
  20. Happy Holidays, Eli!! And to all - Enjoy!!
  21. Baloo - You'd look awful funny with bells on!!!
  22. RR - I think PM is still begging!!! Will it work?? Tune in next time on "Kite Giveaway"!! Me, I'll just keep yelling!!
  23. JB - You saying the RNG is "cross dressing" as Santa??
  24. RNG - Are you listening???? Hello!!!
  25. Well now that you're awake - join in!!!
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