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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. I've used that 50# line for team before!! Have to be a little careful during the wrap/unwrap phase, around others that are on 90#, but generally no big problems!! Just seemed like the 50# got "locked" easier in a wrap! But it is nice to all use the same # when flying together!
  2. Not sure the Zen would survive an overseas trip?! Better to keep the winner domestic, better yet - local!! Like in the same city, even!! I'm waiting and hoping, Mr. RNG!!!
  3. PLAY ON THE DARKSIDE?? PLAY?? Who said anything about play? "There's no escaping the Darkside!!"
  4. Next up on the "goodies" list!! I'm looking hard at this one: Mr. RNG - remember me, my # is still active and you'd only have to draw once!! PLEASE!! Thank you in advance!!
  5. 7 tries to find a good number?? YIKES!! I hope MR. RNG isn't all worn out from all that # picking!! Cograts Fred and Donna, fly it well!! OK, now I gotta look to see which one is next!!
  6. Now, now, John!! Don't make me feel so bad!! Hate to burst bubbles!! Mr. RNG - stay random!!! But pick me!!
  7. Sorry John - but wouldn't that be considered incestuous?? I mean, you put up prizes and then win the prizes!! Just saying......!
  8. Edokun 1 - here's an example:
  9. Baloo - I think your talking about having guns around, scared most of us off!!! As far as keeping my head down - HELL YES!!!
  10. Murphy's Law has nothing to do with it!!! Mr. RNG is a random chooser of numbers, no amount of "voodoo" has any bearing on what it number it picks!! Then again I should talk, carry on as one of the loudest voices here!!! But at least I feel better!!! Carry on with banter as you feel necessary!!
  11. While I'm at it: Now it's in both Rev drawings!!
  12. OK, I waited some, but I can't go much longer without saying it: Now that feels much better!!
  13. Hey PM, she's back!!! Nice to hear from ya!!! Go ahead win this so I can have the Zen all to myself!!
  14. Happy B'day and see you soon!! Maybe to give me a prize too!!
  15. Vanity has nothing to do with your chances!!!! Just saying!!!
  16. And since the drawings come fast and furious, you wouldn't have to wait long to be back in the game!!! But have you ever heard the song by Aerosmith!!! "DREAM ON"!!
  17. Target practicing with my kites, eh??? That would sharpen up my flying for sure!!!
  18. Wait a minute - NEWS FLASH - Nobody else is gonna win this one!!! Me want it!!!!! OK - got it??
  19. You going crazy before WSIKF, John??? Holy Smoke!!
  20. Try anything and everything!!! It all makes us feel better anyways!! PSS: RNG - Pretty please??? I know - reduced to grovelling on my knees and saying sweet somethings to our "mysterious friend, entity", but I really WANT this kite!!
  21. Forget the dualies, THIS gets my blood pumping!!! A sincere ask of Mr. RNG - PICK ME!!! PLEASE!!! Drawing just before "boot camp", It'd save you a bit of shipping??!!
  22. FLIES?? FLIES!! My kites fly too, you know?? Don't want to hit one of those by mistake!! More than likely they're "rubber band" guns!! HAHA!!
  23. First time noticing that the timeline shows a picture as you "rewind" the video and watch over!! Something new??
  24. Baloo - I've got a question for you! Are the nice shiny guns for chasing us off, or for threatening the RNG? Neither sounds too friendly to me!!! At least if the drift of things striking my ears and eyes holds true!! I seem to remember that the RNG is making up a naughty/nice list, wouldn't want to be on the "wrong" side of that list!!
  25. Didn't someone say this is getting "DEEP" in here?? Hey Mr. RNG: feel free to jump in and add to the banter, anytime you feel like it!!! Might get me on the "nice" list!!
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