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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. My guess is that something is up with the bridle - most likely a line pigtail has wrapped itself around something and making that leg too short.
  2. Just answered over in the Rev forum!
  3. Yep - I meant time on the video. At those time marks, your hands were lower, almost waist high, not over your head! Much more natural position. Think ergonomics - if your hands are over your head, where else is there left to move them? With hands low, you can still move up, but need to learn to return them ASAP to that lower position.Also with the hands down, you can also learn to draw back your hands underneath, instead of above! Looking at a sideways view to yourself - think normal out at 2,3 o'clock, with the ability to go up to 12 or down to 6,7,or even 8 o'clock! You can actually get more movement by going down rather than up!
  4. Hands need to be more like at the 1:00 minute and 1:50 marks. Learn the "push/pull" turn - forward with one hand, back with the other - makes the kite turn much quicker that way. And you won't have to angle your hands or body so much! Learning to keep your hands lower, shows relaxed flying, under control! But it is a good start, you did keep it going a good while!!
  5. Looking closer at the pix - you have effectively made your handles about an inch longer using those screws/connectors. Try moving your bottom lines closer to the handle and try the top lines as far out as you can go. Try launching - no go, let the bottoms out OR the tops in, but not both at once. You should find a happy place sooner or later. I saw you tried another leader combo and were going to cut down the handles - Nice!!
  6. Snag the bottom cap? Never did that in many years of using the modified handles!
  7. Snag the cap? Never did that in many years of using the modified handles! Plus many of us fly with our thumbs either behind the top or on top of the handle and the vinyl acts as a cushion!
  8. That's one way - I prefer using the screws in the package, filed the threads down some, and reused the vinyl caps. But absolutely nothing "wrong" with how you did it!
  9. Saw this on YT - warms my soul seeing him fly with others - YEA!!
  10. A second set is a spare and for friends - no biggie on it being exactly the same! Buy the one you like and fly more!! PS: do you have stock handles with the "hog rings" still there? Watty made an excellent video on how easy it is to make them into no snags. I did many sets this way before going with regular no snags - no problem with them at all - costs about $3 bucks to do a set!! And a little time ....! Anyone got the link to Watty's video? Think it is on Vimeo.
  11. Lots of people disappointed in the latest batch of diamonds - look to see if there is a green band on either or both ends of the label. We have nicknamed them GL rods. Not sure exactly why, but they seem to have a different flex and tend to break easier, than the older plain label rods. Buyer Beware thing!
  12. I don't use the French bridle, but do use the sticks on both my Zen and SUL as a way of limiting the LE flex. Plus if you do get a little strong in the input thing, the truss lines for the sticks make it impossible to "flip a wing".
  13. I have flown both - and the Reflex is very capable of low wind flight - but there is a caveat - light winds mean you have to move - a lot! If you expect the kite to just leap off the ground and do everything you've come to expect from your other sails, without working on the technique, you are gonna be disappointed no matter which kite or frame you get. There is no "free lunch" when it comes to light wind, either you put in the time and learn or .......
  14. Snigger all you like - you know it to be true!! I do!!
  15. and that is exactly why I carry some "beaters" with me - no way they are going to mess up my Pros!!
  16. pretty sure it is made from Icarex, not nylon. They went back and forth between materials. Should be a history on the Rev site from John Mitchell on all about Revs from beginning to about 2010. Good reading for those so inclined!
  17. My guess is one of 2 things - 1. it's from Dave at the Kite connection, He has ordered so much stuff from Rev that they do make mids for him to sell through his shop. 2.- it's a special request. Throw enough money in Rev's direction and they will make darn near anything. The mid in an SLE is not a common thing for sale everywhere.
  18. Sounds like a dancing 2 step - travel forward and down, moonwalk back and up! Then reverse!! Down and forward, up and back! Sounds like a challenge!!
  19. Salt is the major problem in flying at the beach! Crystals form as it dries and is very rough if looked at microscopically. I use this method - Take a hose and turn your nozzle to the gentlest spray setting. Rinse the kites and bridles well and sun dry. Take any spars loose that you can and clean them and the appropriate caps. If you can, rinse out any sand from the LE, but only if you can. Some have a tube that fits, others don't. Take your lines - winder and all - and soak it in clean water for a couple hours, flipping the whole thing over every now and then. Sand should collect in the container, the salt you'll never see. Shake out excess water and put inside a towel to dry. Done!!
  20. Any kite can light that fire! Yes there are very distinct differences in how you fly a dual line and any quad. Quads use a lot less pushing and pulling and a lot of twisting of the wrists to fly. But things like learning the wind window and what might be the correct kite for the day's conditions, apply to every kite style!!
  21. Yep that was Walt the stakemaker, that flew with us! Sorry to leave a bit suddenly, but they were organizing the megafly and I didn't want to miss it! Certainly hope any pointers will lead to good practice and hope to catch you in a line sometime! You are always welcome in mine!
  22. 2 hours to a beach here!! Finding someone experienced can cut light years off the learning curve! An hours travel can well be worth the price!!!
  23. Have mostly cured my problems on an SUL bridle by making the knots bigger. Was going to try putting a bead or something else on the ends, but gave up when it was darn near impossible to untie the knots, so i just doubled them up. You shouldn't have any problems if you use lines from the Kite Shoppe, Theresa uses lighter sleeves - 90# bridle line, decored. But not very many other places use that, as it is tough to untie her knots to equalize the lines. Most use 150# sleeves, easy to thread, but a bit on the bulky side. Never can remember any issues with a regular bridle and any sized sleeving.
  24. Little late but hope to catch your attention - Really try to fly with NO people under your flying kite! Even with a soft kite! Just hitting someone with the lines can leave a nasty burn! On some beaches it can be tough finding room, but really try. Hurting a spectator will only give kiting, in general, a bad image!
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