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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Not sure there is a cure for - "the new kite curse"! Winds always are just the opposite of what you want, when you want them. Finding a "sure fire" way to cure it might make you a hero in other kiters's eyes!!
  2. Beat ya to it - TK made me some sets with 2 different colors in them, because I color code too!!
  3. When I flew dualies a lot - I used 3 sets between 3 sails - 50# for my light wind Prism Ozone, 150# for my Flexifoil Stranger, and 90# for my Prism Alien, The weight lines wasn't so much a matter of wind speed as it was the characteristics of the individual kite. My medium condition Stranger required heavier weight line than the higher wind Alien! Design, weight of kite, size, amount of stress, all play into the equation. I, like Rob, only used 50# on my very lightest wind (pulling) sails. I found a sweet spot on my bridle settings on each kite and really didn't feel much need to change them. But I am a sail switcher, more than willing to pull off 1 sail to put on another if conditions dictate. Now I do pretty much the same thing with my Revs, but not as much. 90# will do in almost every situation, but I also use 50# in extremely light wind. The little less weight and wind resistance all help in really light wind flying. I even use 50# on my Zen when the winds are down! But I also carry a set of 150# if there is a near hurricane blowing and I need to fly! Learning to match up wind speed, proper line, and proper sail all come with more experience on the lines!! PS: you do have a built in wind gauge - the hair on the back of your neck!!
  4. Understood! While I haven't had the chance to fly one personally, some of your questions I can't answer. From what I've heard - it may be a Zen replacement and a possible indoor too! Being a bit bigger than the 1.5, but not as big as a Zen ( Rev1 sized) it is said to have a very big wind range, but until I get the chance to fly one - ??? That being said - the larger size from a 1.5 does seem to lend itself to a lighter wind platform! As far as the mods made to create it - only time will tell if they hold up to the "real world" use, dished out by hard core fliers! Maybe some flaws, as well as benefits, will show up as it is longer on the market! Some of us feel it's "gimmicky", some think Rev is trying to reach new heights in design (pun intended). Only time will tell which!
  5. AWWW! Isn't that sweet! And the RNG ain't buying any of it!!! Believe me!!
  6. All the Revs require some skills - forgiving?? While I wouldn't suggest a Rev 2 or B2 to learn on, all the Revs fly with pretty much similar characteristics. They all are capable of forward, backward, sideways, inverted, flight. One of the selling points of the whole quad experience - control! In other words - learn to fly one, you can pretty much fly them all! There are more common sizes - the 1.5 size is probably the most popular. Has models from the EXP all the way up to a "B"pro. Things like changes to the cut of the sail, rod placement, etc, are some of what set each apart. The Rev1/Zen size and the Rev2/B2 size are a little more on the specialty scale, as far as most purchases are concerned. Usually someone gets one of them to specifically fill a need. Will this be your first Rev purchase? If so, stick to the 1.5 size as a first buy, especially if you have any dreams of flying in a line! Like I said - it is the most common and you would be most likely to see more flying this size than either of the others - combined! Good flying!
  7. Keep thinking that - yup!! The RNG will leave you in its dust, a broken, whimpering, shell of the man you used to be!! Beware of putting too much trust in it!!!
  8. Are we assuming it's for a build and not just for knowing? EH??
  9. You have 2 major logistical hurdles to overcome: kites and a place to fly. And if those get met - the wind has to cooperate! Kites: part of that problem is that there is no one perfect kite for all wind conditions. SUL kites will fold up or break in high winds, while high wind kites can't get off the ground in light wind. Ideally, most fliers have 2-3 kites in their quiver - one for light, one for medium, one for high winds. And they have lines for each too. It does make for a pretty big commitment financially to get kites, lines, handles, and a stake, able to fly in a variety of conditions. Place to fly: how many fliers do you think will really be interested? First, it needs be open to winds, from a bunch of directions, without any trees or buildings to interrupt the flow, Then you have to consider space - each flier needs a good bit of room to fly safely in. Just as an example - each flier is using 75' lines - that means if someone is downwind, they would need to be, say 90' away! 3 people deep and you are already at the length of a football field! And that's only length! Each flier has an arc around them of 75' to each side! Even if that arc is say 130-140* around the flier, that means an almost 100' area! So totaling that all up gives you a 1000 sq' area per person! Now that's just a rough figuring for this purpose, you might use less room in reality. But it does show you need room!! And wind! Many a time I've gone out only to find either no wind or a hurricane! So you need to have all ends covered! As far as organizing - I'm not sure how to best get a message across to the students. What is their normal way to get school news? Maybe include something in it about forming a club, based on interest (numbers)? Are you, the school, or the students going to be financially responsible for the gear? Insurance? That needs settled! A lot will express interest as long as it's your stuff being used, things can change when they have "skin in the game"! Not a lot of time left in this year to get all the details ironed out, but it could be a start towards the next year, if you get some of these preliminaries squared away now! Maybe even start an informal get together on a weekend a month this summer? PS: I lived in East Texas (Tyler area) - darn hot in the summer!! Good luck!!
  10. Most of us just call it mesh, but I've got no idea on its trade name.
  11. No fun trying to keep the kite up while you're figuring out the control aspect! Helps having steady wind that makes the flying part easy, then you learn more about what works! But once you get it under control - you'll find that light wind flying is a challenge! Not everyone can make it happen!
  12. STOP!! Change the leaders now - don't wait for more experience! All you are doing is ingraining habits that you'll need to break later. Start off learning with the leaders and you won't need to relearn things later!!
  13. Yes to equalizing lines!! An "off" line will allow the kite to steer itself - no good! here is a link to leaders w/pix - http://www.revkites.com/forum/topic/4409-my-leaders-your-thoughts/ JB sells a nice set of leaders through here - got several sets and love them! Have you joined the Rev forum? Lot of info over there too! Try the member map on both here and the Rev page, you might find someone close! If I can give you one piece of advice - Learn to " Give to the Kite!!"!! If the kite is going to crash - let it! Take a step or two FORWARD to lessen the crash. Pulling just drives the kite into the ground that much harder! Better to go straighten out, than find a broken kite at the end of the lines.
  14. Google saves!!! pick # 00111000 00110100 00110100 PLEASE!!!??
  15. HELP: I NEED A TRANSLATOR!! My lack of RNG language skills is showing!
  16. ??? I don't speak RNG!! Shows I guess - might be why I haven't won yet!!!
  17. Did a bunch of handles using that "Watty" mod and they are still going strong!! Easy, peasy to do - with practice you can do a set in less than 30 minutes! BUT - be really careful - there is a nasty burr left from drilling the holes for the hog ring!! Rev doesn't clean it up in their manufacturing process. IT WILL LAY YOU OPEN!! Been there, done that! Tools needed: Strong pliers or needle nose, screwdriver. Just be sure not to scar up or ruin the vinyl cap as you remove the ring, unless you plan to replace them. I didn't need to, just ran my leaders out one of the existing holes after turning them front to back instead of side to side, So there was a hole in the back - no biggie! #8-10 wallboard anchors fit perfectly in the tube and cover any raw edges (flange on anchor overlaps), only thing needed is to do one of 2 things - #1- if you use the threaded screws that come in the pack, I recommend chucking them in a drill and filing down those last few threads. That way they won't eat into your leader. Choice #2 - buy some SS shoulder screws when you get the anchors. eliminates the need to file threads down. Like I said - did a bunch this way to save a bunch of cash ....................... spent on more kites!
  18. The RNG doesn't give $0.02 about your momma!!! It plays no favorites, we are all at the mercy of its random draw! WAAAHHHHHHH!
  19. PS: 8 mph is a damn hurricane by Rev standards!! Learning to fly in 2-3 mph - now that's a light wind challenge!! LOL!!!
  20. So they didn't fold the LE sleeve over like a Pro or NYM? Fray time! How about reinforcing strips where the LE folds? I haven't seen the new cap system, but those rods are bigger (5/16" compared to 1.5 1/4" rods) so that needs to be scaled down if it's going to be the new norm for their other platforms. I know you like the French bridle Paul - think it will lend itself to it? From the reports of those at KP, the Reflex was as good or better than a Zen in light wind - without the Reflex springs in it!! Did you try it without them?? Heard that without the springs, it flew pretty much like any other Rev! And those handles!!?? I get the adjustable idea, but do you think it will hold up to rigorous use? Maybe another testing session is in order! At least you got one near you to try!!
  21. Those printed sails look so pretty!! I always thought a team could go with 4 different color sails of that pattern and look really nice! Light winds are a challenge not all want to tackle! Learn to drive the kite to the top as you move back, invert, and control the fall as you move forward again, to recycle your flying area! Learning to "ride the brakes" as it glides down inverted, is pretty easy once you get a feel. Don't just let gravity take over!! You're still flying the kite! You want to "feel" it as you walk forward, not just let it fall !
  22. I'm thinking an old "Carey" winder would work and not take up too much room in a bag! Start from the end and wind back to the mouth! If you're handy, make an "H" of 2 long pieces of 1"x 1" and a core of 1/2' plywood. Find some "t-nuts" and combo lag bolt/reg bolts that fit some 1" dowels for removable handles. Handles to wind/unwind and remove when done! Years ago when I flew SLKs, I made extra centers for my "Windbreaker" winder from oak and good marine plywood! Loaded them with different weights of line and I could use the handles for them all!
  23. Here's what I have gathered over the time I've been paying attention to this: Bigger. It fits somewhere between the 1.5 and 1/Zen. Haven't seen or flown yet, so I don't know if any combo of existing rods can be used to mod the frame. Plus the rods used in the Reflex are 5/16", not 1/4", so unless we plan on trying to use smaller rods(??), it has an exclusive set. Being bigger, it might be a good alternative to a Zen and not exhibit the over steer that the Zen does. Spring system: They have it attached at the vertical and it bows the sail in when it is not under power. Makes it absolutely useless for 3D flying, as it won't "catch"! Instead it floats back downwind like the Blast series. Take the springs off, it flies and performs pretty much like any other Rev. Venting: Haven't heard anything on this yet from Rev. Sail pattern doesn't lend itself readily to venting, so if they plan on doing it - not sure how! Pretty much all I have heard, and you can see some of Fletch's questions about it above in the thread. Til I get my hands on one to really wring out - ????
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