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Everything posted by --Pete

  1. --Pete


    That CS logo should be recognizable. It's very distinctive.
  2. Congrats to Jeryl! (and boos and hisses to those folks who let their subscriptions lapse.)
  3. He is going to get a digital caliper, and measure his broken spars at both ends, inside and out. With that information he should be able to describe what he needs accurately.
  4. Everyone here has been on the receiving end of advice. We all think it's great.
  5. One indispensable tool for kiters who want to do repairs is a digital caliper. It can measure inside and outside sizes to about 1/1000 of an inch (which is close enough for government work). You can get dial calipers, but if you do, get one that measures 1/1000 (.001") rather than the ones that measure to 1/64" (those are only good for woodworking). You should expect to pay $25-$40 for a good pair. There are cheaper ones, but maybe not as durable or reliable. There are (much!) more expensive ones, but unless you intend to go into precision machining, you don't need them. A useful feature is the ability to read (and convert) between decimal inches, fractional inches (to 1/128), and metric measurements. Google [ digital calipers ] to see the selection. Amazon.com has over 1000 choices, and can easily deliver them to you.
  6. Yes. Some good luck to all the others. More to me! Eight three three!
  7. --Pete


    Oh <laugh> This would seem to be the appropriate place. Welcome to the site. (I see you've been lurking for a little while.)
  8. --Pete


    Below the composition window (where you type in your post) you will see a button marked More Reply Options. If you click on that, you will see a fancier composition window which has a button below it for attaching files to the post. Follow the instructions. (Don't forget to click on "Add to Post" after selecting the image.) This is the result:
  9. No man who speaks so well of wine is likely to not be at peace with himself. #833 or #983! The loser(s) can console himself/themselves with a glass (or two) of wine.
  10. And (#263) yet (#938), no one (#663) has (#427) said: "Ahh (#244), I get (#438) it!" Does the owner of #764 have a supernatural advantage? Ted Tee Vee! (#833, #833, #833!) (#833 wants the 936)
  11. TLA is a three-letter acronym for Three Letter Acronyms. TLA would be like promoting the subscriber number #852, so I used it but I wasn't featuring it. Ted, Ted Ted!
  12. TDD, TDE, TDF, TED, TEE, TEF, TFD, TFE, TFF, UDD, UDE, UDF, UED, UEE, UEF, UFD, UFE, UFF, VDD, VDE, VDF, VED, VEE, VEF, VFD, VFE, VFF Words and non-words - how important they are (or aren't). Why do I need to use these words more frequently? Some of the non-words are TLAs, but what do they mean? (Telephone Device for the Deaf is one, but how can I work it into a post?) Suppose that the secret name of the RNG is "Ted" (it might be). Can my number (#833) be placed on a Tee (to make it easy to hit)? If Ted hit #833 from a Tee, would it fly to me in a Vee-formation?
  13. Wow, the RNG got as close as #830, but couldn't make the leap to #833 (choke!) Well, congratulations are in order to Fred & Donna (who did NOT let their subscription lapse). Fly it well and take lots of pictures!
  14. A bit of foresight makes all the difference. Is spit bit? is bit spit?
  15. You can't influence the RNG in any way. Can't be done. Not a chance.
  16. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Hear my plea: Me, Me, Me!
  17. Widowmaker kites must come home Ypsi is Close enough.
  18. Each day I wait for the drawing. I have a yen for the Ghost Pyros. How beautiful they would look Twisting and turning. The obstacle that stands in the way is Hard to overcome. Randomness is just that: RANDOM. Every book I study, Every website I check out, Tells me the same thing: However much I want to influence it, Randomness cannot be coerced. Even though I wish for it Every day.
  19. I think John mentioned it once, awhile ago: Win one drawing; Sit out one.
  20. Okay, no nonsense aR eN Gee (8) I want these (3) So, be nice (3)
  21. Choosing (8) Moi (3) (that's French, you know) RNG (3)
  22. I watch for this prize with bated breath (8) RNG hear me (3) Pick my number (3)
  23. Sitting Waiting Avidly attentive
  24. Just so you all know, I was not the first person to support the right to arm bears. (I do support it, but I wasn't the first to notice that apposite reversal.)
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