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Everything posted by lmoaks

  1. I'm In...I can really use a set of these!
  2. Good morning guys ...from random.org the winner is #1 jeepinjeepin Congratulations! Contact me with your info and I will send the Quantum your way. You can email me at lmoaks@yahoo.com Mark
  3. Hi mtgrizzly52, Your entry has been withdrawn.
  4. Hi Guys, Thanks for the Karma! In return I am offering a Prism Quantum Complete in the original bag with lines. It is in very good condition with a few small black stains on the yellow section from the carbon rods. Quantum Specs Skill Level Beginner - Intermediate Wing Span 84" (213 cm) Wind Range 3 - 25 mph (5 - 40 kmh) Speed Moderate - Fast Pull Medium - Strong Frame Pultruded Carbon Sail Ripstop Nylon, Mylar Laminate Flying Lines 85' x 150 lbs Spectra™ (26 m x 68 kg) The drawing will be held on the morning of October 24th. Hope this great looking kite finds a good home. So lets all jump in for this next Karma and play by the rules... People that are in this Karma 1 jeepinjeepin WINNER 2 mywindstuff 3 elmo264 4 drdemonx 5 Mr.Lane 6 Stardragon Standard Karma Note from the Moderators This is a Karma Drawing. The winner of the drawing is expected to pay it forward by offering their own prize for the next drawing. Please do not enter unless you are willing to offer your own prize, preferably not the prize you just won. Drawings should be open for entry approximately 2 weeks, and the next drawing should be posted as soon as possible to keep the Karma rolling. These drawings are run by and for KiteLife members. The moderating team only ensures that your drawing post contains all of the pertinent information (drawing date/time, adequate prize description, drawing rules) before approval. If you are a KiteLife forum member from the US or Canada, you are eligible to enter. You do not have to be a paid subscriber. Members from Canada, Alaska, and Hawaii are welcome to enter the Karma drawings provided they are willing to pay half of the Karma prize shipping cost. The method and timing of the payment will be agreed upon between the two parties after the drawing for a particular prize. Here is the link to the original Rules and Guidelines thread: http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5426-rules-and-guidelines-please-read/ The mechanism for the drawing itself is entirely at the discretion of the person offering the prize. In the past, entry number has been determined either by order of entry or by the post number in which the member declares entry into the drawing. The drawings have been performed using the RNG method (http://www.random.org/sequences/) or by choosing the numbers out of a hat (I believe an adorable daughter did the picking in that scenario). The only requirement is that the method of selection is clearly spelled out in the drawing post. Entry into the drawings is done by STARTING a post in the drawing thread with the entry phrase chosen by the drawing host (Traditionally "I'm in", but "I LIKE" has been used as well). In order to remove any confusion or misinterpretation, only entries with posts that START with the phrase will be considered. As with all other KiteLife drawings, bantering is encouraged. This is for fun after all.
  5. Thanks to everyone for the karma. I will come up with the next drawing prize tomorrow. Mark
  6. Wow!!!... I can't believe I actually won something. (I never win) Anyway thanks to all. I will be looking for something to return the karma. Please let me know how to go about posting the next karma drawing. Thanks again, Mark
  7. I'm in ... Where the heck is everyone???
  8. I'm in if it's not to late
  9. I'm in ....I would love to win this kite
  10. I'm In... This is a great prize. I hope the karma will come my way this time.
  11. I'm in, not sure for which prize yet both sound good but I'm in
  12. I'm in ...always nice to have good tunes
  13. I'm in ... Love the colors, I hope I win this one!
  14. Yes bbailey49... my user name starts with a lower case L
  15. I Like... this kite and the colors are great!
  16. lmoaks

    ABS Quad

    Hi Guys, Here are a few pictures of my ABS UL. Let me say first that at best I am an advanced beginner when it comes to flying Quads. I live inland with very mixed winds so when the winds are 7-10 mph I will go out with a kite. Most of the time it takes everything I got just to keep the kite in the air with the dirty mixed winds so I don't (can't) do many tricks. All I will say is that if you like to fly quads...you have to try Lam's It's a blast to fly ...It's Awesome!!!
  17. I'm in... Thanks for the Karma Guys, I hope that I can return the karma.
  18. I'm in ... I would love to try the rev handle adaptors.
  19. Count me in! ... I'm In
  20. Okay... I'm In!
  21. I'm in on this one.
  22. lmoaks


    I was trying to find out more about this kite my self but was unable to do so. I was just there taking photos.
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