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SkyPuppets LimitVoodoo

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SkyPuppets LimitVoodoo last won the day on December 11 2024

SkyPuppets LimitVoodoo had the most liked content!

About SkyPuppets LimitVoodoo

  • Birthday 09/01/1976

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  • Favorite Kite(s)
  • Flying Since
    2009 - dualies. 2011 - Revs.
  • Location
    North Las Vegas, NV
  • Country
    United States
  • Interests
    Kites. Poker. Music. Technology. Friends and Family!
  • Gender

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  1. Sick! Just bought the "black lava" skull stake this morning 🤩 John you are a man of many talents! Of course, I would still LOVE to win this drawing and have a second Barresi stake. Big props to Walt Ellis. Unfortunately I have lost 3 of his beautifully made marble stakes over the years- 2 of them at Kite Party(s). Funny to think I have spent more on kite stakes than some will ever have spent on kites.
  2. Trimming out the trailing edge of the sail is easier with the pinky and ring fingertips. That way the "reverse" motion can also be made with a squeeze of the hand, rather than mostly thru the wrist. I keep a light grip with my thumb, pointer and middle fingers so the handle acts as a lever, with the pivot point resting mainly on my thumb and pointer finger. This grip works best with longer or adjustable leaders at the top of the handles, with the lines connected further away from the handles. https://photos.app.goo.gl/KJhw8Ccj5R5ejtAt9 Though blurry you can see my left hand with this grip. You can also see my right hand with a solid grip on the handle! Both grips are just tools in the toolbox, I will modify my grip thru squeezes, arm movements, wrist adjustments including twisting my wrists so I can operate the handles horizontally, and even changing the pivot point momentarily by raising the line with my pointer finger. All situational. Welcome to quad-line flying glench!
  3. Hello! I am posting an old video of mine, per John B's request (thanks man! 🙏). Las Vegas, NV is a very special place to fly kites of all kinds. I miss flying (and living) there, partly because of parks like the one featured in this video. I was "shoo-ed" away by park security from flying near the butterfly and flower fixtures due to their canvas sails.. In the end I received special permission from the city to make this video. ALWAYS be respectful when Urban Flying! 🤙
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  4. I will this evening! Thanks John. I'm so happy to support Kite Life all these years.
  5. Hey All, This is SkyPuppet Dave, I am so glad to have won! This is my second time winning in 8 years! So lucky. I haven't made a kite video forever, I will definitely need to make a new one to show this Djinn off 😎😎 Thanks all for the congrats!
  6. WOWZA I am so stoked to win ! Fortunately, winds out of the North are making for quite a few days with high, bumpy, funky winds. I should be able to get this baby up in the air for some pics and a vid. Thanks to everyone for the congrats! Anyone wondering where I've been can ask my good buddy The RNG, who has been locked up in my basement for a month and basically tortured with a computer virus. That's how we get it done son! Thanks to John and staff and KiteLife for the super dope prizes I can't believe I WON !!!!!! Sent from my LG-H811 using Tapatalk
  7. To prove "we don't need no stinking wind" indoors or not!
  8. Knew about the RC planes.. Learned that kites were a no no in San Diego while trying to fly at Coronado beach. The Navy Seals train there, and have an airfield at the end of the island. While I wasn't arrested, I was shut down and warned very quickly. Very.
  9. Damn smartphone! I can't see that one on my end
  10. Hehe since they are built in to the ABS, it seems like they aren't just required, but are a must.Those loops look heavy compared to magic sticks! Hmmm... "sissy sticks"... "lame loops" They're just "quad roll bars"... Dual kites have had them for a while. I love them on my Temptations...Yeah, I know. Seen them on dualies like you described. Still looks heavier than magic sticks to me! Now I'm wondering if they can be removed from the ABS without affecting the performance...Wish my fire emoji would show
  11. Hehe since they are built in to the ABS, it seems like they aren't just required, but are a must.Those loops look heavy compared to magic sticks! Hmmm... "sissy sticks"... "lame loops"
  12. Wearing out LPG might have to do with beach flying.. my 120s are 2.5 years old now, and still look fairly new. I have been to the beach only twice on these lines, oh and Antelope Island twice. Anyways nice to hear more positive feedback about SkyBond. Does it perform well when used in team situations mixed with LPG?
  13. Are you looking for a new one by chance? http://www.awindofchange.com/product/joe_talon.html
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