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Everything posted by Cyphert

  1. ohh man there are a lot of options. so the green race rods where do they fit into your bag? seams like it would over lap with the 3 or 4 wrap?
  2. fames are cheep enough i can pick up the 3 and 4 wrap with the VTD sail. i think ill be pretty covered for most things. more then that is just showing off... so ill be getting more later im sure. i look forward to the day i find the limit the rev can take. something beautiful about snapping a spar in flight.
  3. awesome i think it was the first check that they ran into the problem the hadnt contacted rev yet. thats the next step the shop was going to take was see what they can do. that black and white one is sweet looking JB! i was looking at getting the oposite design if i couldnt get a black center. yeah i have 2 threads going that i probably could have put into one. but they came to my brain at different times.
  4. looking forward to the VTD it going to match my STD well. its crazy how much i learn with just one post on this forum. i was so confused coming into the revs and now it all making sense. anything with a JB next to it is good! next i need to figure out the spars or frames as the rev community calls them. race 3 wrap 4 wrap seems to be the basic ones i need. i have a race are they just light med and heavy winds and same in the VTD. race in the VTD for lighter winds? as i have only flown with the race i dont know the difference in feel. and as the VTD is the next one im getting what would be the best frame for it?
  5. ...whats a SUL? k VTD is next on the list. well next would be mastering the STD but i have noticed its a bit twitchy in moderate to higher winds. i only have a race frame now so ill get the next one with either the 3 wrap or the 4 wrap (said like i know what im saying). the VTD looks best in my colour choices so im happy to get it next.
  6. hmm... rev doesnt have any center pieces except white. worken on a fix now with my local kite dealer. i might whip out the old sewing machine.
  7. thanks for all the input! i think ill go midvent next. i was thinking about getting an indoor to fly in my yard as there is no wind most the time. but i could get a zen but then i wouldnt have the indoor for indoor. and the indoor is cheaper. im trying to find a place to fly indoors. thanks for all the good advise quick fast like a bunny.
  8. agreed i was wondering if there was a colour filler inny thing. ill definitely go through my local kite shop. they dont have a custom colour thing but i used the regular one to get an idea.
  9. so i have a standard b pro now. thinking i want an indoor next. but then what one will be the most useful.
  10. so i want an indoor rev. i can find a place that has a list of all the option. every site only has 2 or 3 options but its different on each site. but i really want to make a custom one but dont know where to get one. any help?
  11. what about me!
  12. sweet thanks. i hope to have all three 20 footers and the 30 footer up at the memorial fly at WSIKF. i know the world kite museum has a bunch of his different kites as well. im still trying to get them all together. Robin McCracken will be helping with finishing the unfinished kites. Bazzer may also help finish one of them. once i start digging through the world kite museum to see whats in there ill have a better idea how many people we will need. i have 9 avengers (dual line that started the dual line craze). i can stack a lot of them 3 are always stacked some have been resparred and some have stand offs. we will probably aim for earlier in the week to not interfere with the 100 revs as i plan to also film that mega event!
  13. i loved having you guys fly the revs under the delta. 20 foot delta is huge indoors!! im glad i got to be a part of the festival.
  14. yeah im ordering 120 lazer pro gold lines as well im getting mine from oceanshorekites i got my last set from the kite shop. i like to spread the wealth. im also getting some 30 foot lines as i can not find anywhere within 40 miles of my place to fly my rev.
  15. been making kite videos from the last windless festival in long beach. www.youtube.com/videosbymtp there are some good videos of everyone.
  16. for those looking for pics from this event they can be found on at http://www.mtpstudios.com/kites it was such an amazing weekend i could not be happier!
  17. wow thats fun! i dont understand either. i barely understand 1.
  18. the Randy Tom Samurai Girl is my favorite!! i want one!
  19. i got spars for the 20 footer ill fly it this weekend at the indoor event. ok not at the indoor event but durring the weekend of, as the giant is the oposite of an indoor kite
  20. im so excited. indoors and out this will be a fun weekend! i have a nice cabin on the beach for me and 3 or 4 others
  21. omg i so want to be a part of this!! hope im good enough to do this!!! and ill definitely put this in the film as part of it. what a great thing to have any 100 kite flyers in one place flying at one time.
  22. i am honestly giddy over this clinic!
  23. tony new kathy as well so she might know even though she isnt there anymore.
  24. so i have a giant delts its a tonys delta. and its a big beauty. i want to fly it by the next big festival. it has no spars and i need spars i also need a team with experience to put it up in the air. i have put a 12 footer up many times and a big box delta that pulled real hard. i have even done a stack of 5 avengers. but this beast is next level stuff. i was going to tie it down to my van to anchor it. i keep asking for help but nobody seams to want to take on the project. its to big f...

  25. sheeze i was all worried. this was uber long ago. i have important forums i need peeps to be talking about!
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