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Everything posted by Cyphert

  1. Ok we'll after my Utah trip and cali trip I think I may need a vented kymera. I bought a vented soul and after a little tuning fell in love. I did my first axle the vented kite helped for some reason.
  2. I was thinking about just copying what's in other similar sized pro Ul kites. Tapered fancy stuff. I'm assuming spine leading edge and cross spars all need to be different?
  3. Somewhere in the middle Ul or Sul are the same thing. The Kymera standard is good in pretty low wind so maybe an Sul?
  4. Any suggestions on what rods and dodads i should try?
  5. So I just bought my second Kymera this week. A pretty blue one. Now I can strip my green one for parts and try and make a Ul Kymera wish me luck.
  6. si i left my fancy headphones in the car last night and i only had my iphone 5 headphones and when i first got them i tried em out and the were ok the sound was good but not amazing the ear pieces were good but slippery and always fell out. but i gave em another shot. and without wearing another pair of headphones for a day the sound is amazing. i would say without doing head to head the sound is just as good to the unknowing ear. the slippery part was still there. but they do fit in your ear well and i could sleep on them. i do like an earbud that fits in my ear and lets me sleep. i would say these are the best low end headphones out for the money. or lack of money as they come with the new iphones.
  7. I keep some kites in every one of my cars. An iflite for every car and a foil in most cars. And my full kite bag lives in most cars.
  8. I could but ill hand that question over to Jb he is the master. John what say you?
  9. so this noise canceling stuff whats that all about? my headphones are all monitor headphones my studio and even my house is made to have perfect audio already so there is no outside noise and inside noise sounds perfect so there is no noise canceling need. do you use yours? i imagine it would be good for wind and what not.
  10. now im on the hunt for a nice case. i realizes i stopped taking head phones where ever i go due to case issues. i need some kite specific headphones with there own kite friendly case.
  11. the Bose blue tooth ones look nice though. i would want to try before i buy though. sure would be nice for flying to not have a cord.
  12. just referring to a blue tooth headphone which we dont have. http://www.amazon.com/Bose-AE2w-Bluetooth-Headphones-Black/dp/B00CD1FB26/ref=sr_1_25?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1375842935&sr=1-25&keywords=bluetooth+headphones these are the only ones i would try. Bose never really messes up a good thing. would like to know if anyone has tried to play with blue tooth headphones.
  13. the hard case on those jvc are very alluring!! they could live in a kite bag. all mine have big soft bags. another usb headphone problem is charging i dont need another thing to charge i have seen some that live on the charger in the car and are always ready to go. and its a pass though charger so you can use it for other things as well.
  14. i guess there are some ok blue tooth speaker phone units with noise canceling gismos so i think soon there should be some good options i havent looked into the $500+ units im sure they are ok. i run into cord issues with mine. there are super long cords after market cables dont have the same locking cable into the headphones. i just try to tuck everything into my jacket. summer times i start having troubles as i wear less. i actually dont wear headphones in the summer as much and tend to get ear aches from the wind.
  15. The KRK-KNS8400 are 139 on amazon i picked em up at a local store fore 150. i do buy most everything on amazon though. the bose are very nice but the dr dre are not very good the sound is very fake and artificially enhanced. one of the headphones in the studio is a set of Sure headphones and probably sound better then mine. they do have full around the ear open headphones for singers so they can hear themselves for those that care about there surroundings. i like to get as lont in my kite flying as i can. find that special head space. but i fly on the beach and use my van and kite bags to make a little nest for myself. i also use my cell phone so when im flying with a friend they can just call me thats what me and my friend do as we both prefer closed headphones. most studio pros use much nicer headphones then me but also spend way more starting at 300. i have nice monitor speakers that i use in the studio. my headphones are just for the beach. i do want to find a good pair of blue tooth headphones but i dont think the technology is quite there yet.
  16. i was using my jam session and also trying it with 2 different foils.
  17. I have to pump my arms the whole time I did it for an hour at Lincoln city to let the little ones play with it and to keep people away from the dark side. Not hard to do with a big tail! I may look at just getting a little one. I think I also need to adjust my bridle pulling on the tail just sucks my kite out of the sky.
  18. The biggest thing with head phones is the feel on your ears. My producer uses a set of akg headphones and just loves em. I can't stand em. They probably sound good but don't fit my head or ears. Buying headphones in a store is much better then online just cuz we all have different heads and flying kites last thing you want is uncomfortable things wobbling on your head.
  19. I love my matching ocius! I have a std and UL. Makes me happy. But not alI kites have UL. I found a kite that I love now I want a matching UL. I'm thinking about buying another one and tossing light spars in it and fiddling with the bridle. Low wind seams to be my curse.
  20. the foam is night for listing to music at night as well. because you can sleep on them. if its the right ear bud that doesnt stick out.
  21. smells like the ocean sounds like a kymera.
  22. huh i asked once, then found out, then put it somewhere i would never forget....
  23. I love the stack with the tails. All 50 microns 40 foot tails is amazing but very difficult to deal with!
  24. This is a fun weekend of flying merged into one performance video.
  25. It's been a lot of fun you would think it would just be get 50 and fly them. Andy at ocean shores kites sponsors me and helped build this. And it took a while to get it all tuned up to fly well. So worth it though.
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