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West Australian

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Everything posted by West Australian

  1. West Australian


    From the album: Rev's In West Oz

    3 Visiting Masters, Flew them All. Wish they could Stay.
  2. West Australian

    Light Wind Day

    From the album: Rev's In West Oz

    Rev 1 with Race Frame, and Ghost SUL on 2 wrap. All Set for light wind
  3. West Australian

    Cool Rev Flying

    From the album: Rev's In West Oz

    The Rev 1... Always Cool
  4. From the album: Sky Decorations

    A great day flying with friends
  5. West Australian

    Serpent 021 LW

    From the album: Sky Decorations

    My Home made Kite, 10m Long. Out on 50m of line.
  6. West Australian

    Serpent 019 LW

    From the album: Sky Decorations

    My Home made Kite, 10m long
  7. West Australian

    Serpent 015 LW

    From the album: Sky Decorations

    My Home made kite, 10m long
  8. From the album: Sky Decorations

    A 10m metallic red tail on my Sled
  9. West Australian

    Group shot

    From the album: Sky Decorations

    Just a bunch of kites staked out for fun.
  10. West Australian

    Plutz 3

    From the album: Gliding Freedom

    A visiting flyer trying his hand at Gliding on My Plutz 3
  11. Wow determination alright. Well done. I can't say I contend with any of those problems myself. Nice big field is nice.
  12. Great Video, Awesome Skills. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Yeh 40 ish would be about right for that bottom Pic, It takes a lot to fill that sail. It is a great Kite Tmadz. Cant say I have ever had to wind lines in snow, doesn't snow much in Perth...
  14. Rev Polo at dawn... How about this LE Curve?
  15. West Australian

    wump Jpg

  16. It was a great run Rob, I am sure you can make it all the way Next time.
  17. Sound Advice, The UV index can get pretty High in WA. Stick with the treatment, Your reward is waiting at the end.
  18. West Australian

    DSC 0332

    Nice Colours, Great angular design!
  19. West Australian

    Stack Whumping

    From the album: Rev's In West Oz

    Whumping a Stack of Revs!
  20. Yeh, but they were different Stacks. The Variable Vented Stacks. I want to get some Bright yellow Tails on both of these, and film that.
  21. Thanks Bro, Great weather and Even Greater Company. I hope to get some video of the stacks with tails one day.
  22. This is what I was up to this morning, with a friend.
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