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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Wala, ITW Echo. My beloved E3
  • Location
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    United States
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Kitelife Regular

Kitelife Regular (4/7)



  1. I really want that kite.
  2. Me like, Please RNG. Send it to me
  3. It can't be a country song. There's nothing about momma, gettin' drunk, pickup trucks, trains, or prison.
  4. Nicely done.
  5. Nice win, I still haven't flown my last win which was a micron. Waiting for some good wind. Congratulations
  6. sorry to hear of his passing
  7. Thanks! Just placed an order. So which one did you go with
  8. Congratulations, Looks like I have to buy mine,, Enjoy that new kite
  9. Shhhh. I am liking my odds
  10. I'm in, Those are way too cool, I'm in I'm in i am in
  11. Congratulations. Enjoy that new kite
  12. Sadly I have two, Nice tool to have I was severely underestimating wind speed
  13. I really need this kite, I have never begged the RNG, But please pick my number.
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