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Everything posted by Prawnstar

  1. I was trying to snag these as well, but no shipping to Oz!Well yet anyway.. Rob, if you want to, I can order one for you and ship it to OZ. Not sure what it would cost, but if interested let me know. Really appreciate that. I've spoken to Carolyn and shipping kills it at the moment for the amount I was after. What if we did a group buy rob? What number makes it worthwhile....
  2. Great flying, who makes the music in this video? Tryad - struttin ..... It's at the end of the clip
  3. Ok I have a couple of options on a couple of second hand dualie kites, but I can only afford one of them for now. The two options Flying wings soul Or Level one genesis They both are written up quite well from what I can see on the intaweb. Which one should I go for and why? *edit* also tell me a bit about their flight characteristics Annnnnd go !
  4. i currently have a set of soul in ear, but dont like the fit with the silicone tips, they stay in but arent comfortable. Have ordered some memory foam tips to see how they go. Am contemplating some overhead phones but not quite sure which ones are going to do the job at this point....
  5. So we talked about flying with music the other week. Tell me, whats your choice of headphones and why? In ear? Over head? Brand?
  6. What'd it cost to get it to oz?
  7. 01110000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110011 01100101 00100000 01100100 01110010 01100001 01110111 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01101110 01110101 01101101 01100010 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101001 01101101 01100101 00100000 01101111 01101000 00100000 01101101 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 01111001 00100000 01110010 01101110 01100111
  8. so i had a a bunch of 10gr oval shaped sinkers in the fishing tackle box.....i took to them with a hammer and flattened 3 of them, then bent them around a piece of wood..... then went to local hardware store and got some stick on velcro ...job done, now i have a 10gr and a 20gr tail weight
  9. you dont need it cyphert, im just experimenting with it to see what difference it makes when doing rotational tricks. @ mick , thanks man ...lucky we had this conversation earlier
  10. its a velcro flap one - the original
  11. does anyone have a picture of the original tail weight that is included with the kite? i bought a second hand ocius and was wondering what the original one looks like. Could one be made ? I have a kite shop generic weight i bought, but its kinda bulky, and zip tied on at the moment
  12. Wayne i have already got a an exp ....... not quite a B, but a full sail nonetheless Wasnt at my local field for first flight - that beach is about a 40 min drive from my place, but thats where the kite shops are :-)
  13. Arrived today....so happy, so very very happy
  14. http://www.revkites.com/forum/topic/4619-b-series-mod/
  15. thought i had found something on rev kites forum - but alas it led nowhere. Thanks for the replies, was hoping there might have been something in the secret laboratories out there
  16. Can't see any other topics on this. Just a random thought, Has anyone retro fitted a full vent/mid vent to make into a full sail. As in like a velcroed on, strips of icarex, to cover and remove from the vents to make the sail an all wind condition machine? Or is there something out there that can be bought? Edit, ignore me, I found some topics - lol
  17. Congratulations !!!
  18. all hail the great and mighty RNG.............
  19. knew i should have searched for older threads before i went to the hardware store - lol i got four "little" m6 stainless steel washers that dont seem to have any sharp edges/finish to them...they cost all of 11c each... if they show any signs of wearing on the leading edge on the debut this weekend, im going to tie the bungee cords together, thanks for a great idea
  20. I love having music on as I fly. My playlist generally depends on what kite I am flying. Slow and lazy on the 4d generally results in something laid back. Ocius leans to dance music Rev.....depends on my mood :-)
  21. Yeah I heard that too, mine would only be twelve months old if that, and it broke in the middle of where the metal goes through the plastic. Lks replaced it for me though ..... Haven't managed to break the new one , touch wood
  22. careful with the higher wind ranges on the 4d .... i bent and broke my centre that way. Only fly mine in the lightest of winds now, more challenging
  23. Three point set up is easy to do, just loosen one of the knots ( cant remember which on- there's a guide out there for this) and slide it over to make three point. Gives a little more direct feel, I suppose is the way to put it. The tension line I think he has installed a leech line, can be done, but rather fiddly with such a small traing edge. Again obviously can be done and there are tutorials out there on how to do it.
  24. yeah i love those videos - i watched them endlessly when i first bought my 4d - i really like this one too, gives you some ideas on the inputs required
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