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Everything posted by esinger

  1. Aren't diamond rods hard to come by? Sent from my XT1575 using KiteLife mobile app
  2. @riffclown it looks like I have my weekends mixed-up. I believe I can go to the Rogallo Sent from my XT1575 using KiteLife mobile app
  3. Well Wayne I'm definitely not living in fear of flying with a team LOL. I honestly don't know of any active flyers in the area, but I do see the point you're making. Sounds like the original plan of going with the SS P-100 rods will be a good start. Maybe after a short amount of time I'll buy another set of different rods to try out. Thanks!
  4. @riifclown Thanks for the offer, I might take you up on that. Although I can't make the Rogallo, we'll see about the Wright Kite Festival. To be honest, I've emerged from a different time where most everyone flew dual line kites and few flew quads. The whole concept of changing rods/spars in a Rev is completely new to me. That only happened when I broke one. The kite just came with the rods and that was that. It's exciting to get a premium quad kite for once. Thank you all for the advice! Eric
  5. My style is more graceful and I enjoy more precise flying. Also the wind conditions where I live tend towards the lighter side. So the SkySharks sound more suitable for sure. I might end up grabbing a race frame in the future. Thanks! Sent from my XT1575 using KiteLife mobile app
  6. Hi Wayne, Yes the Ash is arriving at Flying Smiles Kites as just the sail. They asked me if I wanted to purchase a frame to accompany it, which I do, however I'm wasn't sure what frame to ask for. They recommended a P-100 frame, but i thought it wouldn't hurt to ask other opinions before it arrived. Sent from my XT1575 using KiteLife mobile app
  7. Hi, I have an Ash on order and I'm hoping it will arrive within the next two weeks. Does anyone have thoughts or recommendations on frames for this kite? Thanks, Eric Sent from my XT1575 using KiteLife mobile app
  8. Hindsight pretty much 20/20 on that lol
  9. Well, I feel a little stupid after flying​ my Symphony 2.2.4 with my new handles. Since the adjustment knots were on one leader of the handles, I figured those should be at the top. WRONG! So I was flying with the handles upside down. No wonder the kite didn't fly as well. Sent from my XT1575 using KiteLife mobile app
  10. Speaking of Sky Spy. What the heck is this? Look at this on eBay http://www.ebay.com/itm/322513819685 Sent from my XT1575 using KiteLife mobile app
  11. I made my lines over a week ago and I finally received my handles. Ready for some Symphony 2.2.4 goodness! Thank again Rob!
  12. My first kite was a Gayla Bat kite. A had a friend at the time that I'd fly it with and he had a Puffer kite. Sent from my XT1575 using KiteLife mobile app
  13. Here's a new version that I work up with my partner's help.
  14. Does anyone collect kite pins? I don't have many of them, but do enjoying pick one up from time to time.
  15. Ditto, I tried ordering too with no luck. Cannot ship to this address.
  16. Darn you April, now I have a version of The Bangles song running through my head. "Kite like an Egyptian"
  17. No problem@makatakam use what you need Sent from my XT1575 using KiteLife mobile app
  18. This morning I worked up this silhouette And by changing the hats, heads and height.
  19. Just installed Photoshop Elements 15. Much better than MS paint Lol.
  20. Looks like Photoshop Elements might be what I need
  21. Thanks Rob, those are nice. For this project and a slew of other photos. It's be nice to find a piece of software that could take a photo and select an object in the photo that I can copy, paste and edit to whatever with whatever I want. I'm sure there's some software out there that does that and doesn't cost that much.
  22. I really need to find a nice photo editing piece of software. Turning a photo into a silhouette is time consuming.
  23. Do you have any silhouette examples I could use or a good side profile picture I could make a silhouette from? Sent from my XT1575 using KiteLife mobile app
  24. If someone can sketch out more, I'll try to make it happen Sent from my XT1575 using KiteLife mobile app
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