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Everything posted by esinger

  1. I really like it! It's a very fun kite that can easily be whipped around and doesn't fall out of the sky if you do something wrong. Just over 7' wide, it's a smaller than full sized kite which was the appeal it had to me. Flies in maybe 2 to 3 mph winds, not really a no wind kite. I mostly fly it on 100# lines
  2. I see your point John. I have some thoughts on possibly making a hand strap that might be better for me and give the same results. Thanks! Sent from my [device_name] using http://KiteLife mobile app
  3. What's the advantage of the 3 finger strap hold? Sent from my [device_name] using http://KiteLife mobile app
  4. He does make nice comfortable straps, however you're right there's not anyway to use them except the way they are designed.
  5. Awesome John, 29 so far! There I go thinking dual line flying was a dying sport.
  6. I've tried many years ago to mimic Dodd's flailing straps, but could not really make it work for me. At the time (and still) there weren't any really good dual line flyers near me, so Dodd's flight school on VHS (LOL) was only way to learn. I may still have that tape.... Anyway, depending on the winds, I either fly with the straps on my wrist or hold the top ends in my hands. Even finger straps I just hold in my hand instead of the using the finger loops.
  7. I also noticed while watching videos of other flyers that there seems to be two ways of flying with straps. The first is of course having the straps around your wrists (which is what I normally do), the other is holding the strap ends in your hands. Typically seen in Dodd Gross videos.
  8. I'm bringing back this topic because it's been pointed out that I've been crossing my hands while tricking. There's some good advice here and I'm going to start making videos of myself flying (not the kite) to adjust my technique. One reason I cross my hands is because my pops are towards my body. After watching some videos of other flyers, I see pops should be downward. I'm going to start imagining myself playing drums with sticks for my pops. Another interesting thing I've also noticed, when I'm not thinking so much about performing a trick, I end up doing tricks that I amaze myself with. I'm like "Dude, did some other flyer temporarily take over my body?". If I "try" to execute a trick, I normally fail.
  9. Hey John, what length lines are you flying the Kaiju with? I assume 50# or are they lighter than that?
  10. Here's a size comparison of the Fulcrum against my Phoenix Ash by Bazzer
  11. Finally, install the standoffs. The slightly large ones go into the connectors on the back of the wings. The smaller ones go into the connectors in the center. That's it! Done with the assembling.
  12. Next is the center spine. It has a knot in the center of the spine that is attached to the bridle by a larks head. This is for easy removal when switching standard and UL center spines. Make sure the bridle lines are clear and install the center spine with the ferruled ends of the wing spines.
  13. Take one of the end spines and insert it into the T connector on the back. Make sure the ferruled end goes thru the opening to the front of the kite. Be sure to push the spine completely into the T connector until it gets to the stop. Once that's done, install the other end of the spine to the leading edge connector on the wing. Do the same for the other side.
  14. The Fulcrum I purchased came with two frames/spine sets. A standard frame and an UL Frame. There are three pieces, two for the ends and a center. There are 4 standoffs. Two slightly larger standoffs for the back of the wings and smaller standoffs for the center spine.
  15. Here's some help for anyone that owns or is considering a Fulcrum. The kite comes in a bag and when removed is wrapped commonly around the spars. The best way to start assembling it is to unwrap it and lay it out with the back facing up.
  16. Thanks for the advice Tim, sorry that you broke a spar. I decided to order a vented model for higher wind occasions, so hopefully I can avoid breaking it. I bet its fun and a handful in ripping winds
  17. Hi Mike, winds (as almost always) were kind of all over the place although not very high. Reverse was very easy and maybe a bit fast than forward. I didn't tune it much, other than giving it a bit more forward speed by taking it a notch closer on the top of the handle leaders. Since the winds weren't very high and it's a big kite and it didn't seem fast in general. I could possibly see some tricks out of it, but didn't have enough time to really get a good feel for what it's capable of.
  18. I received my Fulcrum custom today and had a chance to fly it for about 40 minutes in winds from 0 to 6 mph winds. It does take a more time to assembly than a Rev or even a dual line kite, but not terrible. So far I can't find a position it will not launch from. It's a pretty easy quad to fly, so much so I would probably train a first time quad flyer on it. It does have a some pull to it, but it also is a large kite, larger than a Rev 1.5. Probably closer to a Rev 1 size. I did have a couple of times that I wondered which end was up since it has a symmetrical form. It came with both standard and UL 3 piece center spreaders. I used the UL end spreaders and standard center spreader since it looked a little more involved at the time to change the already attached center spreader out. It flew pretty good in low winds and I could imagine it'd be a hand full in winds around 10 mph or more. Up and down are very easy. Center spins are good and end wing spins are readily there. Side slides are going to take a little more work, but seem like they are possible. One thing I was able to do that I've had problems with was flying a quad with one hand. I had problems flying a Rev like JB does with one hand, but this is an easier kite to do that, in my opinion. Definitely a cool kite and recommended for a different quad experience or beginner quad flyers.
  19. I'm game! Sent from my XT1575 using KiteLife mobile app
  20. I'm going to try to stay the full duration this time around. Felt like I missed a really good time last spring. Whatever JB wants to do is fine by me. I speak Quad, Dual and Single line Looking forward to getting together with the group again! I miss you all.
  21. Cool, I'm getting some remote support from both Lam and Antonis. One of the nicer things about buying kites from such accomplished flyers as well as kite makers. So my dualie skills are getting better. If his Bumship comes up too, maybe he can help me some on the side.
  22. I understand, more seem to be interested in quads, so I can see why that would be better for the many. Sent from my XT1575 using KiteLife mobile app
  23. I definitely am interested in dual line skills, although I'm not sure if there's much interest beyond myself. Quad team would be nice, for the rare occasions I get a chance to fly with someone else Sent from my XT1575 using KiteLife mobile app
  24. Mike pointed out that April 16th is a Monday, so they goofed. http://rcchamber.chambermaster.com/events/details/20th-annual-blue-ridge-kite-festival-375
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