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ant man

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Everything posted by ant man

  1. sweet photos bram i wish my gym was that big
  2. congrats paul oh well the battle with quad kit was still fun
  3. at my local rec center the director loves it when i fly there but i always ask if the fields are closed to any sports activity before i go this time of year all the seasons are over so every weekend i head over there i even help clean up the fields of trash and any harmful debree as a favor the them for letting me use the fields its a great palce to fly and i respect the rules there as i have been flying there for the past 10 years when the fields were put there so you might want to try something like that get the phone number and call the place before you go there it will help you out alot
  4. i dont think it will cost $400 to get it there but it might cost some money the dvd is on e bay you can also try www.new tech kites.com dodd gross is the creatior of the videos and is a great flier
  5. penny lets back that up a little you are not the only crazy rev flier in here you forget i got the lashing from lolly about how harsh i am on sails because of all the wild places i fly with them we shall now continue the rev 1 battle
  6. any day now my number is going to appear in the big red letters so be ready for it and the winner is kls#300
  7. its going to be mine before you know it ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  8. sopunds like early fall here not a breeze of wind you would think that nothing would fly but even on a still day your kites will fly at the beach its almost to weird for words
  9. let the battles commence and we are at the final countdown before you surender to me give up its all over
  10. ill show you all a pic when my new kite gets here tomorrow is the DEADLINE are you all ready to watch me win
  11. get the acrobatix from flying wings its a good all around trick kite
  12. skitch you tell great stories but you ll have plenty of time for storytellin because with no kites to fly what will you do watch you team get beat and not make the superbowl well if you want to come to wildwood join up with quad kite and mabie ill let you fly my new prize
  13. quad kit i agree i though of that too its kinda funny but unless he fopund them or got them at a yard sale then i too think its a tease
  14. oh you guys are the best but what will be better is in a couple of days well all know the truth when i show off my new prize
  15. start with the basics simple push and pull turns and also learn to launch and land once you learb control of the kites tricks will come eazy to you as for a kite moveing like a plane it might be close but the kite is much faster i would think
  16. well i hope you get your car good luck on your driving test
  17. jen dont be in too much of a hurry to get old its not as fun as being young i would love to be 17 again i had so much fun at that age
  18. i am new to freestyle too i did notice the weight on mu quantom pro is on the bottom a brass weight and i can do a couple of tricks i couldnt do with other kites so i thinking that the weight could be a good ballence for certiin tricks i soppose
  19. on dual line kites usually weights go on the bottom of the spine from some of the kites ive seen my quantom pro has a brass weight on the bottom i think it mostly has to do with changeing the ballence and pitch so pulling off tricks is eazier ive never tried tp put weights anywhere else weights are mainely good for slack line flying as well witch is where some of your tricks come from
  20. you dont have to say any words i know and everyone that has done this will know too Ethan is 9 months now and watching him grow is a blast he has 2 teeth and is learning to walk he is my life and always will my little man at 7 months in his pimp wear
  21. ROFL SKITCH them seahawks aint goin nowhere either i will give you the benifit the hawks are doing pretty well this year but you just wait until my loseing team become the winning one now we rumble
  22. here is my son Ethan on his b day feb 16 2006 and me in in shock on the same day its to wild for words so moon i know how you feel its the best feeling in the world the pic is a little messed up i went 2 days with no sleep so bear with me here
  23. cool bram good luck with it
  24. oh man look a t this another person that thinks hes going to win ROFL yea man bring on the fight im ready jersey side ready for the battle !!!! who else wants to feel the fury
  25. the winter time is the best cool weather and closed areas if i get snow im goin to kit ski woth my blade 3 4.9 the wildwood beach is like a flat ice plane so the skies will work great this time of year
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