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Everything posted by Dave362

  1. My new Sky Sport GPS by Lam just showed up today. it is soooo beautiful. Lam does incredible work. I won't get a chance to fly it until the weekend but I am so excited!!!!!!!
  2. Thanks Rob, This kite is kind of like your Zephyr, I've flown the crap out of it. Its a bit like the QP, but more willing to trick, while remaining just as unforgiving of less than perfect inputs.
  3. Very cool kite, Mark! Looking good!
  4. I was working on straight lines across the window today, using a half axel to reverse direction. I really tried to power out of the rotation, locking on the new heading. I'm posting this because I really had to have my hands out front and together to get a hard heading lock, fully powered up. If I tried to keep them at my sides in the most common tricking position I got very little power up and the nose would wander around before settling on a heading. Just some thoughts I'm having as I try to get a handle on all of this. I will say, I now feel hand position and stance are together a more significant key to flying well than I ever realized. Thoughts?
  5. Sounds lik a good kit I have nocks, Black electric tape, a bunch of different weights and 0 rings, small zip ties, Bridle line, and stand off caps for my QPs. Also some scissors and pliers.... I can't remember what else..... It keeps changing/growing as different things break.
  6. i agree, What a beast!!!!! Looks like everyone had a great day. i managed to get out for a couple of hours. I only took one kite, my beloved Nirvana, so I would spend my time flying, not fiddling. Just practiced basics; ground passes to half axel, repeat at other side... Worked on a bunch of basic tricks, just trying to get my touch back. gettng better, but I'm still beating the kite up at times. Anyway, great way to spend the day!
  7. I've been flying dual line kites since 1990 and have never de tensioned a leading edge except for travel. Never had a prroblem, but I have had to replace the shock chord or string lashing a few times. I carry a little tool kit that has this material, plus a bunch of other stuff.
  8. Thanks for the tips, really helpful stuff! I so appreciate the level of Rev flyers in evidence at this site. I've just gotta keep at it. I've got a new kite from Lam coming this week. I'll for sure get out and get some pictures of it for this thread. I really enjoy threads like this, that invite participation. Nice goin' Rob!
  9. I tried to get one that looked like yours, but I could only fly one handed with the kite on the ground.......
  10. Most of us have been influenced by other kite flyers in one way or another. I'm just curious who may have had an impact on your flying and why? For me a big influence was Andy Wardley. That summer (2004 I think) when he made a video a week, mostly with his Benson Gemini, working through different combos like the Duplex, had a profound influence on my approach to kiting. Everything he did seemed about newness and discovery. Now of course, its pretty unlikely to stumble upon something entirely new, but Andy always tried to come at his flying in his own way. That's always stuck with me. So how about you?
  11. Wow! That Rainbow looks amazing!!!!!!
  12. I've got Lam's new GPS on the way, should be here next week. When the dust settles from that, I may look at the Seven. The sail panels are so beautiful. Gotta admit, for me looks are really important. I mean, you stare at the thing for hours. It has to be visually appealing......
  13. So now you have the whole set? Very cool! I've been looking closely at those. Seems like a very capable, very modern kite.
  14. I'm going to buy a tripod mount for my iphone 6 and see how that works. Lots of great information here. Thanks for all the advice! Dave
  15. SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! John, that is the coolest thing I have heard if in a long time There are so many things out these days that make this easier. I'm not well versed in any of them. For example, Rob mentioned a wide angle lens in the Gopro. Is that a feature of all their cameras, or just the high end ones? Another thing, which is better for hosting kite videos, Vimeo or youtube? I'm just looking in to doing this after a long layoff and everything has changed. I'll bet I'm not the only one with these types of questions. Does anyone have any ideas about how to get an information exchange going for the tech side of being involved in kiting? Let's face it, for many of us, the internet is our only source of a kiting community. Tech savvy is a huge part of joining in. For me, I have no aspiratiions beyond being able to share stuff and enjoy other's kiting experiences. It would be cool to have information on cameras, triggering devices as meantioned above, editing software, a ton of other stuff, easily accessable in these forums. Any ideas? I guess it could just be a bunch of threads, but maybe more. In another thread Rob mentioned getting a tricking discussion group going, based on helpful comments on each other's vids. I can't help but think these two areas are related. Sorry to go on and on, just brainstorming.
  16. Rob, you get a really nice balance between field of view and proximity of the kite in the shot. I'll bet it did take awhile to develop that kind of control. I'm not used to focusing on keeping a dual line kite in one area of the sky. Time to put in some hours........
  17. I tried filming a bit of my hand/body position today, Not as bad as I expected. My hands are more to my sides when tricking than I realized. Sometimes I look a little goofy, but then, I'm a little goofy. Stance seems ok. Best thing I saw is that I'm moving on the field a lot. This was a good exercise.
  18. Good stuff, guys. thank you for taking the time Bill, I really enjoyed your videos. Nice work! Ugh! This is hard.... I tried it today and got a few frames with the kite in it. Its beyond me how some of you get these nice shots of the kite, not just a little speck, and manage to stay in frame. It was soooo much easier when my wife used to film me. Maybe I should bribe her with a nice dinner?
  19. Your wife complains the Icarex sheets don't breathe "but dear, Carrington has a much higher thread count......"
  20. Do you use a tripod? If so, where do you position the camera for best field of viiew? How does line length effect the outcome? Do you have a camera person to help? Any tips you would be willing to share? I'd like to do this a bit but have never filmed with a tripod. I've seen many great looking videos using them and would really appreciate any ideas on how to get started. The ones with relatively little editing look great, but that must take some planning. The only filming I've done was long ago and was just a bunch of edits, little clips put together. I'd like to be able to film longer uninterrupted sections. The Gopro thing looks cool, but with all the moving around we do, I'm not sure the heard strap would yield good results. Appreciate any help. Thanks, Dave
  21. I just ordered Lam's new GPS, so I guess that's my next kite
  22. Awesome! Looks like a really cool kite. I'm pumped!!!!!
  23. Great prize! Congrats on your win!
  24. John, That Kymera video you linked was really helpful. I've always thought a guy could achieve more of a middle ground, with the tricking hand position closer to what is traditionally used for push turns and stuff. That's just the first time I've ever seen it done. Man, this forum has been so helpful. i've already learned a ton and I've only been here a week!
  25. Great stuff! John, that boxer analogy is the coolest ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Funny you should use that one... I punched myself in the face on Sunday while attempting a slot machine. That's taking it too far, right?
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