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Everything posted by Dave362

  1. Dave362


    From the album: Dave's Pictures

  2. Dave362

    Great morning

    From the album: Dave's Pictures

    Ocean shores, whole beach to myself
  3. Dave362


    From the album: Dave's Pictures

    just before the first flight of the best kite I've ever owned
  4. if you schedule another for next spring I'll be the first to sign up. until then, I'll look for excuses to get to Portland. I knew the Ocean shores clinic would be fun, and that I'd learn a bunch of cool stuff. I honestly don't think I realized how much I would get out of it. 'can't wait til next time!
  5. so um,,,,,, when's the next dual line clinic? I could leave tomorrow. Just sayin'...............
  6. Just ordered a Skyburner Ocius UL to go with my standard. Even got the matching sail pattern!
  7. Nice goin' man! Looks great!
  8. Sounds like a wild time, full of the appropriate drama Sounds like its time for a new line set....
  9. nice, good for you! Those Sevens are killer kites!
  10. Post # 11 is profound. gonna think on that awhile....... super cool stuff John, thanks for the insights.
  11. beatiful kites, man! love the proph!
  12. got it. Really cool idea. I'll bet it its nice to not be grounded in the supe light winds
  13. I just re read your prevvious post. So the uprights are actually shorter? oh, I see it now. The vented behind it is standing taller. I must need new glasses.......
  14. Hey Mark, thanks so much for the pics. Would you please explain the mod again? i remember the light wind performance advantages and it looks like the verticals are longer, but beyond that, I don;t kknow what I'm looking at other than a beautiful kite
  15. Thanks for your kind words. What started all this was something JB said to me the day before. I hope its clear I repeat his words with the deepest respect. He told me to pay closest attention to alignment. Not just because the tricks will look better, they will, BTW, but because when everything's straight the flyer has less corrections to make. I thought about that all day. The next morning when I hit the beach, that was all I was trying to do, pay closest attention to "keeping the spine aligned." There are two wap doo waps in the first 30 seconds of the vid. I've known this trick for years, but it has always been very inconsistent. Its kinda tough... Employing what John suggested caused a real, repeatable breakthrough. If you watch those clips again, in both wap doo waps I don't hit the over rotated flic flac or the wap rotation until everything is straight. You can see a split second hesitation as I wait for it to line up. Both rotations come off cleanly and easily set me up to exit back into a fade. This was huge for me. Thanks John!
  16. Hey Rob! Thanks man, for the encouragement and very helpful comments. I just love discussing this stuff, and I appreciate you guys chiming in!
  17. Dude! That is super helpful! I never would have thought of that.... I did film reps of all the tricks but kind of haphazardly. For this footage I'll arrange them into like tricks, and make a clip of each. Then I can study the planes. Next time out, I can film just one trick at a time, a bunch of reps of each, then study them. Thanks so much, Rob! You really helped!
  18. After the first day of JB's clinic, what I learned was so awesome that I went to the beach the next day before dawn to work on it. I attempted to practice what he suggested and filmed these short clips to hopefully get some feedack for improvement. Each clip has an entry, trick and exit. No music, fancy transitions, just simple practice. For two of the wrapped tricks, I had to fly out of frame after the wrap to get a clean entry line. The whole thing is under two minutes. I'd really appreciate any comments or tips. Thanks so much, Early morning practice session from Dave.362 on Vimeo.
  19. Had a great time at the clinic! Learned tons. John is a dual line beast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Super cool, Rob! I really like how he gives a blow by blow so you could work on the sequence at your own speed. ITs kind of like a monthly program of study. A guy could just learn part of it, too, a couple of moves to get some different combos going. And as you said, its pretty fast. Great stuff, thanks for posting!
  21. I just picked up my Ocius standard thursday. Really really fun kite!
  22. +1 I think this is gonna be a pretty nice kite. I recently got a look at most of the Sky Dog line in person. Very impressive. A real value. This is their flag ship trickster. I'm thinkin' anyone (especially me) would be glad to own it.....
  23. Very very cool vids. What an amazing show, and such a cool creative way to incorporate kites! I tell ya, man, in front of all those folks and with the critical timing and slick presentation, good on ya to be able to look that natural and "bring it" on demand. Truly impressive. Simply another level of professionalism.
  24. I used to keep a bottle of CA (super glue) and spray accelerator in my tool kit for when these things come loose. Problem is, super glue doesn't last forever so I need to replace it. Oh yeah, you can also get CA de bonder which you spray on the ferrule to break it free. Makes it easy to insert a new one if something goes south on the field.....
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