This morning I was working on putting a flic flac at the fade position in a JL. I like to use the Jacobs Ladder as a study platform for inserting other elements, goal being to get better at stringing together combos. Anyway, the kite I was flying wanted the nose a little higher than normal to get a good flic flac. Once I saw this, when I would pull to unroll the half lazy I would move my hands a bit toward the kite, providing a bit more slack and allowing the nose to rotate past level for the fade. Instantly the combo became smooth and easy. So watching the kite, or in other words paying closer attention to where it is and what it wants allows me to figure out why i'm having trouble with a given sequence. Some great comments in this thread, some implying intuitive flying and flow. Beautiful stuff. My ( hair brained) opinion regarding watching the kite more closely is, it is a tool to use when you want to get past a problem, push through to the next level, that kind of thing.