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Everything posted by Dave362

  1. I don't know.... now the Solus is looking mighty good.....
  2. Kinda jonesin' for a Sky Burner kite...... I'm drawn to the Ocius standard. Looks like it would be great rowdy fun on shorter lines. Dragonfish gave me some great info on this kite. Does anyone else have experience with it or even an opinion to share? What other Sky Burners would you recommend? I think I'm definitely going to buy a Sky Burner in the next week. I've always wanted one. So now the hard (fun) part, the decision........
  3. Looks like ocean shores is a drive your car onto it beach. Where will we meet?
  4. I flew a friend's Zeph for a few minutes once. Very well behaved and everything is there,deep turtle, plenty pitchy for all those kinds of tricks. My feeling is its all the kite you need. I've had a number of these lets call them mass produced/factory kites. Great values, IMHO, you just have to realize what youre getting and watch things like glue joints, end caps, etc. Once I find a kite I really like I try to buy another as a backup. This is so much easier with a kite like the Zeph, E3, Acrobatx, than a boutique kite. Congrats on your tricking prrogress. Sounds like you're doing great!
  5. This is very interesting. The light wind Rev thing is something I really want to explore. I've got a two wrap frame for my 1.5 but haven't tried it yet. The Zen looks great but is really expensive Id be very interested in seeing how your kite performs. Thanks Mark!
  6. Loved the stuff about Ron D and the white kite. Truly moving.
  7. I just read Ocean Shores Kites sells Skyburner. this is seriously bad news for my bank account...
  8. I'm currently getting my set of QPs ready for JB's Dual line clinic. I was looking at the setup for each and realized the only kite I'm using the stock weight set on is the VV. The stock weight set is super heavy. It does afford a wide range of positions, but frankly I feel the set was designed early on in the pitch oriented kite craze, and just isn't practical for anything other than the beast that is the VV. So my mod for my other QPs is to use barrel weights. Much lighter, while providing enough weight where its needed, with no excess threaded rod, etc. I keep the barrel weight in place with some tape I keep in my tool kit because I mostly fly inland and don't need to worry about sand. For the Ocean Shores clinic, I'll put some really small zip ties around the spine. I'll also be careful to dremel off any sharp edges in the ties, created by cutting the tag end, One more thing, I usually put a quarter in the velcro right at the end cap of the spine. Having it right at the end of the spine increases the effect of the weight, making less overall weight needed. A buddy showed me this back when the E2 was new. He found a quarter in the velcro made learning the backspin easier.
  9. Rob, really nice work with the Hydra. I especially liked the clean exits changing direction with the half axel. Smokin'
  10. Nice Rev, Mark. would love to see a vid of it in the air. I bet its sooo graceful
  11. This is settled for me. I contacted Theresa about a new bridle for my QP SUL. Of course she had one in stock... It s been a very long time since I've flown it and my flying style has probably changed. I'm gonna give it another go... Gotta admit, I learrned a great deal reading and considering the posts in this thread. Thanks very much! Dave
  12. I'm kinda thinking Widowmaker UL. The GPS is a great kite and I may end up with a set of them, but I still haven't put in enough time to decide. Committing to a design can get pretty expensive and Lam's kites, while sublime, are at the high end price wise. Also, I have a set of QPs that I really like and I'm not sure I shouldn't give those another look. I'm taking them to JB's clinic, so we'll see.... I've got a Nirvana I've loved for years, but the build isn't up to the high prices they demand, so I wouldn't invest in a Nirvana SUL That's the thing about Lam's kites, or my Seattle made QPs. I guess Skyburner fits this as well, You're paying top dollar, but getting quality that will endure for years. Sorry to ramble....
  13. I'm pretty new to Revs, and like them so much I want to try to attend some events, mega flys, etc. To do that I need a 120 line set. With my low experience level, its more important for me to get well made, truly even lines, than to try to make them myself. So when the time comes I'm just gonna call Theresa..........
  14. I have the original Widow and I agree, great value but you have to keep an eye on things. They sure do fly nice and yours seems to be a good bit better than the original
  15. Some great ideas, thanks all. I'll research the kites you mentioned. I must admit I'm leaning toward the Skyburner options. Thanks again! Dave
  16. I have purchased many line sets from TKS. One thing I like best is the super light and strong sleeving. For me over time, it has proven to last way longer than that provided by other vendors. Also, I can call Theresa and get any length and strength I want and it arrives quickly. I looked in my dual line bag and found her linesets in 60' 50' and 40' and that's just in 90#
  17. Thanks guys,, Budget is no problem, I don't mind paying for a good kite. I'm looking for a true SUL, but one with a lower aspect ratio wing than my Ozone. That said, I'm sure not looking to roll the thing up, just float around and do ocassional old school tricks, which I consider to include backspins and JLs.
  18. Mark, that is great advice! I will take it. Good call!
  19. all signed up. I'm goin' to Ocean Shores! John, this is the first time I've signed up for anything like this. Let me know if you need anything else. Otherwise, I'll see you on the beach!
  20. Is this event still on? I think I'd like to go...........
  21. I got out for a nice couple of hours today. didn't really try to accomplish anything, just zoomed around and enjoyed the sunshine.
  22. Looking for a trick oriented SUL for the summer light wind months. Any suggestions? Dave
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