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Everything posted by Dave362

  1. Here are a couple of shots of the sky form 30. Really awesome feeling, flying this kite. I know its only a 30, but it has a real presence on the end of the line. The sensation of flight is profound. I LOVE THIS KITE!!!!!!!!!
  2. Got my Skyform 30 in the mail today. I'm pretty pleased with the size. I had a hard time deciding between this and the 60, but seeing it spread out on the lawn I can tell it will have a good presence in the sky, and the smaller 30 will be much easier to deal with. I'll post some pictures as soon as I get a chance to fly it. Already, seeing it next to the matching tail I'm pretty pumped. This thing is gonna be cool! I put together a back pack with some 300# line, one of the straps I made for tying to stuff, gloves and a couple of carabiners. Looks like I'm all set. Thanks very much, you guys, for giving me the info I needed. And thanks to Tmadz for pointing me toward the sky form. Looks like the perfect choice! So just one more thing, I got together with a flying buddy yesterday. He was flying a Fearless and i was yankin' on the GPS. After awhile i put up my 10' DDC and we took turns holding the line, pumping it up in a lull, letting out some line when possible. I can't explain why these things are so fun, but they are. So we ended our flying session dorking around with my SLK. Perfect day!
  3. right, or at least put a motor on the kite.... that was pic was taken in the morning..... like 5:45 AM. when we took our break we had about 10 knots. I just wanted to share a pic of the spot 'cause I thought it looked cool
  4. So today I was fly fishing with a close friend. After a few hours we took a break at this rustic boat launch. There were a few picnic tables and fire pits, but nobody was around and the landscape was wide open. We had a really nice, long conversation at a table near the water. So relaxing. I was thinking how nice it would have been to have an SLK to throw up while we talked. Not to dominate the occasion, but to enhance it, to add a bit of poetry. I made some straps like were mentioned above. I think the next step for me is to always carry a kite, and use it to make every day life more beautiful.
  5. This is the other video from my trip, just wanted to get them both posted. click View on Vimeo for HD quality. Thanks for watching! http://vimeo.com/130228832
  6. goood stuff, guys! I think I get it now.
  7. Dave362

    Double DC

    From the album: Dave's Pictures

  8. Thanks guys. Tmadz, These guys arre the soccer nazis. i do have to worry about it. For duals and quads, I can stick a screw driver sized stake and nobody seems to mind, but something deep enough to hold a lifter would draw some attention. Thank you though, for the explanation on how to do it when i'm at a less controlled space. Most places have a park bench or something I can tie off on. So then the Carabiner for laundry is just a three wrap proccess. To use one as a terminal attachment to the strap, how is that done? Sorry for all these questions, like I said, beginner....
  9. Rob, Would you please elaborate on the tie off strap setup? Most of my SLK flying will be inland, and often on fields maintained for sporting events. Don't think they would appreciate me hammering re bar into their nice grass. I'd like to know the best way to anchor to a picnic table or some such.....
  10. beautiful! Eactly what i want to do. Now I'm inspired!!!!!!! Thanks for that, Rob!
  11. that was really kind of you to think of that. Thanks also for the confirmation regarding my choice. I think Ii'll do like Rob does and setup a back pack for it. Sounds really cool to take a bike ride with kite flying in the mix
  12. i ended up ordering a Gomberg Skyform 30 and matching tail. Might not be the best lifter, but I just love the look, the lines of the kite. I'm thinking it will be great to pack on my bike, and stop along the way for a fly
  13. Thanks Iftah, I appreciate you kind words Rob, So you mean BS one direction then flic and flat spin after that, right? Yeah, I think that would look awesome!
  14. Thanks for the kind words, guys. Rob, that move is actually one from Andy Wardley's videos. He called it the duplex. Randy and possibly Martin did tutorials on it a few years back. Took me awhile to get the pull to flic flac consistent. sooo much to learn.....
  15. I spent this last week at Ocean Shores flying kites. I managed to shoot some footage of my GPS standard in light winds. I hope you like it! click View on Vimeo for HD quality http://vimeo.com/129936753
  16. Good advice. yeah, I looked at the photo of the 81 and felt is was made for someoone else, not me. Ill look closely at the 36. For the two socks i have, I need a bit more kite to lift them in lighter winds. The 36 looks like a reasonable option to accomplish this. Thanks again!
  17. Dave362

    My new SLK setup

    From the album: Dave's Pictures

    this is my first SLK, a 10 ft double DC by Gomberg. I'm using a 6 ft and a 12 ft spin sock in this photo. I can only use both socks when the wind is up.
  18. I'm a total beginner when it comes to SLKs and in fact just put the set up pictured below together a couple of days ago. It started out as a Gomberg 10 ft Double DC with a 6 ft spin sock. This combination seemed very well matched and i had a great time with it. Today we had a good bit more wind so I sprung for the 12 foot sock. The kite actually did pretty well lifting all this but I think there will be few times when I can put up both spinners with this kite. So I'm looking for a sled. My question is, what size sled can someone safely handle when flying alone? I was told to get the really big sled by into the wind, the 81 or something. The thing is huge! I'm a little afraid of something that large, but I'd like to get a larger sock and want to have enough lifting power. I've never been around kites like these and just need some guidance. Thanks for your help! Dave
  19. can't make it myself... Very busy time at work every year. never have made this festival
  20. way to go Aaron!
  21. Dave362


    I use it all the time, but I'm a dual line trick flyer. I make extended leaders to protect the trailing edge and lower spreaders in wraps. If it wasn't for that I probably wouldn't use it and I must admit I use it mostly out of habit. If you buy a line set that's sleeved, go ahead and use it. When you start making your own, I recommend not bothering with it. Mark is right on point, your flying style will dictate your sleeving requirments.
  22. Happy birthday, John, You deserve it!
  23. This thread is a great read. Congrats on your victories, and thank you for the detailed accounts. Your dialogue with the more experienced fliers is a great benefit to the rest of us new to the Rev
  24. I may not be a rev guy but I sure want one of those!
  25. Nice! I've got a full set in the color
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