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New to Kites. Rev EXP pre-reflex

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I’ve now flown a total of 5 hrs over three outings in sketchy breezes. I say that to ask if there’s anything I need to do to my NOS Rev EXP to tweak it a bit.


I’ve been reading about knots on leaders and such, but mine has none.


There’s so much info out there, I’m just not sure where to start. Should I just keep flying it as is until I get a feel enough for it to know what a change to it would feel like?


If I were to put leaders on my handles, which ones would I need?


Sorry for the newb questions.



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The stock Rev leaders are fine for absolute beginners.  My advice is keep it as is until (and only until) you are capable of simply keeping the kite in the air and "steering" it roughly where you want it to go.  Then consider buying or making longer leaders (the ones on this site are fantastic).  The longer adjustable leaders will enable you to develop the additional control you'll want once you've mastered just keeping the kite in the air.  That's my opinion anyway.

There's a great discussion on the forum here about leaders.  I always point people with this question to 


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Where do you live, maybe someone can offer you a mailed pkg FREE? I would ship some bridle line your way, might even with knots inserted if in the states.

my advise is to spend inordinate amounts of time insuring your lines are even.... affix all 4 independent lines to handles and pull tightly against a single fence post or well-placed tent stake, a screwdriver. Now you will undoubtedly find them less than perfect. I adjust on the leaders, not caring if they (the string strands) are different themselves.

Sight down the top of the handles, ( both perfectly aligned in your grasp) like shooting an arrow, towards the stake (insure you are directly downwind or upwind),.... slowly give slack and the longer line will droop showing itself.  Bridle line can be untied and tied again (easily!), I only use knots in one strand, but each attachment point has the bridle line doubled, so if you needed a knot between two existing ones you could insert it perfectly in the virgin strand.  When the tops are perfect you'll rotate the handles and work on the bottom leaders.

this process is a front end alignment to your car before you begin a road-race, you don't want that machine jumping around randomly without your commands, right?

i identify which handle goes into which hand with colored electrical vinyl tape. Now do your tuning of leaders with the handles in the wrong hand, in case one side is dominate.

do this religiously and remove a big variable..... you know your lines on the handles are ready and perfect, whatever is wrong "it ain't that

I do this frequently and recommend it to masters and newbies equally. It ha nothing to do with the wind or your kite, it's location immune.

knots should be close together, two show across my thumb nail in fact, on tops and bottoms. MY hands are not large!

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Whoa! I did not expect this level of helpfulness. Your response took a lot of time, but I have a feeling it will influence countless hours of my future flying. Thank you!

I live in North Georgia, and I’m currently lamenting the fact that there’s no wind predicted for my town today - or even this long weekend. You’ve given me something to work on that will be productive toward improving my flying.

There may be a club nearby, but considering the fact that I didn’t know quads even existed until last weekend, I’m a little doubtful. I’ll hit the google magic to see where the closest group might be.

Once again, thank you for your kindness.

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8 hours ago, DonFibonacci said:

The stock Rev leaders are fine for absolute beginners.  My advice is keep it as is until (and only until) you are capable of simply keeping the kite in the air and "steering" it roughly where you want it to go.  Then consider buying or making longer leaders (the ones on this site are fantastic).  The longer adjustable leaders will enable you to develop the additional control you'll want once you've mastered just keeping the kite in the air.  That's my opinion anyway.

There's a great discussion on the forum here about leaders.  I always point people with this question to 


Thank you for this information. I appreciate you pointing me in the right direction. I’m still learning navigation in this forum. Like with kites, there are things you pros can do without even thinking about it. So far, I’ve posted the same thing twice, replied to my own post instead of Paul’s kind and thorough response, and I’ve quoted an entire reply b/c I don’t see how to edit the quote.  I know all of this is simple stuff, but everybody has to figure it out the first time. Just like I don’t know a flic-flac from a bicycle... 😃.  I WILL learn, though. 

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14 minutes ago, westers said:

Apologies. When I posted this, it showed an error. That’s why it’s here twice. I’m trying to figure out how to delete this one. Thank you for your patience with this noob. 

We've got it covered.. :)

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Don't sweat the double post, we have a cleanup crew. For future reference, click on the options and just hide the unwanted post. We'll take care of it from there :)

If all else fails, report the post and tell us what you need..

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Don't sweat the double post, we have a cleanup crew. For future reference, click on the options and just hide the unwanted post. We'll take care of it from there [emoji4]
If all else fails, report the post and tell us what you need..

Awesome! Thank you!

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