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How to fix a loose sail

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Hello everyone. I am looking for some help with tightening up the sail on a Dream Machine that I got for my husband. Not sure how to go about it since a lot of the things are glued in place on the spine and on the leading edge. 

Does anyone have any experience with tunning up a Dream Machine that could give me some pointers or even just some one with a bit more knowledge about how those types of things are done.

Thank you in advance. 


*Happy flying*

- Kite girl

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If I'm correct it is a Dream Machine by Lam Hoac...?? You can contact Lam here...  http://www.skysportdesign.com/contact/

The standoff position can tighten or loosen the sail a bit. Also if there is a tensionable leech line in the kite's trailing edge, that may be the ticket. 

Is the kite new or flown as the sail could be stretched a bit over time or ?? I'm sure any of the builders here will know more as well...



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I happen to have a Lam Hoac Dream Machine circa 1998 or so. But a quick google search indicates that Mr. Hoac may now have a 2020 version, which is neat. 

I suspect that you are referencing the 2020 version, but if the older kite I can pull mine out and have a boo at it for suggestions.

However, in either case, Lam is your best resource as BT suggests.



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18 hours ago, midibot said:

I happen to have a Lam Hoac Dream Machine circa 1998 or so. But a quick google search indicates that Mr. Hoac may now have a 2020 version, which is neat. 

I suspect that you are referencing the 2020 version, but if the older kite I can pull mine out and have a boo at it for suggestions.

However, in either case, Lam is your best resource as BT suggests.

I see some video that say “Dream Machine 2020 LH”, but he has been titling all his recent videos “2020 LH”.   Did you see something else that made you suspect a revival?

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2 hours ago, Zuul said:

I see some video that say “Dream Machine 2020 LH”, but he has been titling all his recent videos “2020 LH”.   Did you see something else that made you suspect a revival?

I may have jumped to a conclusion as there are a bunch of videos with the name Dream Machine in them in recent months. That includes the one on youtube below posted by Lam and which contains that very name as a label in the early frames of the video itself. He also refers to the short form, DM and DM Std, DM SUL and DM Vented kites in other vids. I am a subscriber.

However, the videos are my only source. “2020 LH” seems like a signature.



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Hello everyone.

I just wanted to say thank you everyone for all your advice. We finally were able to figure out what the problem was. 

It ended up being a problem with the spine. A fitting that was at the top of the spine at the nose of the kite had slipped which resulted in making the spine shorter and loosing the sail. My husband was able to fix it and the kite is back in like new condition. 

Happy flying everyone!

-Kite Girl

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Thank you midibot. My Husband says he enjoys flying his NSE better only because he is used to flying kites the way they used to be built where the hand movments needed to be much more animated. Where as the newer made kites require such a fine touch. He is getting more and more use to the Dream Machine and is starting to enjoy it more. 

He is a huge fan of the Jam Session.

Oh and it is a new Dream Machine, custome made. 🙂

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Coincidentally, I was flying my NSE Nirvana (Low Wind version) just this morning. Lovely kite.

And I lusted after a Jam Session when it was first introduced in the 1990s (1996?). Dodd Gross helped with the design I think. Eventually got one.

I know exactly what he means about the hand movements. Same experience. The three Ps may help with getting used to that DM. (Practice. Practice. Practice.)...😉

Will have to look into that kite.

It's all fun!



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  • 2 months later...

I agree with the three P’s, I had a long break with not much flying, occasionally pulling my Rev out of the bag, however, been having a concerted effort the last few months, think lockdown helped, sold the Rev and concentrated on the dual line kites, got my Jam Session really flying now, added a Benson DS to the quiver as well, so getting on in leaps and bounds.

Dual line kiting seems to have gone quiet here in the UK so it’s all video instruction, though I would love some practical one to one stuff, so it’s back to the three P’s.

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