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Any one knowledgeable with these. CXL sky shark.  Used in two builder the 150 l.e. 250 spine, spreader.  Large diameter but read that they are  15% stronger than previous versions.  They seem more flexible than the p 200 a used on another kit for bottom spreader but are 12.5 g compared to 16g of p200.  Mainly interested in large 8 ft light wind dual line.  Trick capable above precision so made first one very wide aspect.  Probably too much.  Just experimenting and having fun.  New to sewing so it is sloppy and slow go.  On to #3  8ft again more total sail area, much wider sail tip where a batten will go form TE pocket to LE connector.  Will try taking out all non taut areas with micrcarbon from TE pocket to top spreader or LE connector.  Back to question?  Think these are used for quads.  Kites and Fun Things sell  quad frame kits with 150 250 350.  Think rebound is more responsive.  The price is awesome at 3.50. 2.50 @ 12.  Any way let me know if I might can lighten up the future kites with out sacrificing strength.  Like large wind range.  I am a very lame pilot.  Have a micron I love to fly in hurricane winds and baby tana light wind. Bought a Stormy Pete for blasting wind but plan to lighten it up, too heavy.  Any input would help.  Use all homemade connectors and fittings because I am frugal and enjoy using stuff I have ie plastic cloths hangers for stand offs, fuel hose LE connectors etc. Thanks for any input!  Michael marmarasmichael@gmail.com


My daughters bought me the 150 and 250 quad frames for Father's Day a couple of years ago. Once I found a T-connector that I could use for my leading edge fitting, I've enjoyed them. They seem to break like a Rev Black Race rod when subjected to similar impact 🤭


I don't agree with your authoritarian intdictate what is or is not appropriate cmunication on your site. So be a Trumper an lead us to the slaughter. 

Recant most of rant I don't always follow the lead. John certainly would enjoy you one on one!  You might know Chuck Jones life time friend 30+ I can be a handful but loveable too.  Truelly love to fly out there when only a fool would fly!   Michael marmarasmichael@gmail.comky

















9 hours ago, Cot51stState said:

My daughters bought me the 150 and 250 quad frames for Father's Day a couple of years ago. Once I found a T-connector that I could use for my leading edge fitting, I've enjoyed them. They seem to break like a Rev Black Race rod when subjected to similar impact 🤭



Michael marmarasmichael@gmail.com Breakage usually is around ferrule point so use internal tight fitting and external ferrules. Extra length near stress point , cross speader spars both top and bottom most stress on bottom spine spreader point so make about 4inch inner and outer ferrule. Cheaper and less trouble replacing spars.  Best spar prices KitesandFunThings.com ask for Marianne Happy Flight



7 hours ago, Michael Marmaras said:

Breakage usually is around ferrule point so use internal tight fitting and external ferrules.

I frequently fly in confined "urban" settings. The breakage was occuring when I flew into immovable objects (brick walls, columns, concrete stairs). Thankfully my control has improved. My 3Wind SUL still has its original frame and sail. Bungee, end caps, and bridles seem to be more consumable type items 🤭

13 hours ago, Michael Marmaras said:

No one likes to spend $ on spars that will break under normal stress 

Buy sky shark cxl at kites and fun things 3.50. 2.50 @ 12   marmarasmichael@gmail.com

 I wouldn't catagorize much of what I do while flying as "normal". You're new, so I won't take offense 😁. And yes, the CXL are a fine rod for what I do. The P2X also seem like they'll work well in my newly acquired quad sails. 

 I started flying when the kites were called stunt kites. I'm neither an artist nor a competitor. 30 plus years ago I discovered the more serious I became with my flying, the less I enjoyed it. So, up until a couple of years ago, I just didn't fly any more. It was with an eye towards retirement that I took flying back up again. Now I will fly what I want, when I want, and (generally) where I want... all while not taking myself very seriously. No one else should take me 'very seriously' either. 


Hi  Michael here. Thanks for insight.  Working on a UL now.  The cxl 150 aren't really light enough for true UL but are strong er than I thought.  Just home from playing with Chuck, kite shop owner who is closest to expect flyer I know.  Was impressed with responsiveness of first 2 builds both ,8 ft  around 8.5 oz using cxl 150 I had 2 very hard crashes and didn't break. Loose wing tip binge helped because spars came apart instead.  They only weigh 12.5 g and 3.50 bargain.  Will continue using them. Your 3 winds UL I am not familiar with I will look it up to maybe get some ideas from. Glad you don't take flying seriously anymore.  If it isn't pure fundo something else No one really cares if you are a good pilt or not.  I Shouid be embarrassed by my skill level but don't care and smiling ear to ear.  Cool to see expert though.  Talk to you again on  any topic. Michael marmarasmichael@gmail.com

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