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New One Day Build


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I have been collecting supplies for a new Sport Kite for a while now, and decided to see how far I could get with a one day build.  Attached are some photos, but I ran out of carbon tubes, so it will take a few days to finish up.  

w.s.: 68”

weight: heavy








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Kewel......a mylar sail!!!! That’ll probably take a good wind...it will be beautiful in the air.....great to play with (the) light. I always wanted an all mylar  Rev, and still have a 1.5 with mylar panels. I know there was an all mylar Prism Radian made that I snoozed on and loosed.....

I owned this kite at one time......a mylar Enigma ul by the late great Steve Tapp of Tappestry kites.





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I’m still waiting on the last of the hardware, but here are a few details.  This is my first kite build, but to be fair, I have some engineering experience and even some sewing experience.  I unfortunately research things for years…..  For this kite, I am just building it for fun and seeing if I can make something I would want to fly in public.  I started with a Nexus kite to provide the shape of the sail and began to modify from there, one major problem is I have been ordering spars and connectors for a much larger kite, so all of the hardware is oversized.  Yes this kite will be very strong, but maybe too heavy to really fly and I may need to lighten the carbon and connectors.  

Weight comparison:

Nexus minus front and rear spars:  146 grams

This kite minus front and rear spars:  260 grams

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