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Looks like I'm, er, dominating the forum @ the moment... (it's a lonely, lonely place right now, sniff... :) )

Last Q for the time being - I got "standard" steel handles with my 1.5 & SS & indoor handles with my SUL. Are there any other Rev handle-types?

The reason I ask is that I read somewhere that there are suposedly SUL-specific handles, but I can't find any pics on the net (for that matter, handles are rarely pictured). My indoors are incredibly long(!) + carbon-wrapped. There's no chance of them breaking when used with an SUL @the max wind range, is there...?

Thx once more,


I wish I knew the answer to that. :lol: So far the indoor have worked fine. That's pretty good, cause we have to have something "Penny proof" B) around here or it just doesn't make it.

The Super Blast handles are longer, then the indoor, then the SUL's, then Rev. I, and last Rev II. If they have something else I haven't needed it.


BB Penny


There are others.

As far as I know, they make the following:

Rev 2 (smallest - throw is about 9")

Standard (throw is about 10")

Extended or UL (about 12")

Then they have the graphite-wrapped handles which, I think, come in 12", 13.5", and 15" lengths.

And of course, the indoor handles you have.

You can always make a pair. I'm not the "handy" type at all, but I made a pair with a throw of about 14". They cost about $25 (half shipping :lol: ), and took less than two hours to make. I've been using them pretty much exclusively for the past seven months and love them. They're much more responsive than my extended Rev handles.



Hi Trav,

I've personally got 4 sets of Rev handles. The "regular ones" that came with my Rev 1.5, the "extended" ones that came with my 1.5SUL, the reinforced extended ones for my Blast and the ones that Rev called 15" handles. When I bought a SUL frame for my Rev I, Lolly Hadzicki of Revolution suggested that I get those extended handles. I'm really glad I did since they're needed when I fly the Rev I in very low winds with the SUL frame.

Somewhere I've seen a picture with all the handles laid out. If I can just find it, I'll post it.

Later, Doug

  CLTKiter said:
... the "extended" ones that came with my 1.5SUL ... Somewhere I've seen a picture with all the handles laid out.  If I can just find it, I'll post it.

Thx for the info, Doug :lol: Yeah, I though there was a difference between indoor & extended-outdoor handles! What's the ext. made out of (also steel like the std, or is it mixed with carbon-wrap...?) I'd love to see that pic if you come across it please :D

P.S. This might be the time to point out that while Rev-Tech is only improving, their website is seriously out of date, not to mention could support a lot more info on their products... sniff B)


I agree, their web site is seriously behind... It is run by renowned Rev pilot Ron Despojado, and it seems he may not be working with the site full time... Instead, it seems like it's just on line so there is some basic web presence.


I think I found the picture Doug was looking for. It's not referenced on the Gone With The Wind site, but I found it awhile back kept the address. The url is:


The 15" Rev I SUL handles are about 13.5" point to point, are made using the steel or aluminum tubing but are not in the photo.

I use the standard 1.5 handles for the Rev 2, the SUL extended handles for my 1.5's and the Rev 1. I haven't tried the 15" handles yet.

The Rev 2 handles with the mushy foam serve mostly as paperweights. I keep the EXP handles (with the mushy foam) in the EXP bag for teaching purposes.

  kite.flyer said:
I think I found the picture Doug was looking for. ... The 15" Rev I SUL handles are about 13.5"....

Wow, that's perfect - thx for the link B)

Like I mentioned above, I thought it was odd that I got a pair of indoors with my 1.5 SUL - but in the meantime, I've got used to them. Note that the indoor handles are straighter than he rest (~160deg), with the std being around 145deg. Wonder how much of an effect the angle has... :lol:

Rev I SUL handles...? Darn, that's a lot of handles, lol! Can they all be that radically different? @ $30-45 a pair, that could turn into an expensive collection... :D

Thx again!


Hold on to your handles....there is now a new rev handle out. My Power Blast 4-8 came in and it has 3/4" aluminum wrapped carbon handles with firm grips. Lengh is about 15-20 inches long and has two bends in it. I will try to get some pictures of the handles and the kite as soon as I stop having so much fun flying the thang!

BTW, I was out on the 4-8 blast in 4-7 mph winds and was running away from my buddy who was flying his 5 meter Jojo. He was quite impressed.

Happy Winds!




  windofchange said:
... I got a picture of the handles.

Damn, those are huuuuge - but to be expected I guess with such a powerful kite :)

I can't imagine the bigger Blasts are even remotely comparible to their cousins the 1.5s & such - must be a totally different feeling. Do you uh, float your blast 4-8 often... ROFL!

Thx for the pic, Kent! - but alu-wrapped carbon handles...? You certain 'bout that?



Yup, if you pull the end cap off you can see the aluminum - pretty thick piece too. The handles are pretty comfy but you have to hold on to them very low on the handle, not like any other rev I have ever flown before. For floating....you really can float this baby easy. Just drop the brakes out and the power is gone! Little tug on the upper lines and it is like flying a frisbee. Pull the brakes in and you better be dug in pretty good. :) Really is an awesome kite to fly. Found it is easier to control while in the buggy tho - once you get your buggy up to the speed of the kite just park it and when you want the turbo to kick in, bring in the brake lines a little more. :rolleyes::shifty: If you have had enough, drop the brake lines out and relax - instant depower. :lol: If you get the chance to fly one of these things be sure not to pass on it.-----I think my arms have stretched a couple inches...have to take some measurements next time... :)

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