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Please take a close look at the 4-wrap rev rods in the attached picture. Why is it that the one in the center looks different, more closely wrapped, than the other ones? Note that all of them are labeled Revolution-equipped. These came as the leading edge on my Rev I.



It looks different because it was more closely wrapped. The "wrapping" is NOT what you are seeing - the ridges are leftover marks from the edge of the tape that was wrapped around the graphite material as it was cured. Then the wrapping tape was removed. That leaves ridges in the cured epoxy resin. "Wrapping" is simply a method of creating a more consistant amount of pressure to the carbon fibers, to force them to be more evenly disbursed around the mandrel on which the rod was formed.

In other words, performance-wise, it won't matter whatsoever. :)


Close Dorsal.

Wrapping forces the air out of the fibers, preventing voids that cause weak spots.

The end result is the same though. The rods above are probably essentially the same.


the rods on all my revs look like that i had that same question years ago but found out that it is all the same the diffrence between the equipped and ul is weight thats all


Thank you everyone for your replies. After reading your comments, I have come to one final conclusion, I SUCK AT FLYING QUADS !!! Or any kind of stunt kite for that matter. :dual::blink::sq-sad:


you dont have to be a pro that knows every trick out there just flying kites is fun in itself quad line flying is the best type of flying fo me it makes me look like a pro when im only doing basic flying


Thanks for the encouragement. Basically, this is all what my kiting is all about, keeping it in the air, barely. :blink::sq-sad::) I live just 10 minutes from where the NJSKC is held every year (Liberty State Park in Jersey City, NJ). Too bad I missed it by a few weeks before I started flying kites this summer. I've been flying there every weekend since, weather permitting. But I have not had the luck of meeting any other kiters. Where is everybody? Now being the only one holding kite straps/handles, doing the 'walk of shame' every few minutes is kinda embarassing. :dual: I'm not trying to do anything fancy, just the basics. Crash recovery, stall, controlled landing, maybe a fade would be nice. Good thing I have not broken a spar yet on the Quantum or the Rev I, the nearest kite shop I know is over an hour drive.

  ant man said:
hey rc dude where in nj do you live im from wildwood south nj njskc is in north jersey we aint far away

ant man, I'm in Jersey City. About 10 minutes away from Liberty State Park, where the NJSKC was held this year. Too bad I only started flying in August (while on vacation in Ocean City, MD), otherwise I would have been a very happy spectator at that event. :blue-love::) No kiting events in Ocean City either, while I was there. :):) Unfortunately, its about a 150 mile drive to Wildwood. If it were only up to me, I'd be driving down there every weekend, just to fly and meet other kiters, but family duties come first. :) That's why when I do get some free time, I just drive over to Liberty State Park with my two kites, but I haven't had any luck meeting other flyers.

  rc_dude said:
  ant man said:

hey rc dude where in nj do you live im from wildwood south nj njskc is in north jersey we aint far away

ant man, I'm in Jersey City. About 10 minutes away from Liberty State Park, where the NJSKC was held this year. Too bad I only started flying in August (while on vacation in Ocean City, MD), otherwise I would have been a very happy spectator at that event. :blue-love::) No kiting events in Ocean City either, while I was there. :):) Unfortunately, its about a 150 mile drive to Wildwood. If it were only up to me, I'd be driving down there every weekend, just to fly and meet other kiters, but family duties come first. :) That's why when I do get some free time, I just drive over to Liberty State Park with my two kites, but I haven't had any luck meeting other flyers.

Hey, rc dude.....have you tried to get in touch with any of the NJ Club flyers? Here's a link with contact info:


Just ask Ro when they're going to be out there flying!

Have fun!



i hear ya on the family thing there is a fun fly in north wildwood this weekend hosted by sjkf and it is there end of summer convention it will be a blast i wish i could get up there but i cant to busy and i have the large beach 5 mins from home its great all times of the year


you want a lesson from Shawn Tinkham and Scottie Weider, . . . the first chance you can get!

They are members of the Eastern League and fly at many of the events along the Atlantic seacoast. Scottie is from around the Boston area (?) and Shawn comes from New Hampshire (I believe).

Ten or fifteen minutes with one of the masters will cut literally years off of your learning curve.

Ask for assistance, that's how we all learned!


Crashed my Sedgwick Rev I this weekend. Have had only 3 hours in total flying time on it, so stop laughing. :) Broke one of the 4-wrap LE rods in half. Was flying in 18mph winds when a gust of maybe 25+ just took the kite on a diagonal dive. It pulled like a tow truck and I did not react fast enough to stop the dive, hit the ground at a 45 degree angle. Had to pack-up and go home after that, no extra rods at hand. Now awaiting order of extra rods and a vented Rev I. Had to settle with a regular vented Rev I. It would have been nice to have a matching pair, but no such luck for the newbie. My efforts to acquire one prove futile.


I'm happy with what I got. It's just that I was surprised with the response, or should I say lack of response, that I got from the people in the kite business with my efforts to get one. From the handfull of e-mails I sent out, I got one response (I got the vented there, believe they got one more). I even phoned a couple, no help there too. I've read posts of people getting custom kites, no such luck for me. Does the kite business shut down during the winter months? Or custom kites are only for sponsored flyers?

I better stop typing now, before I get banned from the forum. Just letting off some steam. :)


Did you contact Revolution about a custom kite and give them a charge card #? People call and tell them they want a custom all the time, but till money is in hand.. it's just talk. I'm sure they are getting ready for the Christmas season too. One year we ordered 7 from them and they came on Christmas Eve. Now that's service!

I'm not a part of the business, but I've head from some stores they have to order a minimum of Rev.'s at least for a lower price I'd guess. So not all stores budget will allow them to carry the best kite out there.

Perhaps some order on credit and have a debt to pay back before ordering more. Why do you think they weren't much help out there?

Glad you found your vented Rev. I.

Enjoy it.




Thanks Penny.

I did send an e-mail to Revolution about the vented Rev I Sedgwick, no answer. 'No help' may have been the wrong choice of words. My apologies. Shops were very helpful on the phone, they just couldn't get one either. It was actually through one of them that I got Rev's answer. So now, I'm waiting for UPS to deliver my regular vented Rev I from that shop.

  • 2 weeks later...

Very nice pictures!

Thanks for sharing :blue-music:

Penny's right, sometimes it's hard for shops to get just one...especially something custom.

I hope I wasn't one of the ones who didn't respond to an e-mail from you? My computer doesn't like me some days....and I'm afraid I've missed some. If it was me, I apologize!

As to custom kites from Rev.....most anything (within reason :) ) is doable from them! They are great at doing the best job they can to get me what I need for my happy flyers :lol:

Have fun flying!!


  thekiteshoppe said:
Very nice pictures!

Thanks for sharing :blue-music:

Penny's right, sometimes it's hard for shops to get just one...especially something custom.

I hope I wasn't one of the ones who didn't respond to an e-mail from you? My computer doesn't like me some days....and I'm afraid I've missed some. If it was me, I apologize!

As to custom kites from Rev.....most anything (within reason :) ) is doable from them! They are great at doing the best job they can to get me what I need for my happy flyers :lol:

Have fun flying!!


Hi Theresa, are you saying Rev will actually make a custom rev for you if you give them a design?? or do they not do that?


Hi Leigh,

In reference to rc dude's Rev I vented pictures, if a Cool vented was requested to match his standard.....I do not believe that would be a problem for REV to make. By the way, I believe the Cool Rev I pictured is a Sedgwick series. They have no Mylar.

As to varying color combinations in the varying models......I aways ask and see what is possible! :blue-music:

Have some custom stuff in the works right now :)


  thekiteshoppe said:
Hi Leigh,

In reference to rc dude's Rev I vented pictures, if a Cool vented was requested to match his standard.....I do not believe that would be a problem for REV to make. By the way, I believe the Cool Rev I pictured is a Sedgwick series. They have no Mylar.

As to varying color combinations in the varying models......I aways ask and see what is possible! :blue-music:

Have some custom stuff in the works right now :)


Hi Theresa,

You wouldn't happen to have a vented Rev I in the shop right now. (Sedgwick or standard color with all the mylar replaced with venting.)




Rev will do custom sails (at least custom panel colors) at reasonable prices. I had them make a custom vented 1.5 (no mylar).


They can be a bit unresponsive in email at times. This took about 3 weeks from order to delivery at my door. You can also specify what exact sticks you want (I went with 4-wrap non-SLE).

The problem is, I want a matching SUL now...trying to resist...


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