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  Penny Lingenfelter said:
Penny rolling up her sleeves to defend her Rev I. ....Penny rolling up her britches.. cause it's getting deep in here.

OK guys... stand back...


Penny is expecting a flood, Ant is expecting some nice pictures of my REV I, and I am expecting the REV I. It works out for everyone!

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penny bring what you got :lol: QK you can do better then that :lol: as for the kite im just counting the days untill it gets here

here is my shock wave i got this a few years ba its so fun tip stalling it off of the boardwalk tramcars



you will have to find another spot the trams are mine ;) as for the rev 1 that im going to win that will look even better when your watching me stall it of the trams but hey if you come down ill have other revs for you to fly


That is generous of you but I have 15 and will have 16 (the new REV I from the drawing) when I make it to wildwood.

I might let you fly my new REV I... would you like that?


not as much as you are going to like flying it when you come down here and see me on the other end of rev 1 ill let you have all this fun we both already know where the kite is going to ;)


whatever you want yourself to beleave QK i see you havent been in the chat room i guess the truth hurts and you needed a few days to sob it off :) as for the rev 1 its gonna look great with me on the end of the flying lines :(


oh penny your such a dreamer :) the kite is mine and all are welcome to come for the first flight opening day it will be at wildwood beach on dec 17th i need the 16th to cellibrate :P


Ant man, you seem to have forgotten that I will be flying the kite and you will be enjoying the show. Remember, I am winning it, not you.

Also I havent been chatting because I have been preparing my kite bag for my new REV I.


You guys are cracking me up!!!! :P

I'm sitting here eating pringles and drinking cheap warm beer while you guys are wasting your energy and time fighting over something neither of you will ever touch. Yes, that's right. I will not let either of you fly this nice new Rev once it gets to my house.....I don't care which festival we finally cross paths at. I just want you to watch me...with my very limited and incredibly lacking skills.....much the inferior to either of you....attempt to learn how to fly this thing without beating the crap out of it......I will however take coaching tips from either of you. But I will not let you fly it because I know you will be harboring ill will towards me and the kite after such a huge disappointment during the Holidays. And, with my lacking skills I definitely don't need that bad Karma/Vibes mucking up my new kite. So I suggest that you both get your wives, girlfriends, boyfriends or "significant others" to buck up and order you one of these for Christmas, cHanaka (sp), Quanza, whatever, if you are really thinking about the chance to fly one after 12/15. The writing is on the wall, the checks are in the mail and I'm telling both of you "how the cows eat the cabbage". It's a done deal. Deal with it, take a nice long walk around the mall and watch all the kiddies freaking out over new toys, try to pick up a little Holiday Spirit to fill the deep hole of disappointment in your gut and drink a frickin egg nog latte. You might even wait in line to sit on Santa's lap and let him know about your problems....cuz no one else is listn'n.....fellas!!!!

Here's to ya both.........(maybe I should just put some Ice in this mug)

Penny.....I can't wait to see you fly some day....I've heard great things. Maybe you will keep a calm head and help me learn how to fly my new kite.

Check ya later,

Skitch :)

PS.......Happy Birthday Ant. I do hope I get a chance to meet you one of these days.


Skitch said, "I'm sitting here eating pringles and drinking cheap warm beer while you guys are wasting your energy and time fighting over something neither of you will ever touch.

"Geesh, see what warm beer can do to ya! :clap2: Illusions... Illusions.

and,' "Penny.....I can't wait to see you fly some day....I've heard great things."

:clap2::P oh, well, maybe he's got a clear head.

:) YOU take care of him Ant! oh, and happy Bday Ant. I couldn't get it posted on your bday.. Nope... not giving it to you as a present either!



  ant man said:
well im drinking cold beer and im going to cellibrate my new rev 1 besides it needs a home where someone can fly it :clap2:


I had no idea you were skillsist..(person who discriminates against another based solely on level of skills).

We all have to start somewhere and it will feel soooo nice to hone those new skills with a finely tuned, brand new Rev 1 that I didn't have to pay a cent for.

RAMS!!!!! :):clap2::P

Go Seahawks!!!!



Skitch, your on the Seattle Side, the other side of the water from me.

I'll probably be back for Seattle's Family Event this summer in July I believe.

There's a parade I paticularly like to do in Silverdale, but giving 5 kids and several adults lessons with UFO's and Rev's at the same time on kite hill get's pretty exciting. lol There's not much room on the hill that day for serious kitefliers that want to fly for hours. It's a day for everyone to come play and get lessons. So come and help. :)

Oh, and when I wake up in the morning, it will be 10 days before I win my Rev. :P You can fly it at Kite Hill in Seattle!!

It will be the big white Rev with the red swirl @ Kite hill.

BB Penny~thinking she's about due to be a ~Lucky Penny~

Hey, it could happen.

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