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Finally, we've managed to organise an indoor day in the netherlands. We will be flying with 8 to 10 pilots at a very nice venue.

I know that some people will bring video- and photo camera's so i hope i can post some footage soon.

Kites we will be flying are:

Amazing, Innerspace, Sweety, ITrix, Pseudo, 3D, Feather and some more.

It is scheduled for Dec. 16th and if it turns out nicely, we will be doing one in February again.

It feels good, knowing that others would like to give this a try :P


Awesome news Bram, congratulations! :P

I'd love the chance to publish a report and photos in Kitelife... Videos of good demos too, if people someone in the Netherlands is willing to provide this.

We would like to include more European content on the whole, but don't have very many contacts who are up for this sort of thing.



It's a very good thing that people here are starting to see what a nice addition indoor flying is to their normal outdoor flying.

Right now i think me and a friend are the only ones flying indoor regularly. We had Paul de Bakker but he moved to your country :P

I will try to get decent footage for kitelife and i will try to write a nice review.


Goede avond Bram,

Hoe fantasties dat er meer binnen gevlogen wordt....een dezer dagen hoop ik weer eens terug te zijn in het kikkerlandje...om op jullie lekkere stranden te vliegen en dan ook binnen....ik woonde een paar jaar geleden voor 4 jaar in Tilburg.

Toen ik daar woonde was ik meer in kite buggying.

Als je ooit eventueel de kans hebt om naar Noord Amerika te komen, probeer dan in de 3e week van Augustus naar Long Beach Strand te gaan in de staat van Washington (noord-west van de U.S.A.)

Daar kun je de hele week non-stop vliegeren en buggying en kletsen met mensen van over de hele wereld. Fantasties, dat kan ik je wel vertellen.

Ik hoop dat alles goed gaat met het binnen vliegeren, en ja, ik wil heel graag videos en foto's zien van die dag.

Hou het lijntje strak,

Stephen de Rooy


Well, i'm not going to translate it all :)

But Stephen, i will keep you all informed here about the small indoor scene in our little country.

I had a great evening in the gym yesterday. Did some nice Jacob's Ladders and roll-ups on the ITrix and after that i started chilling with my Pseudo (poor man's Synchro)


no, not at all. Just get it in the backflip, let it sink deep and then a small tug and slack to get the full rotation. The difficult part is to catch the kite on the stoppers, i think those are a bit small and they are easy to miss.


Hey Bram, I also have and Itrix and I slowly started to click with it. I wonder how long are your indoor lines? Have you made any mods using tail weight or changing bridle settings?




Hi Mario,

Right now i'm flying the ITrix the same way i got it. So no mods on the kite.

I use about 3,5 to 4 meter meter lines on the Itrix. Do you have a picture of your ITrix?


Nice colors Mario!

I was thinking about experimenting with longer lines. I think i will try that tomorrow. I will let you know what i think.

You fly the ITrix outdoors? I never tried that.

Hi Bram, do you think longer lines are easier for tricking? Here is the Itrix:




I have been trying with different line lengths. I started with 10 foot. I found that easier to learn to keep the kite in the air. Now I am working on fades and axle type tricks and I find it better at 12 or 13 feet. At first catches were a problem but that is quickly overcome. I think there is a sweet spot on line length depending on kite and pilot. I tried 15 feet and that was not good.

BTW I am flying and INak.



Thanks John and Bran, yes I flew the Itrix outdoors using 40 feet lines on 1 to 2 mph winds and it was a blast! So far I connected better with this kite outdoors where I do mostly all my flying. I still learning how to fly it indoors and I have to aggree that 12 to 13 feet lines are good for this kite.



  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Mario,

I like the Sweety very much, but since i got a Synchro and an Itrix it doesn't get much airtime.

The manual is in Dutch, partially in English. There a lot of work that still needsto be done but it will be released in english someday. It's a very good guide to indoorflying with a lot of tutorials on different tricks.

Video is on the way, should be finished soon.

Here are the pictures!


Thanks for the great pics Bram! How do you like the Sweety for indoors? What was that flying indoor manual in one of the pictures?



  • 4 weeks later...

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