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Howdy folks,

I've just added the first Rev tutorial to our official Kitelife Subscriber's section!

It walks you step by step through doing the axel on a Rev 1.5, and also gives you a sneak peek at the new Revolution kite which will be coming out at the KTAI show on January 25th... We've uploaded this tutorial in 720x480 and 1440x1080 MPGs, as well as an iPod (MP4) version for when you're out on the field.

And yes, we did do a picture-in-picture tutorial on this one, with hands and kite.

If you haven't subscribed yet, now is the time... Aside from the tutorial, there are already a whole bunch of large-res quad performances on video!

We'll be adding a few more as the year goes on, building up eventually to the full release of a new and updated advanced Rev Flying video from Revolution.

One thing I will ask of our subscribers, is to not distribute the tutorial, it is available to any of our subscribers, as thanks for their support of Kitelife... Also, keep any information or gossip about the new kite under your hat until the 25th of January, you can wait a couple of weeks!

If you'd like, I will answer select questions by direct email.

Sign up or log in - http://www.kitelifers.com

Thanks to all, it's good to share the skies with all of you.

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No choice really. HAD to subscribe. Just to hav a peek.

Cool choice of music for a SuperCool Video.


So John's carrot worked for you Chris? :blue-confused:



You want the critiques public or private?

Oh, public for sure... Right here.

Just trim out any specifics about the kite, video/composition is fair game. :blue-confused:

Very cool John! keep them coming!

My pleasure Mario, thanks for being there. :(

No choice really. HAD to subscribe. Just to hav a peek.

Cool choice of music for a SuperCool Video.

Aha, cool... Double thanks to you Chris, glad to have you on board!

Just trim out any specifics about the kite, video/composition is fair game. :(

*prepares a long rant about the flyer's looks in general*


However, loved the video!


Hi again all.

Watched the clip a few times now. Still SuperCool. However looking at it from novice eyes, and I know it is not actually aimed at the novice.

I like the split screen bit. Written coments are fantastic I think in this situation maybe better than a spoken commentary. Could different angles of the hand movements be shown?

Is it all done in real time or is there some slow mo element? If not maybe could be considered. Also you obviously need to fine tune the kite all the time due to wind variables, the automatic movements of your hands to compensate for this confuse the Axel movements a bit. Is there any way you could show JUST the axel movements? Maybe without a kite on the lines so that you only do the major movements. Then show the exersise with the kite?

Also you have obviously got an entertaining flying style. Dont forget you are trying to teach a skill so you must try to keep the entertainer out of the initial shots. ( I am a qualified teacher and am looking from a teaching view)

Please guys dont flame me for this, after all I am a novice and the fine tune bit might not confuse more experienced flyers. John asked for comments and I am sure there will be others. As I expect comments about my comments.

Regards, Chris.


GREAT comments Baloo, there'll be no flaming here. :blue-confused:

Indeed, not a novice tutorial... We'll be adding more basic tutorials, which would lead up to this.

1. Different angles - I understand, and will try to incorporate this into future tutorials.

2. Slow mo - the first example is slightly slowed, the second a little slower, and the third is the slowest... Slower still?

3. Entertainment - ROFL! Yeah, I'm animated... But additionally, the style actually lends to the execution... I'll try to keep a balance in mind.

Here's the "beef" I got out of this...

1. Isolate hand movements more.

2. Slow things down even more, step by step maybe.

Sound about right?


1.I would suggest more commentary less music. Or a combination at the right times. like do this do this... ok now lets try it.. cue the music. Tons of editing involved and will probably require a mic.

2. No fancy PIP scene cuts. When the double screen cuts it fades out or slides out I think its distracting. I am trying to remember the movement while the screen is moving. Show text, make it last a long time. Then show action, then repeat the same action. Probably can do all of that in editing. Its hard to watch a motion PIP while watching main while reading white text. I cant absorb it all.

3. First time.. Play Text, Stop Video, Stop PIP... Then Play Text, Play Video, Stop PIP... Finally Play Text, Play Video, Play PIP.

4. Lot's of repetitive slow motion clips... over and over again. Brain warp me! I need to see the video in my head when I am flying. The nice thing is this is all editing the same footage over and over.

I like Joe's Powerblast DVD. He repeats himself a lot but I think its helpful. I remember snappy phrases when its just me and the kite on the field. Just like "thumbs back" how many stinkin' times does that REV video say that? and "black, bottom" But when I first handled a REV without assistance I was repeating thumbs back in my head.

Take my comments lightly, Im not a teacher or a video editor, but I do learn pretty good. :blue-confused:

I love the video tutorial... keep them coming!! Awesome addition to the member's area. Believe me its on my iPOD ready to go to the field. I got 60gb left to fill up so keep em rolling!


Ok for your 1 and 2 above John. Definatly easier to learn then.

Was thinking overnight, going to add a comment about the fade in and out of kite bits.

Spot on comments QK.

Hope folks keep them coming, I expect John will find "discussion" type comments on here more usefull than pm's. Besides his mailbox is full at the moment.



Ugh KiT, you're gonna make me talk on video, aren't you! LOL

The Rev DVD will certainly be more detailed, with voice instructions and pause-info-pause-info-etc... Probably filmed in San Diego, over a 2-3 week period.

To be honest, the one thing that slowed me down with this tutorial was the inconvenience of pausing a PIP section to overlay text... Easy to slow it down, harder (more time consuming) to stop the footage and run other stuff around it.

But, I agree with most of your critique... You know how it goes, not all of it may get incorporated, but I will take it to heart and do what I can. ;)

Indeed, discussion out here in the open is awesome... I can handle the blows, and everyone can learn this way.

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I hate my recorded voice so if you opt for a voice over I won't complain!

I think I left out an important part of my critique--what I liked.

Awesome kite, and the flyer isn't bad either ;)

The videographer has good stability with the camera and isnt chasing the kite or looking at the ground.

Good slow-mo action.

Very nice location to video. The scene is not stealing away your eyes. It's a constant beach shot--besides the bulldozer! Joe filmed his in at a park, people running around everywhere, kind of distracting.

The lesson is very clear.

I just realized. I am very picky! :)


Wholeheartedly agree with QK's comments.

A GOOD lesson. Well spaced, repeated a number of times. Good location, cant "see" cameraperson although there is an obvious shadow. Subject, both John and to pinch from QK awesome kite well lit and easy to see, neither too close nor far.

Would probably do full speed demo (hands and kite) full speed hands, preferably with just handles so fine tuning is gone, slo mo's hands and kite maybe from 2 angles, full speed demos.

Still like the typed in tips. Voice over? I hate my voice also, maybe get Darth Vader to do it!!!

BEST OF ALL, IT IS FREE, for the measly price of a subscription that gives you the potential of so much more.

Now who am I to complain ;)

Regards, Chris.

BEST OF ALL, IT IS FREE, for the measly price of a subscription that gives you the potential of so much more.

Now who am I to complain ;)

Yup, I second you there buddy!


Thanks for the added comments guys, greatly appreciated. ;)

My problem with voice, is that unless I'm speaking directly to a student, I have a real problem coming up with the details... Something about that human connection that pulls it out of me, which is lacking in this format.

Maybe I'll get a newbie, put them right behind the camera and speak to them while I'm working.

Full speed example, kite and hands... Got it.


My first post, great tutorial, can't wait to see the next one. Congrats on the signature Rev, it's a beauty. You are doing great things for the sport, keep up the good work. I'm really enjoying the site, thank you.

  • 1 year later...

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