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SUL Blues

Chris Michaud

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Aha, 3 wraps (marked "Ultra Light" on the labels) should have held up in 13 mph with no problem.

I'd recommend you post this on the Rev forum, and Ben should be able to address the issue with you once the SoCal fires calm down.

FYI... On the rare occasion I've broken spars, they've broken along the edge of the label, more often than not.

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Aha, 3 wraps (marked "Ultra Light" on the labels) should have held up in 13 mph with no problem.

I'd recommend you post this on the Rev forum, and Ben should be able to address the issue with you once the SoCal fires calm down.

FYI... On the rare occasion I've broken spars, they've broken along the edge of the label, more often than not.

In the old days 3 wraps were considered sul and the 2 wrap was professional use only. 13 mph is acceptable for a 3 wrap now a days? hmmm.. yup.. like pappy use to say... they don't make them like they use to. :revonhead: BB Penny

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Those 3-wrap spars should have held up fine in 13 mph. On all of my spar breaks (anyone on the Rev Forum knows that there are quite a few) except one have all broken along the sticker. I'm not quite sure why it likes to break there. Post at www.revkites.com and I'm sure Ben will look at it eventually and help you out.

Nice to see you on the forum Chris.

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dude, so i was flying yesterday, in roughly 13 mph wind. i lifted off, flew for about 5 minutes and my left wings spar breaks cleanly along the gold tape.......i was pissed! anybody have an explanation? im curious why a rod would break prematurely

By saying "breaks cleanly along the gold tape". Are you referring along the rod or across the rod.

If it is along the rod, off hand, I would guess that something crushed the rod before the REV was flown.

If it is across the rod, then I would guess it got a sharp blow from something.

Was the rod used a lot? Was it new? If so was this the first flight?

A clear photo of the break would be helpful.

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i bought the kite at wsikf, and since then the spar has been used for a total of maybe 10 flying hours, i usually use my 2 wraps. and yes it snapped cleanly along the gold tape, perpendicular to the rod, and i take very good care of my kites, and i know their limits.

dude, so i was flying yesterday, in roughly 13 mph wind. i lifted off, flew for about 5 minutes and my left wings spar breaks cleanly along the gold tape.......i was pissed! anybody have an explanation? im curious why a rod would break prematurely

By saying "breaks cleanly along the gold tape". Are you referring along the rod or across the rod.

If it is along the rod, off hand, I would guess that something crushed the rod before the REV was flown.

If it is across the rod, then I would guess it got a sharp blow from something.

Was the rod used a lot? Was it new? If so was this the first flight?

A clear photo of the break would be helpful.

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good to see you too bro!

Those 3-wrap spars should have held up fine in 13 mph. On all of my spar breaks (anyone on the Rev Forum knows that there are quite a few) except one have all broken along the sticker. I'm not quite sure why it likes to break there. Post at www.revkites.com and I'm sure Ben will look at it eventually and help you out.

Nice to see you on the forum Chris.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Family so everyone knows each 3 wrap, 2 wrap, and race rods are flex tested before they are put in a kite, not making excuse just informing

everyone........Now on to a bit more info please understand that a 13 mph breeze does not mean that at a higher point in the wind window that

the wind is not blowing harder or that you got a stronger gust, also please try to understand wing loading also comes into play, and last put not least a bad part so that being said what can I do to make you a happy rev flier........Ben beachbeach13@yahoo.com

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Hello Family so everyone knows each 3 wrap, 2 wrap, and race rods are flex tested before they are put in a kite, not making excuse just informing

everyone........Now on to a bit more info please understand that a 13 mph breeze does not mean that at a higher point in the wind window that

the wind is not blowing harder or that you got a stronger gust, also please try to understand wing loading also comes into play, and last put not least a bad part so that being said what can I do to make you a happy rev flier........Ben beachbeach13@yahoo.com

What did I miss?

In english?

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Hi Ben, I am wearing my indoor rods on the ends. Not at the caps, but on the spar over the ferrel. It's grinding, like caps on cement. Would there be something we coud coat these with that would keep it from happening. They do get a bit of fly time, so I 'm not complaining. :( Sorry, this is probably off topic.~ Are you saying that a 2 wrap should fly ok in 13 mph wind on a 1.5? BB Penny~ who really should email you. :)

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Hello Family so everyone knows each 3 wrap, 2 wrap, and race rods are flex tested before they are put in a kite, not making excuse just informing

everyone........Now on to a bit more info please understand that a 13 mph breeze does not mean that at a higher point in the wind window that

the wind is not blowing harder or that you got a stronger gust, also please try to understand wing loading also comes into play, and last put not least a bad part so that being said what can I do to make you a happy rev flier........Ben beachbeach13@yahoo.com

What did I miss?

In english?

What can you do for us?

Hi Ben, I am wearing my indoor rods on the ends. Not at the caps, but on the spar over the ferrel. It's grinding, like caps on cement. Would there be something we coud coat these with that would keep it from happening. They do get a bit of fly time, so I 'm not complaining. :) Sorry, this is probably off topic.~ Are you saying that a 2 wrap should fly ok in 13 mph wind on a 1.5? BB Penny~ who really should email you. ;)

Hi Penny, On my Street Kites, I put a rubber /vinyl end cap and when they wear out I just replace they work great they are cheap and when your indoor they land soft and they hold /stick to a hardwood gym floor instead of slide out It has worked for years of flying in the streets and indoor flying for me it's provin I call it Scott proof . I have a nick name in true Rhode Island Slang "SPLINTA"

I say if your not breaking em your not flyin em so the little rubber/ vinyl end caps work great Thresa knows abot em if not I can let here know so you can get them from her! hope this helps :)

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Hey Scott man!

For some reason the old pages didn't come up on that post till later. Thanks Scotty, I have to have things Penny proof... I know where you are coming from. Actually, I already put outdoor caps on my indoor. It's the internal leading edge spars that are grinding on each other. I maybe have to much movement allowed on them? it's the first time I've seen spars grinded down.

I sure hope your back is healing and you are in less pain. We're looking forward to seeing you on a field, any field, or indoor. :) BB Penny

Hello Family so everyone knows each 3 wrap, 2 wrap, and race rods are flex tested before they are put in a kite, not making excuse just informing

everyone........Now on to a bit more info please understand that a 13 mph breeze does not mean that at a higher point in the wind window that

the wind is not blowing harder or that you got a stronger gust, also please try to understand wing loading also comes into play, and last put not least a bad part so that being said what can I do to make you a happy rev flier........Ben beachbeach13@yahoo.com

What did I miss?

In english?

What can you do for us?

Hi Ben, I am wearing my indoor rods on the ends. Not at the caps, but on the spar over the ferrel. It's grinding, like caps on cement. Would there be something we coud coat these with that would keep it from happening. They do get a bit of fly time, so I 'm not complaining. :) Sorry, this is probably off topic.~ Are you saying that a 2 wrap should fly ok in 13 mph wind on a 1.5? BB Penny~ who really should email you. ;)

Hi Penny, On my Street Kites, I put a rubber /vinyl end cap and when they wear out I just replace they work great they are cheap and when your indoor they land soft and they hold /stick to a hardwood gym floor instead of slide out It has worked for years of flying in the streets and indoor flying for me it's provin I call it Scott proof . I have a nick name in true Rhode Island Slang "SPLINTA"

I say if your not breaking em your not flyin em so the little rubber/ vinyl end caps work great Thresa knows abot em if not I can let here know so you can get them from her! hope this helps ;)

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