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WSIKF Indoor Fly

John F

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Yeah Penny: Do you know what is happening. We need to make sure Watty has a place to show off his Indoor Rev skills.

Nevermind. I found the Indoor events on the schedule. Wed and Thurs demos and competition on Friday. So Watty we get to see you.

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Does this mean you'll be at WSIKF??? I just might have a cookie for you. ;)

hey, watty and Penny:

we just arrived in the USA last week, now in RI.

we do hope to make it to the WSIKF (although i had not gotten the details yet)

majory because we want to see the indoor thing (4 days! )

we will get our bearings in a couple of days and i shall look into the details

to make it happen..... flight and lodging, etc.

see you there


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Does this mean you'll be at WSIKF??? I just might have a cookie for you. ;)

hey, watty and Penny:

we just arrived in the USA last week, now in RI.

we do hope to make it to the WSIKF (although i had not gotten the details yet)

majory because we want to see the indoor thing (4 days! )

we will get our bearings in a couple of days and i shall look into the details

to make it happen..... flight and lodging, etc.

see you there


You know you want to fly into PDX. Scotty can give you details. :blink:

And plan to come either way early, before the Festival, or stay way late, or BOTH! :huh:

Looking forward to seeing you both again! :P

Hugs, T

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Does this mean you'll be at WSIKF??? I just might have a cookie for you. B)

hey, watty and Penny:

we just arrived in the USA last week, now in RI.

we do hope to make it to the WSIKF (although i had not gotten the details yet)

majory because we want to see the indoor thing (4 days! )

we will get our bearings in a couple of days and i shall look into the details

to make it happen..... flight and lodging, etc.

see you there


Try not to take too long. Places around Long Beach during WSIKF fill up quick. I got reservations at the Thousand Trails camp site 120 days in advance. :blink:

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I planned on being there all week, but there might be hitch. Keep your fingers crossed. We'll see you there.

BB Penny

Does this mean you'll be at WSIKF??? I just might have a cookie for you. B)

hey, watty and Penny:

we just arrived in the USA last week, now in RI.

we do hope to make it to the WSIKF (although i had not gotten the details yet)

majory because we want to see the indoor thing (4 days! )

we will get our bearings in a couple of days and i shall look into the details

to make it happen..... flight and lodging, etc.

see you there


Try not to take too long. Places around Long Beach during WSIKF fill up quick. I got reservations at the Thousand Trails camp site 120 days in advance. :blink:

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK, I will be at Long Beach all week, or at least in the area.

Spenbce and Wen, be sure you have short lines for the Indoor fly. The whole gym is rather small and the ceiling has low beams.

I'm looking forward to watching you both fly.

BB Penny~who should be at the indoor a few nights.

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OK, I will be at Long Beach all week, or at least in the area.

Spenbce and Wen, be sure you have short lines for the Indoor fly. The whole gym is rather small and the ceiling has low beams.

I'm looking forward to watching you both fly.

BB Penny~who should be at the indoor a few nights.

Gotta make some soon

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I have a 5 foot and 8 foot set. If I remember correctly the ceiling was just high enough for a 10 ft. set. I also have a 20 ft. set that I never use, and I would be happy to cut it up so someone else can have a set, and of course I probably won't be using both my short sets. I think I also have a little bit of left over 50# Shanti Speed to make another small line set.

I also have two rev Indoors (My red/black custom, and a spray painted one). The spray painted one is noticeably heavy and is more of a challenge to fly, but if someone needs a kite, I can fly that one just fine, or if you want a challenge, go crazy.

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I also have two rev Indoors (My red/black custom, and a spray painted one). The spray painted one is noticeably heavy and is more of a challenge to fly, but if someone needs a kite, I can fly that one just fine, or if you want a challenge, go crazy.

your on ;)


wanna try to fly your rev on a ripstik? (skate board thingy w. 2 wheels) cant do much but it's pretty cool

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I'll be taking my camera and getting as much video as I can. It will just be a little pentax picture camera, so it doesn't have the greatest quality, but I did my Cabo video with it.

hello folks

we lost our tent (brand new) through a friend who kept it, and now don't really know what we will sleep in....

yet we had our airline tickets and camping spot reserved, so we are sure to be there (sunday to sunday).

we hold a spot in wildwood camp ground, but so far only have our sleeping bags and pads

what else do we need ? advice?

our video recorder went to the repair


crossing our fingers that we have it back before the trip we leave on 8/9 to Boston and fly to portland 8/11.

this is a big trip and we are excited! Hopefully we get the video recorder in time.

see you soon


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If you bring it, I'll try it.. I think I'd be better off doing it with roller blades :sq-sad: . If you want I can try it blind folded too. I've done it a couple times, and it is quite a thrill :D

bring it ;)

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Hi Lift Song, I have a 3 man dome tent you could borrow. Some friends just brought it back, and I made them promise to dry it and sweep it out upon return. It's already packed in my van. :sq-sad: (I'm packing already) lol I still have plenty of events before hand, but I can't wait till Long Beach! I look forward to meeting you and seein our young guys flying.

BB Penny

I'll be taking my camera and getting as much video as I can. It will just be a little pentax picture camera, so it doesn't have the greatest quality, but I did my Cabo video with it.

hello folks

we lost our tent (brand new) through a friend who kept it, and now don't really know what we will sleep in....

yet we had our airline tickets and camping spot reserved, so we are sure to be there (sunday to sunday).

we hold a spot in wildwood camp ground, but so far only have our sleeping bags and pads

what else do we need ? advice?

our video recorder went to the repair


crossing our fingers that we have it back before the trip we leave on 8/9 to Boston and fly to portland 8/11.

this is a big trip and we are excited! Hopefully we get the video recorder in time.

see you soon


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hello folks

we lost our tent (brand new) through a friend who kept it, and now don't really know what we will sleep in....

yet we had our airline tickets and camping spot reserved, so we are sure to be there (sunday to sunday).

we hold a spot in wildwood camp ground, but so far only have our sleeping bags and pads

what else do we need ? advice?

our video recorder went to the repair


crossing our fingers that we have it back before the trip we leave on 8/9 to Boston and fly to portland 8/11.

this is a big trip and we are excited! Hopefully we get the video recorder in time.

see you soon


Are you staying at the Thousand Trails camp site?? I'm staying there with my G-ma. We're ruffin' it in her RV :sq-sad: . I think this year they will have wireless internet throughout the entire camp site!

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