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ocean shores summer heat?

brian achenbach

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I'll be there. Lincoln City is bringing in the Wranglers from CA, OR, and WA I believe. They are having "Ooodles of Octopi" The Wranglers handle the large Peter Lynn Octopi and are trying to break the world record or at least N.American record of Octopi in the sky at one time.

Pray for wind, not to much.. just enough to get them up. Amy Doran, AKA Charlie Chaplain will be there. Bob Serack with banners, stacks, etc. Rhonda Brewer, Deb Cooley, David Gomber, probably Dancing Al Washington, and I don't know who else.

Hope to see you there and hope hot weather doesn't mean no wind and kill Penny on soft sand. :)

Lincoln City ~ Everything is better at the beach!

BB Penny

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Looks like at least four of iQuad will be at Summer Heat. ;)

Hmm, how did a Lincoln City question change topic headings to Ocean Shores Summer Heat? lol

Lincoln City was awesome. Seriously, the ocean and sky were the bluest I've ever seen. Perfect winds, 21 Octopi in the air for the world record, and a few little ones they didn't count, but once I find out what they feed the big ones.. mine should grow. B)

BB Penny who didn't talk about Summer Heat, but thinks it will be marvelous.

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Lynn and I are probable for Ocean Shores. I say "probable" due to issues with Lynn's 99 year old father. We can't leave Southern California until the last week of July, so will miss Brookings, but are probable for Berkeley. We have RV reservations at Ocean Shores and WSIKF.

Gotta make sure the old guy is well taken care of.

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Lynn and I are probable for Ocean Shores. I say "probable" due to issues with Lynn's 99 year old father. We can't leave Southern California until the last week of July, so will miss Brookings, but are probable for Berkeley. We have RV reservations at Ocean Shores and WSIKF.

Gotta make sure the old guy is well taken care of.

Indeed. I'm hoping all goes well and I'll see you two at Summer Heat as well.


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The Farrells will be at Summer Heat. Arn't the dates the 16th and 17th of August. Want to make sure we are there the correct weekend.

That will be our first meet up with NWSKL and IQuad and all the nice people. Really looking forward to this.

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The Farrells will be at Summer Heat. Arn't the dates the 16th and 17th of August. Want to make sure we are there the correct weekend.

That will be our first meet up with NWSKL and IQuad and all the nice people. Really looking forward to this.

I have august 9,10th on my calender for summer heat at ocean shores, check your dates, I got these dates off of iquads list of events. (HOPE THEY'RE RIGHT)

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In post #4 I asked if Summer Heat was August 9th and 10th, and in post #5 Brian said "Yup", so made plans to be there. I got those dates from the iQuad site as well.

Since it is the following weekend, August 16th and 17th, we won't be there. Previous plans put us elsewhere.

Oh Well........maybe next year.

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Hrm, imagine my embarrassment... ;)

This has caught us as much by surprise, putting the last day of Summer Heat a mere 3 days before we leave for 11 days in England.

I do not know how this happened, except that I must have overlooked it with everything else we have going on.

Terribly sorry.

Will reconfirm our participation, as soon as I touch base with my teammates.

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iQuad is on for Summer Heat, for sure, even with the new dates.

However, we will NOT be at WSIKF... In England instead. ;)

we'll miss you guys at WSIKF, won't there be a couple members there who are not going to England :sq-sad:

No Worries, there will be plenty of team fliers there.. many that have flown at the clinics and I believe Adrian and some of the members from the Canadian Quad squad will be there..

We are even getting a field... woopppppp.

Looking forward to a week of fun.. oh .. I mean 9 days.. yikes.

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