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Whenever I get the chance, I direct people to this web site after I have told them the current ( to me ) state of kite flying.

But knowing people, by the time they get home, they may forget or decide not to check the web site.

Also I work inside of a class 100 cleanroom, where internet usage is disabled because of people doing bad things.( acess to youtube or this site is not possible)

John, could you please put together some short videos of yourself, IQuad, and others showing 2 and 4 line flying that I could attach to e-mails?

When I tell people about indoor flying, or what you can do with rev's, they are impressed.

If anyone else has ideas, great.



Ken, this might do the job...

Short URL - http://tinyurl.com/modernkiting

It's a YouTube play list I've assembled for "modern kiting" examples.

Will that work? B)

Not quite, it connected me to youtubes web page.

Where I work, we only have intranet access, no internet access.

I would like seperate attachment that downloads , then runs on windows media viewer on whoevers PC.

It that making sense? ;)


Aha, I see... Understandable.

Sorry to say that I don't have anything like you're describing, and it will probably be a while before I find time to do it, must prioritize.

Your request is a good one however, and I agree something like this should be available.


The problem is what size attachment can your company's e-mail system handle?

Where I work, we used to have a 1.2MB file limit. It has only recently been increased to 5MB.

That really limits how much video can be sent by e-mail.



i think you can use getvideo.com to download the youtube videos....then you can use quicktime/vlc to see them...

i carry lots on a usb flash drive..you can get multi gig ones for cheap now.....

that idea work?


This is the 1st I've heard of these sites.

They sound like great ways to get videos sent around.

John, if I copied a few of yours and IQuads videos to send, would this be copywright infringement?



If you use "Firefox" as your internet browser, there is an add-on available called "Download Helper" that allows you to capture most YouTube videos. You can then save them in a folder and play them or e-mail them as an attachment. The computer on which you wish to play that video must have "flvplayer" which can be downloaded off the internet.


It is just to spread the gospel, Brother John.

Can I get an "Amen" from the congregation. :innocent:

And I am just happiest enough with IE for now, no change to firefox.

Thanks though.

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