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It's True!


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I have come over to the Dark Side. Today we finally had some decent wind and I got out the mid-vent. I must say it is a "sweet" kite. I have to adjust my flying style for the Revs but that will come with practice. I really enjoyed flying that kite. Even when it wind-milled like crazy and landed rather heavily on the sand. I was able to re-launch and untangle it in the air. Mostly I worked on hovers and adjusting my grip. It really does take a lighter touch than I'm used to.

So, I with great humility post this so all will know. Let the harassment begin. :ani_giveup:


p.s. When I gain a little more control, I will post pictures

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YEA photomom!!!! Everyone is a little unsure in the beginning and you're right, it does take a different "touch" to fly it!! If I could give you 1 piece of advise - GIVE to the kite, don't pull!! Pulling will only drive the kite harder into the ground and run the risk of breakage!! Also make sure that all your lines are equal, if they aren't the kite will try to fly itself in strange directions! A quick field test, is to hold both handles in the same position and try launching! If the flight is straight - all good! Have fun and breathe!! :ani_yahoo:

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... Let the harassment begin. ...

Never happen ... only a very warm welcome to a very enjoyable facet of kite flying.

Do try hard to fly with other Rev folks. An afternoon with some team flying will teach you more than a month of flying by yourself. There are some really great Rev teachers out there ... take advantage of their knowledge when you meet them on a flying field. In only three minutes, Bazzer taught me how to do a move I'd been struggling with for some time. It was like he had just learned the move yesterday and knew exactly the piece of knowledge I was missing.



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Aye, Tom has it spot on...

Even 10 minutes with another solid flier will carve months, possibly years off your learning curve.

Still totally possible on your own (especially with the Kitelife tutorials), but quicker and more fun with friends. :)

Have fun, no harrassment here!

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