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Roadside flying


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Jim, those are some AWESOME pictures ! Where I live, it's really flat, so anywhere that has topography looks stunning.

And thanks for setting me straight, Nick, I never saw 'tell-tale' actually spelled out. I figured a tell-tale was like a kite tail... :cat_lol:

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There was a fancy food store nearby, (strawberries the size of oranges, that kind of place!) and if you carried their shopping bags to a unique location photographed and presented it, you got a FREE lunch. I lugged their darn bag all over south america, the pic is from Machu Pichu. That spot wasn't extreme enough for them though, so I went hungry!

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Wife said "this one is not a kiting vacation!" But 20 days in south america?, the trip of a lifetime?, traveling with the Friends Of the Nat'l Zoo tour? Come on, be reasonable. I was thrown out of Machu Pichu,.... well anyway, if you want to know more read the attachment written from a very unique perspective, the kite's!

My vacation as a kite.pdf

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