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Howdy everyone, so I had the echo out, The elastic that keeps tension on the le came undone , Besides making a simple knot and applying a drop of crazy glue , which I did not do yet. I can not get a knot to hold, any ideas.

Picture to follow




Maybe as a last resort... Get a length longer than what its supposed to be.It will give you the ability and leverage to make sure the knot is good and set. Then trim to length needed.

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I'm not familiar with the Echo, but it there a reason it has to be elastic? if there is no good reason I would replace the elastic with a length of bridle line like this:-


If it does have to be elastic, get a longer piece measure where the knot is going to be and put some beeswax on that section of the elastic to stop it slipping, tie the knot good and tight then cut it off the elastic to length +1/4" and use a cigarette lighter to melt the 2 cut ends together.


Unless the elastic is actually sewn to the dacron loop at the end of the LE pocket, you might be better off ditching it and replace it with a a suitable elastic loop. Doubled or larksheaded through the dacron loop and then stretched over the nock. No knots or melting required.

A discard bicycle inner tube and razor/X-Acto blade would yield a healthy supply of such elastics.




I've run into that same problem, and for sure, it's really hard to tie a good knot, that will hold, in something that short. Either use a longer piece of bungee, as described above, and then trim the ends, or figure a way to tie it off with a piece of bridle line, as suggested by Hadge. Once you figure out a way, to tension and de-tension the LE, with something other than bungee, you won't have to worry about it again, later. Just get yourself a piece of string or cord, and figure out something. It doesn't really have to be set-up, exactly as it was originally, from the factory. You just need to be able to add tension to the LE for flight, and then release it - easily, for storage. Once you have figured out a suitable solution, make-up two, using a good piece of 150# or 170# bridle line, and install............

Again, remember, this isn't "rocket science". It's just a kite! :ani_victory:


To add a length of bridle line close to the end of the existing bungee (to assist in pulling the knot tight) consider a Constrictor Knot. You will probably have to cut the Constrictor to remove it after pulling the knot in the bungee up tight.


OK, I see your pic - have you looked to see the length of the loop on the "good side"? If nothing is broken, just untied, you should be able to retie the bunji! Both ends together and tie a simple overhand knot and work it near the end! Looks in the pic like the ends are already melted, so you won't need to do that!

On Revs that break the LE washer, we do a very similar field repair, tying the bunji together til we can get a washer!

I'm guessing that the slipping is being caused by using the wrong knot for that!! Don't use a "shoe lace" type knot, make 1 knot with both ends in it at once! Shouldn't slip!


Thanks everyone, A longer piece to work with is the answer, the other side is a simple overhand knot, Just no room to work with the piece I have. I was going to ask if could just use another material , so that is what I'll be looking for. Temp for flying tomorrow, I used some line, the littlest clove hitch I have ever tied and lashed the loop together, seems to be holding well. It actually tucks away very cleanly too, nothing to snag on

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