CLTKiter Posted March 15, 2004 Report Posted March 15, 2004 Hi, As I'm pretty sure, and Penny and John have verified, a vented Rev is probably best for a quad in higher winds (trying to keep control and not pulling your arms out). But I'm trying to see if there's an alternative to vented. I didn't win the Vented Rev I on eBay. When the wind gets above 15-16 mph, this is my observation on my own Rev's: - the 1.5 makes sounds like loud, rustling cellophane - the Rev I sounds the same and also pulls a lot - the Blast pulls me around the field/beach - sore shoulders/arms - haven't flown the Shockwave in high winds yet I've heard some people say that the Rev II is their favorite unvented kite in high winds. Do others feel the same? Why is it the favorite -- because of less pull? My only experience with a Rev II was a few minutes in light wind and a few minutes in high wind. With the light wind, it tended to overcontrol and "bowtie". Same in the heavier wind, although I WAS using extended handles on the high wind. (My lack of skill?) I very rarely run into higher winds. Maybe I should just sit it out when the winds get high. So... Is there a good alternative for higher winds other than a vented Rev? I welcome thoughts. Doug Quote
woodpekr Posted March 15, 2004 Report Posted March 15, 2004 I love my Rev II in high winds. I fly it on 85 or 100 foot lines to give myself more reaction time and I use extended handles about 17 inches long. The handles are probably too long making the kite twitchier than it should be, but I figure it's good training for my relflexes. That said, I often fly my blast and supersonic in high winds usind the same technique that you would use in very low winds. One Arm forward and one arm back. In low winds where, the kite is almost vertical, it gives you more lift. In high winds the kite flattens out from vertical letting the wind spill out. When flying like this the top handle does most of the work while the bottom handle acts as a gentle guide to work with the top handle. The botom lines will be very slack. The imortant thing is to keep the bottom lines slack so you don't get your arms pulled off. Time your turns for the edges and play with the float. Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted March 16, 2004 Report Posted March 16, 2004 Hi Rich, Your post made me laugh.. not at you... at memories of flying my own Rev's in high winds. My first thought is your a brave man, and/or a big man. But be aware I've seen a friend of mine flying a Rev. I in about 18 -25 mph wind leaning way back, and he was a good size gentleman.. Then we heard a pop. Thus` we discovered you can break a spar in the air! And that was a 4 wrap graphite back in the day. Then I remembered flying by myself at Fort Flagler with my Rev. I in gale force winds.. I was new and I didn't know it was blowing that hard till later. The wind had picked up and it was blowing so hard I laid flat on my back and thought if I take it straight up to the top, I'll be ok. I launched it, and flew from flat on my back onto my face... and dragged down the beach instantly. (This was after breaking the swivel that came on the kite lines which should have been a clue it was blowing to hard) Thank goodness they came out of with the Rev. II. It is f or high winds. The smaller sail has less pull. It's an 18 hour kite. You can fly it for 18 hours without being exhausted! When we called Revolution Lolly said people were thinking the Rev II's were easier to learn on, but actually they were quicker and harder for most to learn on. Yes, their small size is what you want for high wind. And Rich, I'm like you, I fly with long throw handles. (SUL- Super Ultra Light) These handles make for less wrist movement. Rev II's fly much more controllaby on Rev II handles, the shortest handles they make. Or Rev I handles work as long throw handles for it. I work on the twitchy, put on tails, anything but take the time to change handles.. I'm bad. FYI -when I travel and am limited I take two kites. A 1.5 for everything but high wind, and a Rev II. for high wind. They are totally controllable! Fast or slow in 20 + mph! Flying the speed series in high winds (Super sonic, etc.) you can lay your kite back by using your adjustment lines, making the top lines longer, and dumping air to slow it down. (some people lay the bottoms back, making the bottom lines longer) Just be careful around people. Cause I have another story about spearing my son in the leg with a kite in high wind when the handle was pulled out of my hands! Rich are you coming to Lincoln City for the indoor next week? Hope to see you there. I'll have you try my one handed handles, and indoor stacks, and everything! BB Penny Quote
woodpekr Posted March 16, 2004 Report Posted March 16, 2004 OK so I'm 6'2" 215 pounds, but if I'm careful I can float those speed series kites out there in higher winds . . . I have had to let go of the blast a couple of times I broke the leading edge on my supersonic while in flight once. The leading edge sleeve was also pretty badly torn as a result. I knew I shouldn't have been flying . . . just had to try it. Quote Rich are you coming to Lincoln City for the indoor next week? Hope to see you there. I'll have you try my one handed handles, and indoor stacks, and everything! I'm going to Fort Worden this weekend. I don't know if I can manage two weekends in a row. Thank you for your kind offer and if I don't see you next week I'll take a rain check. I would love to try some indoor flying. Quote
CLTKiter Posted March 16, 2004 Author Report Posted March 16, 2004 Wow! Thanks to both of you. I think I'll start looking for a Rev II. Saw both a cool color and warm color scheme a couple of months ago at the kite shop where I bought my Shockwave. Can't decide which -- gives me something to dream about until I get back to the beach. I have several handles from the "regular" to the long-throw 17" that I bought for my Rev I with SUL spars. I think I'll work on control a little. I suspect that if I use the longer handles and spend time on control, I'll do better overall. Penny, it's encouraging about the two kites for a wide range of wind conditions. And Rich, I'm only 5' 6" at 160 lbs, so I think I'll be a little careful with my speed series in high winds. I haven't thought about floating in the high winds, but my Shockwave floats beautifully, so I'll give it a try in the higher winds -- I'll just be careful. Thanks, Doug Quote
woodpekr Posted March 16, 2004 Report Posted March 16, 2004 CLTKiter said: so I think I'll be a little careful with my speed series in high winds. I haven't thought about floating in the high winds, but my Shockwave floats beautifully, so I'll give it a try in the higher winds -- I'll just be careful. Just remember if you get caught in the power zone there's nothing wrong with letting go of the handles. Besides, with the wind at your back it will be easier to chase the kite. Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted March 17, 2004 Report Posted March 17, 2004 Good Morning Doug you'll probably be happier with the shortest handles possible. The Rev II is quick and twitchy on it's own. Try two lengths and let us know. Wow Rich, First time I've heard of a supersonic busting in the air. 6'3, 215 lbs, Now we know they're not to spell check. About 11 years ago we were flying our Rev. I's off the point at Ft. Worden, left of the light house. It was blowing hard, and a friend asked us very seriously if we would let go if we crashed. We hadn't thought about it, but looking at our kites flying high over a white capped ocean we looked at each other and started laughing.. "NO way!" I've had to wade in after my kite a few times, but it had a stake on the other end. If there is a lesson to be learned, I will learn it....... usually the hard way. Thank goodness we were flying Rev's before power kites, which certainly have to be released some time. Let go of your kite when the wind is at your back and the ocean is not in front of you! Rich, have a great time at Fort Worden. BB Penny Quote
woodpekr Posted March 17, 2004 Report Posted March 17, 2004 Penny Lingenfelter said: Wow Rich, First time I've heard of a supersonic busting in the air. I was sitting down with my feet jammed against a log on the beach, and leaning back hard. The lines were literally screaming as the kite hit the middle of the power zone and suddenly all 4 lines went slack at once. The Rev tumbled out of the air like a bird that had been shot. I know . . . . I know . . . . Kite Abuse!! Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted March 17, 2004 Report Posted March 17, 2004 Haha kite abuse! Well, at leasts it's not kite neglect! oops spell check was what I was attempting to do to the word indesturctable in the post. I won't spell check it again. Quote
kite.flyer Posted March 18, 2004 Report Posted March 18, 2004 CLTKiter said: I think I'll start looking for a Rev II. Saw both a cool color and warm color scheme a couple of months ago at the kite shop where I bought my Shockwave. Can't decide which -- gives me something to dream about until I get back to the beach. Doug, If we meet at JMR on Sunday, take a turn on my Rev II. I'll even put the short handles together and you can fly those. I actually like the "standard" handles that came with the 1.5 better. I found out last weekend, the extended (SUL) handles are way too squirrelly with the Rev II. Then again, the kite was possessed Sunday. From a nose down position, it would lay down on it's face with the wings pointing toward me, and periodically pop back up, ready to fly. Until I grabbed the handles. then it was face down again. So I put it away and flew the 1.5 instead. Might as well try before you buy. Marty Quote
John Barresi Posted March 18, 2004 Report Posted March 18, 2004 I always prefer extended handles with the Rev I and 1.5, and regular "Rev I" handles with the Rev II. Quote
kite.flyer Posted March 18, 2004 Report Posted March 18, 2004 I briefly tried flying a Rev II about 10 years ago, but I was so new to both dual and quad line flying I gave up the Rev to concentrate on dual lines. Now I'm relearning quadline and just figuring out the difference in handles and 1.5 vs II and soon the Rev 1. I'm beginning to understand your handle preferences. I might try extending the Rev II handles and see how that works. I'm really having a blast (pun intended and future purchase) and it's all Doug's fault. He came out to fly with the WACKOS a couple times and four-line fever struck. There's at least 4 of us new to quads and 2 with renewed interests. We've probably bought about 8 - 10 new & used Revs in the last 2 months, plus some quad foils and NASA wings. Next up, shoulder to shoulder quad flying - Twice the Fun, Team Macrame! Quote
Jason Paul Posted March 18, 2004 Report Posted March 18, 2004 I also have a Rev 2 and really like it. I've also flown the SS and the SW. The SW pulls too much for my taste. I like the SS quite a bit, but not as much as the Rev 2. I generally use a homemade set of handles with a 14" throw, and lately I've been flying on 35' lines. I'm going to try 25' next time out. Personally, I don't like the Rev 2 handles at all. The grip is too small and squishy and they're just much too short. I've gotten so used to my long handles, that even my Rev extended handles feel too short, requiring too much input. The Rev 2 might seem twitchy at first, especially with longer handles, but it's something you can adjust to. I can see myself getting all of the quad fun I can handle out of only a 1.5 and a 2 - maybe even just the 2 . However, I might still like to get a SS one day. Jason Quote
CLTKiter Posted March 19, 2004 Author Report Posted March 19, 2004 Hey Jason, Yeah, I bought the Shockwave just a couple months ago; was looking to buy a Speed Series. Had a chance to fly both the Supersonic and Shockwave for several hours in both light winds and good, moderate winds. You're right, the SW pulled harder than the SS, but didn't seem too bad for me. The main reason I got the SW was that it seemed to float a little better, and fly a little better in the lower winds -- that's what we have most of the time here in central NC. My thoughts about a high wind Rev (the reason I started this post) was there are a few days when the winds are high, particularly in the spring, and also sometimes when I go to the beach. So I was trying to find some sort of alternative to a vented kite. Looks like, if the winds are reasonable on Sunday, Kite.Flyer will let me borrow his Rev II. That's pretty amazing because I don't think he's flown it at all (or at least very little). Good friends! (or crazy friends). Later, Doug Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted March 19, 2004 Report Posted March 19, 2004 Yup, all those Rev's fly differently. One for every wind, and one for everyone's individual style. Each kite will fly differently in high and low winds. The speed series in light wind can be like the Rev I, a slow gentle giant, or w/wind it can be fast and pull like a truck. That's why I've enjoyed these Rev's so much. Rememeber to try that Rev II in high enough winds. You don't want to be out there looking like a newbie that says the kite won't fly, when its because the wind don't blow. You guys have a great weekend. BB Penny Quote
CLTKiter Posted March 22, 2004 Author Report Posted March 22, 2004 Hey Penny, Now I see why you take the Rev 2 along on trips. Yesterday I had a chance to fly Marty's Rev 2 for some time (winds 10-12 with gusts in high teens) and it flew great! Seemed to take a little more wind to get started than some of my other Rev's (the wind did drop to 3-5 mph also). Almost no pull; and fast! I also put up my Rev I and Shockwave to compare, so the comparison on speed and pull was really interesting. I really agree with your: Quote Yup, all those Rev's fly differently. One for every wind, and one for everyone's individual style. Now I have another on my "wish list". Later, Doug Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted March 22, 2004 Report Posted March 22, 2004 hey Doug, That kite was made for high winds, but I've seen it flown inside as a single and stack. Oches made it look easy, too. There's so much I still want to do. I have a SUL Rev. II, and I haven't spent any time on it. It really takes practice on it for inside. I'd like to fly a Rev. II , Rev 1.5 and Rev. 1 SUL's in a stack indoors. So many kites, so little time. BB Penny Quote
kite.flyer Posted March 23, 2004 Report Posted March 23, 2004 Penny Lingenfelter said: I'd like to fly a Rev. II , Rev 1.5 and Rev. 1 SUL's in a stack indoors. Penny, If you ever get to stack the three of them indoors, please post a picture somewhere. That would be something to see! But it's given me an idea to try outdoors. We have enough Revs in the WACKOS now that several of us could do that as a team --- Team Macrame! Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted March 24, 2004 Report Posted March 24, 2004 ok, will try to do, and you do the same. WACKO Macro. BB Penny Quote
CLTKiter Posted April 17, 2004 Author Report Posted April 17, 2004 Oh Penny, That Rev II that I got is really sweet! This past week I was at the Outer Banks of NC and the weather was really stinky just about every day. But yesterday we had winds about 10-12 mph and it had warmed up to about 60, so we went to Jocky's Ridge in Nags Head. got to fly on the big dunes. The Rev II was fast and with precision! I see why you really love it. It's already on the way to being one of my favorites. BTW, I also flew it on the beach in about 17-18 mph winds, and the dive/stop was absolutely breathtaking! Breathtaking for me as well as the others out there on the beach. Later, Doug Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted April 17, 2004 Report Posted April 17, 2004 Is an "I told you so" appropriate here? Aiyana is down visiting and my poor husband is going to be a kite widow. We're going to the PCKA's club fun fly in Orting, WA. Luvin it! BB Penny Quote
grumpy Posted April 20, 2004 Report Posted April 20, 2004 Doug, Why did you wait so long to get a rev 2? The day you helped me I went right to mine and of the few Revs i have it is my favorite by far. Quote
CLTKiter Posted April 21, 2004 Author Report Posted April 21, 2004 Hey Grumpy, Yeah, it was fun flying your Rev 2. I also flew Podlasik's Shockwave that same day. The Shockwave didn't bow-tie like the 2, and flew in lower wind (floated much better). Could only buy one kite at that time so bought the Shockwave. Now that I have it, I missed the precision of the 2. Don't get me wrong; I also really like the Shockwave. I've found by using shorter handles and being a little more precise with movements, the Rev 2 bow-ties less (better control by me). But it still needs more wind than the Shockwave. Each Rev has its own personality. I love being able to fly the different ones in the different conditions. Never boring!!!!! Later, Doug Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted April 21, 2004 Report Posted April 21, 2004 Yup, their own personality and their own wind range. That Rev. II will have a higher wind range then the sle or speed series. And personality! Why I have one rev... every time I'd fly with a group of people and turned my back for just a second... that kite would dash all around like a mad insect.. causing havoc.. macrame.. and when I looked at it why it would just behave like nothing happened.. But I could tell.. the other rev's looked beat up and confused! That misbehaving kite! And I'm sure my other kites were watching. Whenever I turn my back on them, they try to misbehave too.... But I'm on to them. Those kites! BB Penny Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted April 25, 2004 Report Posted April 25, 2004 You know what, I need to take my shockwave out. I don't mean to sell it short, and your speaking of it not bowing reminds me how much fun it is in good wind. I just like to fly forever without wearing myself out, but I can put a kite down.. I can.. really.. I mean...there's bathroom breaks, right? I've got to buggy with my superblast, but meanwhile I LOVE it in 3-6 mph ballets. Big and expressive! BB Penny Quote
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