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Buggy time

Penny Lingenfelter

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Sunset Beach Bum Buggiers rule the road at the edge of the sea. Buggy On!

Now that is from memory of a bumper sticker that Linda Anderson's NW Kites (?) put out some years ago. Sadly Linda is no longer with us, but her spirit lives on in our hearts.

It's time to buggy. I have no indoor close by, so when are the buggiers out in Ore? Not this weekend, but very very soon.

I feel the need for speed.... any buggiers out there? :huh:



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Well, I buggied at the basin at the Soft ball field. <_< I don't think speed is the word I'd use. The grass had grown up several feet since I'd been there last. :) The wind was here again, gone again, ugly wind. But I had fun for a few moments before the guys game. ;) Ever buggy in grass before? Lucky I live in WA where I don't feel I have to worry about icky bugs. ewwwww

Well, The Superblast did pretty good, and I can still tack.

Till next time~ I'll just dream about it.



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We buggy on grass every Friday night at our local buggy spot, it does take a lot more to get you going than the dry lake bed, the infield of the ball diamonds can be fun tho. :devil: Going to be heading up to Utah to try some buggying on the salt flats in a couple weeks, first time for me and will have to see how it goes. :unsure: When the wind is garbage for the park we usually head straight for the lake beds the next day, even in light winds you can catch some serious speeds. :w00t: Hop on a flight to Vegas Peggy and we'll do some night buggying! ;):)

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  • 2 months later...
Sunset Beach Bum Buggiers rule the road at the edge of the sea.  Buggy On!

Now that is from memory of a bumper sticker that Linda Anderson's NW Kites (?) put out some years ago.  Sadly Linda is no longer with us, but her spirit lives on in our hearts. 

It's time to buggy.  I have no indoor close by, so when are the buggiers out in Ore?  Not this weekend, but very very soon. 

I feel the need for speed.... any buggiers out there? B)



Penny, I posted this link in the Events thread: http://quadlinekites.com/sobb/Maps.html

Looks like Buggying will be happening Sept 4th to the 11th at Sunset Beach!


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Wow, Thanks Theresa :D I'll check my calendar at work on Monday and see if I can go. It sounds great.

I'm going to have to mail away for new bumperstickers or go see the stores. :w00t: I had to take 1/2 the old bmperstikers off so I could paint my van this weekend.

Whew, 12 hours of painting while I keep two and four yr. old grandsons. Thank goodness they are so good B)

One faint bumpersticker I left on was "Buggy Gruven" Wonder if they are still available? Mike Gillard? Wonder if that is where I got it. hmmm not sure.

New kite bumperstickers will rejuvenate me. :P Does The Kite Shoope have a store bumpersticker?



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One faint bumpersticker I left on was "Buggy Gruven" Wonder if they are still available? Mike Gillard? Wonder if that is where I got it. hmmm not sure.

That was indeed a Kitelife item... I'll see what I can do to rejuvenate it.

Here's what I've got for now - http://www.cafepress.com/kitelife.8521724

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Kewl, I can't remember where Eli Anderson lives. :lol: I think 7th.. but he's not got much parking. Anyone have (Buggy Bison) Richard's # or email. I wouldn't mind pulling up in his drvieway for the night.

Ron, are you two just down for the day then and leaving the RV at home? You mean I can't follow you to a driveway for the night? It's labor day weekend, camping will be full.

I'd have friends who would come, but they like to know where they will land at night. what's with that?

Steve's got a football game, some grass to mow at his parents and other obligations. :lol: When I told him I was going to Sunset he tried to push me out of bed! I can't help it if he can't come. :lol: I pointed out I don't get to buggy hardly at all so of course he had to agree! I'm ready!!!

Any parking allowed on the beach still?



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  • 3 months later...

Oh, the bolt that holds the front wheel on. Yeah, that's important I think :) I guess it's an axle.

Some time ago while I was kite boarding, one of the bolts holding the foot straps on came out. THANK GOD it came out when I picked the board up and NOT while I was riding it. That would've sucked big time :)

Nice to see you still have good enough weather that you can ride a buggy. I'm ankel deep in snow here. Can't wait to get out for some good Kite snow boarding. Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to crank out some surfing with my new kite :)


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  • 1 month later...

Dang, Tomorrow I need to go hunt that bolt. ewww. Going to a hardware store is not my favorite thing. I'm female, I rarely go in hardware stores. But I do think a good Kitemaking class at a hardware store sounds like a dream kitemaking class for me.

Imagine having Grand Master Sam Houston actually take us to where you buy the connections, tubes, etc. The right tape. That would be awesome. Wonder if Sam would take us on a tour of a hardware store using his kitemakers eyes. Would anyone beside me benefit? :)

So someone should conduct a kitemaking class at a hardware store!

Tomorrow for me ...go find that bolt. (and me green shamrocks for me kite tails) Have a great weekend!



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  • 1 month later...

Hey All,

I am new to this forum and to kiting being I live almost on the beach I was looking to get into a buggy and do my learning that way, I skydive every week and I have a good idea how a canopy flys. I can use all the info you all wish to through at me!

Thanks looking forward to your reply ;)

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Welcome Classair.

I have a friend who skydives.. I believe he went to get something from the Walmart store Sat. and 3 hours later his wife found him falling from the sky. ;)

This gentlemen had trouble flying a Rev, because of his preconceived ideas, but then once it clicked. look out. The nice thing is, we not only get to flair (sp) to slow down, but we can brake and reverse. Usually not used so much in powerbuggying though.

Which state are you in? I've got to practice at the beach, and may be able to get some buggyiing in before my next event.

Welcome to kites and buggying. I think your going to like it here. :D



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Be careful not to put the cart before the horse,by getting a buggy & then try to learn how to do it.

Rather....become comfortable flying before getting in the buggy.

Start off underpowered & progress from there.

Many a newbie gets SPANKED by the wind because they had too much kite for that day.

Remember.....the size kite you fly must suit both the wind speed & your skill level.

Over doing it too early can be painful.Worse yet....could lead to an innocent beach goer getting hurt.This has become a major concern with avid buggiers.Seems whenever there is an incident a ban follows.So rather than losing precious potential buggy spots......we urge ALL(not just newbies)to kite buggy responsibly.

I try to suggest for everyone who wants to get into the sport to seek out experienced kiters for advise & possibly even a hands on trial.This is also a great way to decide what kite is right for you.....when your ready to buy gear.Going to kite festivals is one way....although it usually involves some travelling,depending where you live.

I suggest an intermediate skill level kite.That way you won't out grow it too soon.Also...they fly better than a beginner or trainer kite.

Kiting & skydiving arent that close.....we're more akin to paragliding.As a rule most of the best traction kites are manufactured by paragliding companies.Do not call it a canopy.lol

A "wing" is acceptable though.

So.......smooze a festival....try some gear.....practice,practice.....then buggy.

Sounds so simple.hahahaha

Let us know how you progress.


Good Winds


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Good Morning. The only kite store I've been to is The Kite Loft in Treasure Island. Well, worth a trip! I'm not familiar with Florida ~ yet. But there's some great festivals we read about. Who can steer this man tot he right spot? Maybe contact a kite store and ask them.

Buggy on~ ;)



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