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When I 1st started looking at kites the color choices were mind boggling. How do you choose? None are ugly. Not even a black and orange combo to my surprise.  Not even kites with polka dorts  err dots. Pretty soon I didn't care.Just get the best deal for the kite and color quickly became secondary. Colorizers sure are fun though. Picked neon green for my PDSUL figuring that would pop well in a blue sky. It does. The prairie around here is pretty much golden 9 months of the year and neon green looks good on the ground too. Noticed right off with the semi translucent neon I could see the kite better.Got the Hydra and noticed I could see the lines and flow of the kite a little better than the others. Figured that's just me getting better and the kites are different then the others. Hydra comes white with the choice of blue, red or green stripe across the center. Mines blue. Then I got the White Widow. It's not the difference in the kites or improved skills accounting for  better perception. It's white!! Monday I flew the Mind Trick for the 1st time and had the same sense. It's predominately white. Yesterday morning winds were 30 mph early morning and dropped in a steady fashion throughout the day. Was not up to the 25+ of Mondays fly. Waited till winds were between 15 and 20. Went up on the Mind Trick for about a hour. Figured out I hadn't been tensioning the sail right. Those nocks are sure different. Really like them a lot. Winds went below 15  and flew the Hydra for about 1 1/2 hour .Winds dropped lower and got the Zephyr. Hadn't flown the Zephyr for a bit and wow. The inferno red was startling. Again. It's beautiful. For the 1st time ever I thought the orca color would be better. Orca color mostly white. My perception of the kites flow was not as good as the others because of the color. Not drastic at all but slightly noticeable. Wind forecast for today was a little off. Got the MT right and flew for about a hour. Was massively impressed with the 2 previous flights. Can you believe it's even better when put together properly :w00t:. Winds got lower and flew the Widow Maker. Winds got even lower and wanted to get the PDSUL to see what I would think after flying 2 white kites. Had so much fun bouncing the Widow around in 0 to 2 waiting for a gust to fly that I got tired before getting it out. The shine and glitter of white in the light is stunning. Did not choose white. Just the way these 3 kites have come to me. I am so OK with white that if I had to go back in time and start over every kite would be white, mostly white or a very light color scheme. Think it helps the learning curve for me. Next kite I hope is black or midnight blue cause I want to see what that'll do too. Hmm if the deals right though don't think I'll care :blue-music:.

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I hate to burst your bubble, but here goes. You must see a solid black icarex quad backlit by the sun in late afternoon. At first you won't believe what you're seeing. Then there's purple and red at sunset, or yellow and orange in the morning. I love/want them all. Then there's white against a deep blue sky. I give up. Help!

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