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Bridle adjustments

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I have this delta sports kite with a static bridle. Trialing and error the adjustments. So when its at the factory setting the overturning is really bad. Is there a way to keep it from overturning the way its does

It will spin like a whole circle before it straiten out



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First, check your lines to make sure they are equal. There are three things that will make it oversteer.

1. How far back the bridle is adjusted. -- To decrease oversteer move the adjustment towards the nose of the kite in measured increments, being sure to keep them equal on both sides. Check bridle legs for symmetry.

2.The length of the lines used to fly. -- The shorter your lines are the quicker your kite reacts to inputs and the less time you have to react to what the kite does. Lengthen the lines to decrease oversteer.

3.Your level of experience with the kite. -- Self-explanatory. Get out there and fly more. Plus, each kite and how it is adjusted will be different. It will take a couple minutes or more for your brain and muscle memory to adjust to the kite when you switch to a different one, or when you begin flying after you set up. Time on the lines seems to be the cure for most problems.



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Move the tow points toward the nose about 1/4" and try it. This should make a marked difference. The triangle will still be there,  but its upper legs will be shorter. If it still oversteers more than you feel it should, move them another 1/4". Repeat if necessary.

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On 5/29/2018 at 2:06 PM, LookuPLars said:

Days well spent i tell ya

I'm guessing that you've taken a look. So much information to assimilate and so much of it that seems contradictory and/or confusing. Keep in mind that every change in every aspect of the bridle changes the effect all other parts of that same bridle will have on performance. That is why you shouldn't make more than one change at a time. Isolating the effect each change will make by itself leads to a better understanding of how all the changes will work together. You can make a change and the next change you make may enhance or nullify the effect of the first one. This problem is compounded with each additional change.

If you think of it as moving two or three dots on a straight line and how each move changes the distances among them as you move each towards or away from either end, it may help make some sense of the different bridle types. Don't get too deep into it until you have more experience with what you have now and how each adjustment you can make changes how the kite flies.

Less complicated than rocket science -- more complicated than tying your shoelaces.

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