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About Cyphert

  • Birthday 09/08/1980

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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    kymera, flexi foil, my stack of 50 microns and my big deltas,
  • Flying Since
  • Location
    everett wa
  • Country
    United States
  • Interests
    photography, kites, film, audio recording, scooters, 1033
  • Gender

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  1. They don't come out until May! I hate waiting. There are some sweet looking new prism kites coming and super reasonable price too.
  2. Probably not a better starter kite out there for the price. A lot of people make the mistake of getting a smaller cheaper stint kite and get something that's to fast to fully enjoy. Quantum is a large full size kite. That flys great. Make sure to post pictures or it never happened.
  3. Some one wake up John. Let's get this party started I need another hq in my closet.
  4. It's the 15th did I win did I win?
  5. I can always use a new dually and I love the grew fade.
  6. That's going to be slick!
  7. What are some of the indoor kite you have seen Wayne. I'm out of the loop. Haven't ever had a place to fly indoors.
  8. What's in the pm Wayne? Secrets?
  9. i need to put some stoppers on my stack of avengers. see you next weekend.
  10. whats the address on that avenger?
  11. Nice. It's fun, fast, loud and flys super straight.
  12. Oh good questions. First one I don't know. About an indoor kite. Indoor kites do better indoor. 0 wind kites usually are super low wind and will also work indoor. Indoors are really meant for indoors. A gust out of no where could damage an indoor kite. Not to say we haven't all flown our indoor kites out side. Indoor quad really you best option is a rev. If you can find a synergy deca they are the nicest quad I have seen but are no longer made and harder to fly. Indoor rev is usually what people get as it's the only one made at the moment I believe. A stunt kite can be used of any kite that can be maneuvered really. Quad or dual line, indoor and out. And sport kite and stunt kite I have both heard for different reasons. Rev is often used to describe any quad line kite like chap stick it's a brand but used wrong a lot. It's usually just dual or quad but fighter kites are in there as well and probably take the highest skill.
  13. so when i fly my silver fox UL 2.3 on the blue beads i cant pop an axle. but on the red beads i can. on this kite its either a 3 point bridle or a turbo bridle depending on what color bead you pick but it doesnt say which is which. it would be nice to know which one i like better and maybe why. but why is less important.
  14. Gotcha. I have heard of both and wasn't sure which ones were the same. I look at his diagrams and they look the same
  15. Ohh man there are now way to many bridles! Non of the ones on Andy's site were a turbo or reverse turbo bridle. So there seems to be about 10 basic common bridles and they are all a matter of feel to the person and to the kite. So that said I should try all ten on each kite I own to know what I like.
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