Category Archives: From the Editor

Issue 59: From the Editor

You know, I had this great long intro all mapped out in my head regarding [...]

Issue 58: From the Editor

Many years ago, when I was hanging out in kite focused IRC groups and participating [...]

Issue 57: From the Editor

Many of you have heard the idea that if you could get six million monkeys [...]

Issue 56: From the Editor

Fall greetings to all our readers, and welcome to another issue of Kitelife! We came [...]

Issue 55: From the Editor

Well folks, we’re more than half way through our kiting season and it’s time for [...]

Issue 54: From the Editor

Howdy folks, thanks for coming back to browse our 54th issue of Kitelife! We got [...]

Issue 53: From the Editor

Welcome to yet another issue of Kitelife, published just as we’re getting into the full [...]

Issue 52: From the Editor

Wow, it’s only February and already so much has happened in the kite community… I’m [...]

Issue 51: From the Editor

Greetings and welcome to issue fifty-one of Kitelife, and our last of 2006. As we [...]

Issue 50: From the Editor

Well folks, here we are… Our 50th issue, and nearly seven years of work behind [...]

Issue 49: From the Editor

We’ve officially hit the busiest part of our season here at Kitelife with events of [...]

Issue 48: From the Editor

Greetings, welcome to issue 48! First off, I’d like to comment on the incredible increase [...]

Issue 47: From the Editor

The 2006 kiting season is off to a running start with summer fast approaching, and [...]

Issue 46: From the Editor

Out of the winter doldrums and into full swing of the 2006 kite season… Having [...]

Issue 45: From the Editor

Happy Holidays and welcome to yet another issue of Kitelife – what a long, strange [...]

Issue 44: From the Editor

Welcome to our latest issue, it’s been a crazy past few weeks with so much [...]

Issue 43: From the Editor

Wow, what a full season it’s been! Kitelife has been represented at nearly a dozen [...]

Issue 42: From the Editor

Howdy folks, welcome to what we hope is anotherhowlin’ issue of Kitelife Magazine… The kite season [...]

Issue 41: From the Editor

Welcome to the 41st issue of Kitelife Magazine, almost exactly seven years after our first [...]

Issue 40: From the Editor

It’s been a lonely winter holed up here in Oregon without any kite festivals to [...]

Issue 39: From the Editor

Coming ‘atcha! Welcome back for our latest issue of Kitelife… We keep trying to raise [...]